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Example sentences for "earthe"

Lexicographically close words:
eart; earted; earth; earthborn; earthbound; earthed; earthen; earthenware; earthern; earthiness
  1. Secondely, he mingleth earthe and his spattle toguether, and smereth the eyes, eares, and nosethrilles of the childe.

  2. The laboringe clouds Insteade of vapours have exhald from earthe A blessing for me, and about this tyme (By the full revolution of my starres) Should rayne it down uppon me.

  3. Healthe and all blessings[87] wherewith heaven and earthe May comforte man, wayte on your excellence!

  4. Theise hayres are oth complexion of the skye, Not like the earthe blacke browne and sullyed.

  5. I have longe Like to a reelinge pynetree shooke the earthe That I was rooted in, but nowe must fall And be no longer the fatts tennys ball.

  6. Nor he nor any creature on the earthe Hath power in me beyond the rule of wisdome.

  7. Gardiners for herbes, rootes, and for all earthe frutes.

  8. Makers of basketts to cary earthe to fortes and rampiers.

  9. The eyes be shutt vpp in theis persequutions of the earthe / but heauẽ is open.

  10. What widgeing,[94] that hath any voyce at all, Would trust his safety to a rotten planke That hath on earthe sounde footinge!

  11. Fownd th'one i'th sadle dead, the t'other sprallinge Upon the earthe alyve, still cryinge out That hee had doun the murder.

  12. Will you sell that The earthe affourds you gratis, and sett pryse Of what a foe would yeeld an enemy?

  13. That which the earthe Dothe forebidd none, and freely yelds to all, A little fayre springe water.

  14. Oh maye this peece of earthe proove happy to mee As hath the sea bin fatall.

  15. Som justyce I would showe them heare on earthe Before they finde it multiplyed in heaven.

  16. Ye Earthe was made for ye Panugaga, & ye souls of our warriors help us against our Ennemy.

  17. When you see that ye Earthe is our Mother, then you will see that all things on itt are goode.

  18. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "earthe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    earthen dish; earthen vessel; earthen vessels