Greek name of Deity consists of three letters, I, A, O, 632-l.
Hindu name of Deity consists of three letters, A, U, M, 632-l.
The name of Deity, in many Nations, consisted of three letters: among the Greeks, Ι.
I shall this Day entertain my Readers with two or three Letters I have received from my Correspondents: The first discovers to me a Species of Females which have hitherto escaped my Notice, and is as follows.
He was last Week producing two or three Letters which he writ in his Youth to a Coquet Lady.
He belonged to the tribe of Levi, which is not only the third of the tribes, but has a name consisting of three letters.
This puzzle entailed the finding of an English word of three letters, each letter being found on a different dial.
I soon found a word that was English, made of three letters--one letter being on each of the three dials.
No English word begins with Y and has the two other letters consonants, and all the words of three letters ending in Y (with two consonants) either begin with an S or have H, L, or R as their second letter.
Twenty-one letters immediately suggest seven columns of three letters each or three columns of seven letters each.
There are twenty-four groups of three letters each in this message and we will try them against THE, ARE and YOU, assuming that the Vigenere cipher is used.
In this he criticises Howe severely, as well as in his Three Letters to Lt.
A map was annexed to Israel Mauduit's criticism on Howe's conduct of this campaign, Three letters to Lt.
He contributed fifty-three letters to the Alta during that five months and six to the Tribune.
The fifty-three letters to the Alta and the half-dozen to the New York Tribune had carried his celebrity into every corner of the States and Territories.
Sometimes the load is so hot and so great that one writes as many as three letters before he gets down to a mailable one; a very angry one, a less angry one, and an argumentative one with hot embers in it here and there.
Not one line, my dearest life, not one word, in answer tothree letters I have written!
M825) One event, very characteristic of the times, is the subject of three letters.
Pinches published the text ofthree letters of this period in Recueil des Travaux.
All I know is contained in three letters from Moïse—so far unanswered.
Three letters three rivers proclaim; Three lettersan ode give to fame; Three letters an attribute name; Three letters a compliment claim.
What composer's name can you give in three letters?
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "three letters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.