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Example sentences for "throve"

Lexicographically close words:
throughe; throughlie; throughly; throughout; throught; throw; throwback; throwe; throwed; throwen
  1. They ate and throve for her as well as themselves!

  2. Pelle and the children throve here, and that determined her relations to the place; but she did not strike root on her own account.

  3. The Koller family was not sentimental; it throve capitally in the sinister light that fell upon the farm from so many frightened minds, and felt it as power.

  4. He pined in bad air; he drooped under monotony and discomfort; he throve on variety, amusement, travel, every kind of novelty and excitement.

  5. Mr. Budd's chivalry was proof against all his bride's caprices, and his devotion throve on her cruelty.

  6. Those rogues say, this endeared him so much to the Churchmen that he soon throve amain, and got a good estate.

  7. A large inflow of new settlers began with the new year, and though the Indian hostilities still continued, the Cumberland country throve apace, and by the end 1783 the old stations had been rebuilt and many new ones founded.

  8. Their horses, cattle, and hogs throve and multiplied.

  9. I know another sufferer from the same misfortune whose heart was early opened by genial confidence, and who throve accordingly.

  10. Three or four of the children throve well on the basin of bread and milk, which was the breakfast of them all: but there was one little girl who never could digest milk well; and the suffering of that child was evident enough.

  11. And in so doing her spirit rose in hot rebellion against being a prisoner to deadening drudgery, against being shut away from all the teeming life that throve and trafficked beyond the solitude in which she sat immured.

  12. She throve on work; and with increasing salary, her fund grew.

  13. They throve upon the fur trade with the Indians, and in general did not care to become farmers.

  14. In a small log chapel by the side of the Indian graveyard, this new mission of the older faith throve apace.

  15. The walrus throve along the shores of Virginia and the musk ox grazed in Iowa and Kentucky.

  16. Corals throve luxuriantly, and their remains, with those of mollusks and other lime-secreting animals, built up great beds of limestone.

  17. Dense forests of tree ferns throve in moist regions, and canebrakes of horsetails of modern type, but with stems reaching four inches in thickness, bordered the lagoons and marshes.

  18. Somehow, he clambered into daylight again, and found himself clinging to the roots of a tree which throve on the tangled husks of its ancestors.

  19. Curiosity, perhaps, led the savages to plant the trees and seeds; the apples alone, finding a congenial soil, throve marvelously.

  20. Romulus and Remus throve under this man's kind care, and grew up strong and fearless.

  21. This time of bliss has justly borne the title of Golden Age, and the people in Italy then throve under the wise rule of good old Saturn, or Cronus.

  22. Meanwhile the population grew and throve under colonial protection.

  23. The tradesman and the farmer went on in his chosen calling and the towns throve and prospered, still looking with unwavering trust to a day of redemption.

  24. There were still dissensions and jars, but the Colony throve and grew in industry and strength.

  25. It was the discordant croaking of frogs, eight feet in length, which lived and throve in this swamp.

  26. There were fungi which throve monstrously.

  27. Our town itself was small, With just the common shops, And throve in its small way.

  28. All caterpillars throve beneath my rule, With snails and slugs in corners out of sight; I never marred the curious sudden stool That perfects in a night.

  29. How throve your journeying, when thou thoughtest suddenly Far o'er the salt-streams to seek an encounter, A battle at Heorot?

  30. I heard sure it throve then [96] {Few warriors dared to face the monster.

  31. But since religious persecution always defeats its purpose, Buddhism throve with oppression and holds fully its own against the two other great religions of the present day, al-Islam and Christianity.

  32. They married and the pretty comedy of affection turned into tragedy: as chances very often in the case of a weaker and a stronger partner in the matrimonial game, the latter throve and prospered at the expense of the former.

  33. Literary culture in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries was a continuation of and throve on the efforts of the great authors hospitably entertained at the Courts of Mojopahit and Kediri.

  34. In one place a little stream trickled forth at the bottom of a ravine, but even here no grass grew--only little clusters of a coarse weed with flaring white flowers that looked as if it throve on poisoned soil.

  35. Physically Eleanor throve exceedingly during this phase of her existence.

  36. She throve exceedingly, and gained the freedom and poise of movement and spontaneity that result from properly balanced periods of work and play and healthful exercise.

  37. It is true that Norfolk and Baltimore grew into consequence during the eighteenth century; but the one throve mainly on the trade of landlocked North Carolina, and the other on that of Pennsylvania.

  38. In Georgia the slave proportion grew more rapidly than this because it was much smaller at the outset; in North Carolina, on the other hand, the rise was less marked because cotton never throve there so greatly.

  39. Intellect and heart throve under her genial influence as frost-hindered buds under May sunshine.

  40. They throve upon a juicy diet of grubs and caterpillars, and the garden throve in getting rid of these; so that by May it was such an Eden as even the Poet's fancy had never dreamed of.

  41. There were ninety-nine other boys who all throve on the food: but Kit pined.

  42. Many new devices for their extinction were tried each year, but still they lived and throve in spite of all the efforts of their foes.

  43. They throve well upon milk, and then upon milk and clover.

  44. In the fall he came and moved a few of the plants to a tamarack swamp in his own vicinity, where they throve and bloomed finely for a few years, and then for some unknown reason failed.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "throve" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.