I think of them, but it takes too much time to do them, so I wait for a chance to confer a great favor, and let the small ones slip, but they tell best in the end, I fancy.
I hate to be patronized, and the Chesters think it's a great favor to allow us to help with their highly connected fair.
Miss Marsch, I haf a great favor to ask of you," began the Professor, after a moist promenade of half a block.
Just by commanding me you are doing me a great favor.
Tirant knelt and said: "My lord, if Your Majesty would be pleased to give the office of High Constable to Diafebus, I would consider it a great favor.
Her Majesty would do me a great favor if she would just grant me a visit.
I would consider it a great favor if you gave me the bauble you're wearing between your breasts.
Please tell the Doctor I should take it as a great favor if he would write me a few lines.
CANBY: You will confer a great favor on me by writing me whether you were really the author of a letter to Major Isaac Roney, of Dinwiddie Court House, Va.
You will therefore do me a great favor, if you will be so good as to forward them to me at this place St. Catharines, C.
This they consider a great favor to the old 'grandmother.
Galusha was as grateful as if he had been granted a great favor.
But, Miss Phipps, it would be doing me such a GREAT favor.
When Esdras had received this epistle, he was very joyful, and began to worship God, and confessed that he had been the cause of the king's great favor to him, and that for the same reason he gave all the thanks to God.
I think of them, but it takes too much time to do them; so I wait for a chance to confer a great favor, and let the small ones slip; but they tell best in the end, I fancy.
It is a great favor; but as I could not ask it if I had lost the game, give me, I pray, so much of advantage for my good luck.
May I ask it, as a great favor, that you will let our interview be for to-morrow morning?
Could n't you tell him that there's a gentleman here very much pressed to push on, and would take it as a great favor if he'd divide the team?
Frank," I said, when he had finished, "will you please to do me a great favor?
Emily," said I, sitting down instead of assisting her, "I have come to ask a great favor of you.
He asked, this morning, as a great favor to himself, that I would, in such cases, call the family together and read prayers.
With a burning face, she told Blair she had a great favorto ask of her; and when Blair wonderingly assented, she took from her pocket a roll of money—what seemed to Blair an almost vast amount.
You would do me a great favor, my dear sir, if you would accompany me to Berkow.
How she looked at me with her, wonderful eyes, half pitying, half contemptuous, as if she meant to say: I do you a great favor if I leave you alone with your bashfulness!
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "great favor" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.