He thought again of the previous morning, and his first reaction when told he would be riding an elephant for the next two days.
He thought again of Kamala, of the times he had secretly admired her erotic bearing, the times she had sat patiently explaining how best to draw the long sensuous notes from his new sitar, the times he had held her in his arms.
And he thought again of their last evening, when she had danced with the power of a god.
Then he thought again of the misery of the suffering wife, and he believed that, foreign as it was to his whole habit of life, he could do this, even this, to save her.
He thought again of the sight bills, now locked in the Great Cabin of the Defiance and payable in one week.
He thought again of her almond eyes, which he sometimes caught glancing at him during the Mass .
He thought again of the years of profits that lay just ahead, if only English control could be circumvented.
I thought again; and at that moment a line of men came in among us, and formed a slight hedge of lance-points which darted rapidly out between the gunners whenever one was threatened.
We traveled on and on in silence and in darkness, and I thought again of the strange remark of my former guide who had said: "You are destined to go deeper into the unknown; yes, into and beyond the Beyond.
I thought again of my New York home, and the recollection of upper earth, and those broken family ties brought to my heart a flood of bitter emotions.
He thought againas he had thought before that he preferred the black-faced miners drunk and silent to their pale talking wives.
He thought again of his own youth and of the evenings in the Wisconsin village when, himself a youth, he went with other young men singing and marching in the moonlight.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thought again" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.