Kedgers, with the earth under his broad finger nails, and his half apologetic laugh, being the centre of his own world, was as large as Mount Dunstan, who stood thwarted in the centre of his.
The thwarted female longing for romance--the desire for drama and a hero had been fed by him.
Each man or woman cared for some one thing, and the unfed longing for it left the life of the creature a thwarted passion.
Ever jealous of the glory acquired by the Barcan family, they perpetually thwarted every measure proposed from that quarter, and were equally ready to sacrifice the honour and real interest of their country to that selfish view.
He was courteous, careful of his speech, and mindful of the young man's devotion to Kate, whose guardian for the time being he was, but he neither encouraged nor thwarted his suit.
That Temple--good friend as he had always been--had thwarted him in every attempt to bring about a reconciliation between himself and Harry, had been apparent from the very beginning of the difficulty.
Some of these monkeys I saw performing their antics in the National Assembly then sitting at Versailles; and it saddened me to see the nobler element in that assemblage thwarted by such featherbrained creatures.
On this double-headed committee I deliberately thwarted his purpose throughout the entire session, delaying action and preventing any report upon his bill.
Wesley, mourning the man who had been his stanch friend, was guiltily conscious of his thwarted ambition.
He was seeing her clearly now and without cloud of passion--in all her innocence, her sadness, set sacredly apart from other women by the long devotion of her thwarted youth.
As it was the design was thwarted by the King through the intervention (I think he said) of Lord Loughborough.
Stephenson is a friend and servant of the Duke's, and in his ill-humour he tried to revenge himself upon the Duke as well as on Stephenson, and he thwarted the Duke in his military arrangements.
Again he was thwarted by San Martin, who requested to be landed at Ancon, considerably to the north of Callao, and as unsuitable a halting-place as was the southerly town of Pisco.
The Emperor honestly tried to be generous; but he could not rid himself of the Portuguese faction, generally dominant in Brazil, and his worthy intentions were thwarted in every possible way.
Thus, the stupidity and obstinacy of General St. Clair, in supposing that he could make young folks love to order, thwarted the happiness of four people and precipitated a war.
Boarding their raft they thrust it toward the middle of the stream, perhaps with the idea of gaining the opposite shore, but, if such is their intent, it is thwarted by the rapidity of the current.
For this very reason he should be thwarted by a Morynski, even if he could not be thwarted by his mother.
Did they not rather resemble the sullen resignation of him who isthwarted by a resistless adversary?
He knew the British had determined on the extermination of the Kentucky settlements, because these settlements thwarted the British plan of preserving the west as a red man's wilderness.
Though thwarted on the St. Joseph and among the Shawnees, it was plain that a strict espionage would have to be maintained over the proceedings at the Prophet's Town, and especially over the Prophet himself.
The youth said the will of God is being thwarted by a band of oppressors.
Never at any moment can the will of God bethwarted and the good attained.
I want him ruined socially, utterly and beyond recovery--he has thwarted me in a matter very dear to me.
To Coleridge, who was slightly the younger of the two, attaches the further pathetic interest of high genius largely thwarted by circumstances and weakness of will.
The very purpose of the existence of a Christian Church is counterworked and thwarted by dumb Christians.
Henry found that all his attempts to establish order in his kingdom were thwarted by exemptions claimed by the archbishop on behalf of the clergy.
Thus, "the patriotic zeal of the men of London was thwarted by the base secession of the northern traitors.
His purpose is thwarted by his arrest for treason upon the Queen's order.
Corrigan brings soldiers to the house of Anne Chute at the moment of Hardress' marriage with her, but is thwarted in his revenge when Myles produces Eily Cregan, Hardress' lawful wife.
The pacific tenor of his agitations had thwarted the government.
This purchase thwarted the plans of Lorenzo, who wished to secure the same advantages for Florence.
Thus far thwarted at every turn, Lorenzo was not the man to give up a struggle once entered upon, and he was determined to turn, if possible, the rising tide of the Dominican’s popularity.
Then, too, those who felt themselves thwarted in their license or licentiousness by the changed state of public morality.
They cannot have their measures thwarted and decrees opposed by a mandate, open or secret, from Rome.
How," he inquired, turning to her with all the indignant wrath of the thwarted worker, "is a man to work if he lives in a constant social whirl?
It was then that, thwarted and debarred from the outlet a man prefers, he sought his other outlet, and laid all these distressful matters in prayer at the feet of heaven.
The indignation of the thwarted ancestor was heavy upon him.
He perceived that here was a man intent upon something--he could not understand exactly what--thwarted always by other people, thwartedand jeered at and even physically maltreated.
He was glad that death should have brought to his father the contentment of his country's honour, that in the grace of reconciliation he should be healed of his thwarted life.
The civil power had thwarted him; famine, discontent, and disaffection were rife among his soldiers; and no small portion of the Canadian militia had dispersed from sheer starvation.
Wolfe would have crossed the Montmorenci by its upper ford, and attacked the French army on its left and rear; but the plan was thwarted by the nature of the ground and the vigilance of his adversaries.