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Example sentences for "the father"

  • The father, who was quite proud of his children, brought out his finest pony, and put the saddle bags on the pony's back.

  • The father, returning, asked the boy with which arrow he had killed the bird.

  • Now, I know why you came here, and that one of you came to earn his feathers by killing an enemy, before he would marry; the girl he is to marry is my granddaughter, as I am the father of the great Medicine Man.

  • The father of the family was, as I have before mentioned, a great hunter.

  • At last they turned to go back to the village, the father mournful, the mother wailing.

  • The father of Antelope was foremost among those who ran to meet the war-party.

  • Ho," was the assent uttered by the father, with a deep sigh.

  • He must now appear much graver, he said to himself, because he is the father of a new man!

  • White Lodge, the father of his people, was determined to share with them the last mouthful of food, and every morning Winona and Magaskawee went with scanty portions in their hands to those whose supply had entirely failed.

  • Wezee, the father of Antelope, was receiving congratulations throughout the afternoon.

  • But Jesus himself commending his spirit into the hands of the Father, ascended to the Good One.

  • The worship of the Father, the male power, in opposition to that of the Mother, or the female power, constituted the religion of Moses.

  • The High Book of the Graal beginneth in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.

  • Here beginneth another branch of the Graal in the name of the Father, and in the name of the Son, and in the name of the Holy Ghost.

  • Now beginneth here the second branch of the Holy Graal the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

  • Here beginneth another branch of the Graal in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.

  • The son had become taller than the father.

  • O God, create in me another Jesse, like that one of old, to rule over men and to be the father of sons who shall be rulers!

  • The father talked of his life and advised the daughter to avoid being led into another such muddle.

  • Sometimes he sat in a chair before the New Willard House with Tom Hard, the father.

  • He looked hard at the child and began to address her, paying no more attention to the father.

  • Lycurgus allowed a man who was advanced in years and had a young wife to recommend some virtuous and approved young man, that she might have a child by him, who might inherit the good qualities of the father, and be a son to himself.

  • O, the Father, how he holds his countenance!

  • It is often so indeed; but much of the father's substance!

  • Every minute now Should be the father of some stratagem.

  • But this is not so: the King is not bound to answer the particular endings of his soldiers, the father of his son, nor the master of his servant; for they purpose not their death when they purpose their services.

  • The hand which bestowed the daily sustenance might resume the voluntary gift, and whatever was acquired by the labor or fortune of the son was immediately lost in the property of the father.

  • His second marriage with Malasontha, the granddaughter of Theodoric endeared Germanus to the Goths themselves; and they marched with reluctance against the father of a royal infant the last offspring of the line of Amali.

  • Footnote 57: Two Italians of the name of Cassiodorus, the father (Var.

  • Modern Prussia, a state in which the individual and his wishes and aspirations have been entirely absorbed by the interests of the community as a whole this Prussia dates back to the father of Frederick the Great.

  • The son's love for French manners, literature, philosophy and music was rejected by the father as a manifestation of sissy-ness.

  • It was a household book of many families where Latin was understood by the father and by the children.

  • As the father of Midian, Sheba and other Arabian tribes (xxv.

  • As the father of Isaac and Ishmael, he is ultimately the common ancestor of the Israelites and their nomadic fierce neighbours, men roving unrestrainedly like the wild ass, troubled by and troubling every one (xvi.

  • Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, belonged (Luke i.

  • The name of the father of Ginx's Baby was Ginx.

  • If the father consented, can you call it abduction?

  • The father appeared to be indifferent, or to have given a sort of general acquiescence.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "the father" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    the children; the cry; the executive; the expiration; the fruit; the ground; the heaven; the president; the sons; the union; the waters; then both; then called; then inquired; then lift; then quickly; then take out the; then were; then would; theological literature; there any; these conditions; these countries; these occasions; these regions; these times