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Example sentences for "the waters"

  • It was coldly and thanklessly, and with vacant, unsatisfied eyes that I watched the slow coming and the gliding away of the waters.

  • Thou didst divide the sea, through thy power: thou brakest the heads of the dragons in the waters.

  • O, do this, and fear not the result, for either shall thy end be a majestic and an enviable one, or God shall perpetuate thy reign upon the waters, thou old Queen!

  • Footnote 44: In Persia, the prince of the waters is an officer of state.

  • All the broad continent and sunny isles washed by the waters of the Southern Ocean!

  • Near Caxamarca, a tunnel is still visible, which they excavated in the mountains, to give an outlet to the waters of a lake, when these rose to a height in the rainy season that threatened the country with inundation.

  • I may just as well see that pretty girl on the waters of Loch Katrine, as those ugly ghosts on Loch Malcolm in the coal pit.

  • A chapel, dedicated to St. Giles, overlooked it from the top of a huge rock, whose foot was laved by the waters of the subterranean sea.

  • She had been rowed on the waters of Lake Malcolm; but the oar, handled ever so lightly by Harry, always betrayed effort on the part of the oarsman.

  • In the little port of Granton lay two or three fishing boats; they rocked gently on the waters of the Firth.

  • Occasionally the effect of the moonlight on the waters was as though the boat sailed across a glittering silver field.

  • The waters of Welcome Bay in the Sunda Straits, Pepper Bay on the east, and the Indian Ocean on the south, had rushed in and formed a sea of turbulent waves.

  • The sunshine entered through an aperture in the roof, and shone on the waters of the impluvium, the mosaic floor, the altar of the household gods and the flowers around the fountain.

  • The waters recoiled, and sent forth a tempest of spray; they foamed and dashed around and over the melted rock, they boiled with the heat, and the roar of the conflicting agencies grew fiercer and louder.

  • The lava, rolling up to the base of the mountains, has followed the sinuosities of their margin, as the waters of a lake follow its promontories and bays.

  • Great numbers of his infatuated followers perished in the waters, and many fell under the swords of the Bulgarians.

  • When thrown together in great multitudes, they excited whirlwinds in the air and tempests in the waters, and took delight in destroying the beauty of nature and the monuments of the industry of man.

  • Mango; it is about one hundred yards wide, and enters the Leeambye from the west; the waters of the Loeti are of a light color, and those of the Leeba of a dark mossy hue.

  • Some portion of the waters of inundation comes from the northwest, where great floodings also occur, but more comes from the north and northeast, descending the bed of the Leeambye itself.

  • She became confused with the goddess herself, and his loved unfolded itself all the more, like the great lotus-plants blooming upon the depths of the waters.

  • Suddenly all became black before them, and the speed of the waters redoubled.

  • The princess laughed at her husband for his Russian ways, but she was more lively and good-humored than she had been all the while she had been at the waters.

  • He did say: 'Maybe I'll go to the waters, or maybe I'll come down to you.

  • And the doctor began scientifically explaining to the princess, as an exceptionally intelligent woman, the condition of the young princess, and concluded by insisting on the drinking of the waters, which were certainly harmless.

  • Elephants were bathing in the waters of the sacred river, and groups of Indians, despite the advanced season and chilly air, were performing solemnly their pious ablutions.

  • At this moment, also, a long black funnel, crowned with wreaths of smoke, appeared on the edge of the waters.

  • Amidst the general disorder, Roderic started from his car, and mounted Orelia, the fleetest of his horses; but he escaped from a soldier's death to perish more ignobly in the waters of the Btis or Guadalquivir.

  • THE waters rush'd, the waters rose, A fisherman sat by, While on his line in calm repose He cast his patient eye.

  • The most tenable theory yet advanced is that the bedrock is an alkaline deposit, left by the waters in a gradually widening and deepening margin.

  • Still the rain continued, the waters rose, and the giants, having no other refuge, were drowned.

  • Then you took with your friends a journey to the waters of Forges; they stopped on the road, but you continued yours.

  • We went to take Monsieur Athos to the waters of Forges, where my friends still remain.

  • Then your duchess is still at the waters?

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "the waters" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    health resort; rather obtuse; the book; the day; the garden; the other; the place; the slaughter; the thoughts; the whole; the wilderness; theatre party; thee would; then added; then bottle; then from; then heated; then like; then nodded; then replied; then upon; there appeared; there could; these occasions; these words; your mother