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Example sentences for "the sons"

  • The intelligence of the mysterious fate of the late emperor was soon carried from the frontiers of Persia to Rome; and the senate, as well as the provinces, congratulated the accession of the sons of Carus.

  • It became the honorable appellation of the sons of Severus, was bestowed on young Diadumenianus, and at length prostituted to the infamy of the high priest of Emesa.

  • The sons of Carus never saw each other after their father's death.

  • The sons of Niger had fallen into his hands among the children of the provincial governors, detained at Rome as pledges for the loyalty of their parents.

  • Ten years later, at the instigation of Adrastus, the war was renewed by the sons of the chiefs who had fallen.

  • One of the sons of Sir Morris Abbot was, indeed, named George, and he was a man of mark, but the more famous George Abbot was of a different family altogether.

  • It was their own kin, the sons of earlier invaders, who stayed the landward march of the Northmen in the time of Charlemagne.

  • Brynhild says, "The sons of Haki, and Hagbard withal; they brought to pass many a deed of fame in the warfare.

  • All Nations they shall teach; for from that day Not onely to the Sons of Abrahams Loines Salvation shall be Preacht, but to the Sons Of Abrahams Faith wherever through the world; So in his seed all Nations shall be blest.

  • Then he said with gentleness: "Orberosia, come into my house; it is that of the bravest and most ingenious of the sons of the Penguins.

  • He awaited the eternal triumph of the Sons of Light and congratulated himself on being a Child of the Day confounding the Children of Night.

  • The sons of the ancient families did not practise the arts or engage in business.

  • In his school he taught fencing and riding to the sons of old families, illustrious by their birth, but now as destitute of wealth as of privilege.

  • To these questions the chief of the Elders answered: "O Mael, father of the sons of Alca, I will speak for all.

  • The heart of the sons of men is full of evil.

  • Of the number not admitted, were the greater part of the Ghibellines, and some of those of the Bianchi faction, among whom were Dante Alighieri, the sons of Veri de' Cerchi and of Giano della Bella.

  • Of the sons of Maso degli Albizzi, Luca, from envy of Rinaldo, has thrown himself into their hands.

  • Nor were these the only forces of the league, for the lord of Faenza, the sons of Pandolfo Malatesti da Rimino and Pietro Giampagolo Orsini also joined them.

  • In the house of Guicciardini, of the sons of Luigi, Piero is the enemy of Giovanni and in favor of our adversaries.

  • The sons of Eli transgressed only in that they sometimes kept the women waiting who came to the sanctuary to bring the purification offerings, and so they retarded their return to their families.

  • Her prayer incidentally brought relief to the Sons of Korah.

  • This Jotham, the youngest of the sons of Gideon, was more than a teller of parables.

  • Twelve noble sons he slew, the sons of Troy,-- and of nine dogs he casts two on the pyre, in order to leave for himself seven.

  • And now 'tis borne, Emblem of justice, by the sons of Greece, Who guard the sacred ministry of law Before the face of Jove.

  • Father Jove, from o'er the sons of Greece, Remove this cloudy darkness.

  • The time shall come when all the sons of Greece Shall mourn Achilles' loss.

  • O Father Jove, from o'er the sons of Greece, Remove this cloudy darkness; clear the sky That we may see our fate.

  • The sons of the widow may grow up to manhood, whilst two or three able-bodied members of the other family may be cut off by an epidemic.

  • The sons of the clergy who did not succeed in finding regular sacerdotal employment were in a still worse position.

  • The sons, on the contrary, confined themselves to their handicrafts, and were always during the working season members of an artel.

  • Illegitimate and adopted sons, if they have contributed their share of labour, have the same rights as the sons born in lawful wedlock.

  • The sons of York, thy betters in their birth, Shall be their father's bail; and bane to those That for my surety will refuse the boys!

  • The son of Clarence have I pent up close; His daughter meanly have I match'd in marriage; The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom, And Anne my wife hath bid this world good night.

  • When the child of morning, rosy-fingered Dawn, appeared, the sons of Autolycus went out with their hounds hunting, and Ulysses went too.

  • The sons of all the chief men among you are pestering my mother to marry them against her will.

  • Blest and thrice blest were those Danaans who fell before Troy in the cause of the sons of Atreus.

  • The sons of Autolycus busied themselves with the carcass of the boar, and bound Ulysses' wound; then, after saying a spell to stop the bleeding, they went home as fast as they could.

  • The sons of Atreus called a meeting which was not as it should be, for it was sunset and the Achaeans were heavy with wine.

  • Anjou had passed to the sons of Geoffrey's sister; it had not fallen back to the French king.

  • He would naturally seek the English crown for himself or for one of his sons; the sons of Harold he would rather make earls than kings.

  • The sons of Carl had fought by his side at York; but, notwithstanding this comradeship, the first act of Waltheof's rule in Northumberland was to send men to slay them beyond the bounds of his earldom.

  • They naturally looked first to the sons of the mission for translators as they had already done for preachers.

  • I hope, dear father, you may be enabled to surrender me up to the Lord for the most arduous, honourable, and important work that ever any of the sons of men were called to engage in.

  • The sons of Irishmen," he says, "and the daughters of their chieftains, want to become monks and virgins of Christ.

  • At the time when those Eastern and Southern nations flourished, the sons of Japhet had not yet taken a place in history.

  • In fact, European history begins with that of Greece; and the struggle between Hellas and Persia is at once the brilliant introduction of the sons of Japhet on the stage of the world--the Trojan War being more than half fabulous.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "the sons" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    coaxial cable and microwave radio relay; the firmament; the persons; the place; the river; the side; the stranger; the whole; then applied; then expanded; then fill; then gave; then once; then pack; then rode; then said; then slowly; then take; then was; thence will; there seems; these books; these countries; these occasions; these works; thet thar