Example sentences for "though nothing had happened"
Nidderdale got up and shook hands with her,-- of course as though nothing had happened.
He turned to his work again, and made as though nothing had happened.
One of them made straight for Anker with outstretched arms, knocked off his hat, and went on with his arm in the air as though nothing had happened.
So they put the new tariff aside and went to work as though nothing had happened.
However, they said nothing to each other and tried to go on as though nothing had happened.
And so he was quite ready to shake hands with Christophe as though nothing had happened.
He thought it must be the end of their friendship and that Otto would never forgive him; but after sulking for a few hours Otto came back as though nothing had happened.
He slept so little that every one wondered at him; if he accidentally dozed for half an hour in the daytime, he would lie awake all night, and, after a sleepless night, would feel cheerful and vigorous as though nothing had happened.
When a little later Kovrin went into the garden, Yegor Semyonitch and Tanya were walking side by side along an avenue as though nothing had happened, and both were eating rye bread with salt on it, as both were hungry.
I have a great favor to ask of you, Alexey Fyodorovitch,†she began, addressing Alyosha with an apparently calm and even voice, as though nothing had happened.
It must be noted that he really had meant to go home, and really had felt the impossibility of going to dine with the Father Superior as though nothing had happened, after his disgraceful behavior in the elder’s cell.
Here he is, going to the dinner as though nothing had happened,†he thought.
Ashe went smiling out of the dining-room, caressing a fine white spaniel, as though nothing had happened.
Kitty jumped up, waltzed round the room, the white silk skirts of her dressing-gown floating far and wide, then thrust her feet into her slippers, and began to dress as though nothing had happened.
In a few minutes, though the heightened color remained, he was chatting and laughing as though nothing had happened.
And there you sit, as though nothing had happened!
And when the brother and sister arrived, he had received them as though nothing had happened.
Then to-night visit Mrs. LeMar as though nothing had happened.
Two days passed and she was able to guard the secret, as well as to act as though nothing had happened.
I'm glad I've found you," began Constance to Stella, as though nothing had happened.
He clung on to the lapels of his coat and blinked up at the window as though nothing had happened.
Then they shook hands and he left her, coldly, prosaically, as though nothing had happened.
To-morrow they would play just as though nothing had happened.
Meanwhile Giovanni felt that Rome had become for him a vast solitude, and the smile soon faded from his face at the thought that he must go out into the world, and for Corona's sake act as though nothing had happened.
That is a long time," remarked the old Prince, resuming his seat and beginning to peel an orange, as though nothing had happened.
The two men left her, and a few minutes later she descended the steps of the palace and entered her carriage, as though nothing had happened.
Giovanni calmly installed himself upon it, and began to talk as though nothing had happened.
The best way to do this was to go to work as though nothing had happened.
They’re all there, you know, and all the grooms and coachmen and everything, just as though nothing had happened.
Not that she ever forgave her father for what he did and said during those twenty-four hours--that is, in the sense of forgiving entirely and thinking of him as though nothing had happened.
The men have no mourning coats--and I thought it would be odd if the carriage were seen driving about as though nothing had happened.
He had attached no more importance than this to what he had done, and had gone to his painting as though nothing had happened.
Walking alone one morning while Griggs was at work, Gloria had met Donna Tullia Meyer, whom she had known in society, and thoughtlessly enough had bowed as though nothing had happened.
It would be a simple matter to catch the Scotchman at his door, to get what she wanted from him with an easily given promise of secrecy, and then to come downstairs as though nothing had happened.
I will take your advice, mother," he said, continuing the former conversation, as though nothing had happened.
Once only, when he was walking alone she passed him in a carriage, and she acknowledged his bow quietly and naturally, as though nothing had happened.
Save for the fact that my mother talked less than usual, supper passed as though nothing had happened.
He went back to his desk, and began writing again as though nothing had happened.
To-morrow, too, she would have to meet the squire, and appear to act and talk as though nothing had happened in this terrible night.
Few people in such a situation could have acted consistently as though nothing had happened.
The daylight waked the squire from his slumbers, however, and before the sun was up he came out of the dressing-room, looking almost as fresh as though nothing had happened to him in the night.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "though nothing had happened" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.