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Example sentences for "theis"

Lexicographically close words:
theire; theirn; theirs; theirsels; theirselves; theise; theism; theist; theistic; theistical
  1. Taynted and torne in honour must I perish, And must theis silver curles, ô you unthanckfull, Theis emblemes of my frostie cares and travells For you and for the State, fall with disgraces?

  2. We shall heare shortly More of theis monsters.

  3. Tis this that feeds his Insolence, theis are they That, when they should have paid their prairs for him As for a guilty man, adoarnd his house In the dispight of us and of our Justice.

  4. You are proper men both; But why before me that have studdied the true trick on't Theis twenty yeeres, and run through all the theorems?

  5. Methinkes I am not man but something of A more exalted essence: humane nature Hath not capacity to understand And owne theis spatious blessings.

  6. Theis wordes would goe well to a tune; pray letts heare you sing.

  7. Are theis the holly praires ye prepare for me-- The comforts to a parting soule?

  8. Why, dost thou thinke theis will make a Souldier?

  9. Now by theis heavens above our wretched heades Ye are but cowards every one of you!

  10. Doe they use no modestie Upon my life, some of theis new Arminians, Theis hissing tosts!

  11. Theis men saye that they passe nothing what the ceremonies be / what the ministers / for that the vertue of the Sacramẽt is not the wors for thẽ.

  12. It is saied that they did not theis thinges / and therfor are they taken for true and veray worshippers of Godd.

  13. He addith forthwithe wordes which do make for the contempt of thos thinges / for which theis men do thincke that in religion silence maye be kept and dissimulacion vsed / sainge.

  14. The eyes be shutt vpp in theis persequutions of the earthe / but heauẽ is open.

  15. Theis truly are wayes of denyinge / which they do not fully vnderstonde which are almost persuaded / that Religiõ is but a playe / and as it were a slipper fitte for euery foote.

  16. Besides this eiche man dothe fele him selfe bounde betwene / and giltie of the breaking of theis two comaundementes.

  17. And theis my letters shalbe vnto yow a sufficient warrauntt & acquyttaunce For the payment off the Forsaide Fyve powndes.

  18. Out, ye mopede monckies, can yee not knowe a man from a Marmasett, in theis Frenchified dayes of ours?

  19. Beshrew my heart my Lord, if you goe theis three houres.

  20. Now all heavens quire of Angels sing Amen, And blesse theis true borne nuptials with their blisse; And Neece tho you have cosind me in this, Ile uncle you yet in an other thing, And quite deceive your expectation.

  21. I but how should theis beauties know that Sir Gyles?

  22. I can never hit of theis same English City howses, tho I were borne here: if I were in any City in Fraunce, I could find any house there at midnight.

  23. Hah, saies he, theis faire eyes, I wood not for a million they were in France, they wood renew all our civill-wars againe.

  24. Theis two strange hungry Knights (Will) make the leanest trenchers that ever I waited on.

  25. Now in good truth I wood theis bookes were burnd That rapp men from their friends before their time, How does my uncles friend, no other name I need give him, to whom I give my selfe.

  26. But bearing theis things as wee might, wee beganne to consult of the place of our sitting downe: ffor Salem where wee landed, pleased us not.

  27. This day for the avoydinge of charges it is ordered by this Courte that no publique Anothomy shalbe holden in the Comon hall of this mistery for the space of theis three yeares now next ensuinge.

  28. Company, for the tyme being, in such manner and forme as hereafter in theis presents is expressed.

  29. But bearing theis things as we might, wee beganne to consult of the place of our sitting downe: for Salem, where wee landed, pleased us not.

  30. Theis by their too large comendacions of the country .

  31. Brounists in religion and ill affected to our state at home, and that theis vile reports have wonne creditt with some who formerly wished us well.

  32. In witnes whereof, the partyes abovesaid to theis present Indentures have interchangeablie set to their handes and seales the daye and yere above written.

  33. When theis thinges shalbe called in question, the witnesses shalbe produced.

  34. The Committee of Defence retired beyond the Theis to Debreczin, in the heart of the Majjar country, and appealed to the patriotism of the Hungarians.

  35. From the line of the Theis the imperial army has been forced across the Danube, on which they were unable to maintain their positions.

  36. Softlie my fingers up theis curtaine heaue, 100 And make me happie, stealing by degreese.

  37. Complants and praises euery one can write, And passion out their pangu's in statlie rimes; But of loues pleasures none did euer write, That have succeeded in theis latter times.

  38. And theis be the men, that becum in the end, both most happie for themselues, and alwaise best estemed abrode in the world.

  39. And by theis authorities and reasons am I moued to thinke, this waie of double translating, either onelie or chieflie, to be fittest, for the spedy and perfit atteyning of any tong.

  40. Most commendable also, & that by y^e iudgement of all authors, which intreate of theis exercises.

  41. Who can better judge of theis whole proceedings than you?

  42. C] yet: Come Leontius Let's now up to theis Conquerors: they are our owne.

  43. Ther is greate difference betwene theis oysters and others which lie ypon other shores, for this oyster, that in London and els wher carieth the name of Walflete is a little full oyster with a verie greene finn.

  44. And like vnto theis in quantetie and qualitie are none in this lande, thowgh farr bigger, and for some mens diettes better.

  45. The number of theis persons, as gentlemen of my lorde's chapell, xi.

  46. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "theis" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.