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Example sentences for "the children"

  • It seemed queer to the children to see their mother, who was always busy about the house, sitting writing in her rapid fashion, thinking, referring to books, and writing again.

  • If the fire were rather low he bullied about that; he grumbled about his dinner; if the children made a chatter he shouted at them in a way that made their mother's blood boil, and made them hate him.

  • Women were coming home from the wakes, the children hugging a white lamb with green legs, or a wooden horse.

  • His wife was casting him off, half regretfully, but relentlessly; casting him off and turning now for love and life to the children.

  • The children waited in restraint during his preparations.

  • Esdr 1:19 So the children of Israel which were present held the passover at that time, and the feast of sweet bread seven days.

  • Mac 3:15 So he made him ready to go up, and there went with him a mighty host of the ungodly to help him, and to be avenged of the children of Israel.

  • Esdr 2:17 Fear not, thou mother of the children: for I have chosen thee, saith the Lord.

  • A style of living almost equal to Maple Grove--and as to the children, except the little Sucklings and little Bragges, there are not such elegant sweet children anywhere.

  • We are very proud of the children, are not we, papa?

  • It seemed, in fact, not so much to be made by the children, as to grow up under their hands, while they were playing and prattling about it.

  • The children, likewise, kept busily at work in the garden, and still the mother listened, whenever she could catch a word.

  • You needn't say anything about that to the children.

  • If you took her in and gave her a warm place by the fire, she sang old songs to the children in a cracked voice, like this.

  • The children, in their bright hoods and comforters, never walked, but always ran from the moment they left their door, beating their mittens against their sides.

  • If he was at home, the children had to go to bed early, or they came over to my house to play.

  • The children went to him like bees to a honeypot, and establishing themselves on each knee, proceeded to captivate him by rifling his pockets, pulling his beard, and investigating his watch, with juvenile audacity.

  • Meg rather approved of the new arrangement at first, and found it a relief to know that John was having a good time instead of dozing in the parlor, or tramping about the house and waking the children.

  • As one of the children is older than yourself, you needn't talk so like a grandma.

  • And within half an hour he was standing guard in the flower garden, making grimaces at the children in the street.

  • The musician across the street stopped his fiddling, glanced at me, smiled knowingly at the children; and they paused in their dance to stare.

  • Smiling benignly at the children, he began to fiddle once more.

  • We had our supper, Nick and I, at twilight, in the children's dining room.

  • You must remember me the best way you can to the children.

  • The children quarrel; Jockie hits Jimsie in the eye, and the mothers make haste to mingle in the dissension.

  • Chapter 13 During this time that Jurgis was looking for work occurred the death of little Kristoforas, one of the children of Teta Elzbieta.

  • The children, who were at school, and learning fast, would teach him a few; and a friend loaned him a little book that had some in it, and Ona would read them to him.

  • The children woke up and found out that something was wrong, and they wailed and would not be comforted.

  • The children to the See ben lad, Wher in the wise as Yno bad 4330 These men be redy forto do.

  • It is free from burden, this merry little river, and neither weir nor mill bars its quick way to the sea as it completes the eternal circle, lavishing gifts of coolness and refreshment on the children of the meadows.

  • His soul is 'bound up in the bundle of life' with all other souls, he sees his father, his mother, his brethren in the children of the road.

  • At this Thing all the people accepted the condition of submitting to Harald, and gave him, as hostages, the children of the most considerable persons; for Earl Toste was well acquainted with all the people of that town.

  • I venture to give some little stories of this type, which I hope may be of use in the schools where country life and country work is an unknown experience to the children.

  • Have faith in the story, and in the attitude of the children toward it and you.

  • She became inspired as she sometimes did in the presence of the children in school.

  • All of the children in the schoolroom felt the effect of her happiness.

  • Once she talked to the children of Charles Lamb and made up strange, intimate little stories concerning the life of the dead writer.

  • On another occasion the teacher talked to the children of Benvenuto Cellini.

  • As the strides of the animals brought them nearer to the Emerald City every one bowed respectfully to the children, as well as to the Tin Woodman, Tik-tok, and the shaggy man, who were following behind.

  • The merry old gentleman had a basket of small toys with him, and he tossed the toys one by one to the children as he passed by.

  • The children loved a bright fire, and to-night War Eagle's lodge was light as day.

  • It was early when we gathered in War Eagle's lodge, the children and I, but the story-telling began at once.

  • There was no one at home but the Sun, for the Moon has work to do at night just as the children, the Stars, do, so he thought he could slip the leggings from under the sleeper's head and get away.

  • Whenever his people were camped by this lake the old folks waked the children at daybreak to see the inhabitants of this strange island; and always when a noise was made, or the sun came up, the little people hid away.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "the children" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    the country; the fish; the morrow; the plain; the south; the tenth; the voice; the wilderness; thee only; then down; then drew; then enter; then only; then place; then plane; then remove; then said; then says; then season; then strain the liquor; theological literature; there may; these lines; these parts; these should; truly believe