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Example sentences for "mingle"

Lexicographically close words:
miners; mines; minesweepers; minesweeping; minever; mingled; mingles; mingleth; mingling; minglings
  1. Never descend from your high and holy calling to the low pursuits of grovelling sectarism; never forsake the great message of love and salvation you are destined to proclaim, to mingle in the petty wrangles of party.

  2. Calvinists present, who with the rest, seemed to mingle with their critical aspect considerable true religious feeling.

  3. Babylon: “Render to her as she also hath rendered to you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her.

  4. Meanwhile he himself gives his view of the tale, which he assumes to be true, and, as so often elsewhere when he has to do with the devil, proceeds to mingle mockery of the coarsest sort with bitter earnest.

  5. As a matter of fact, gentler tones often mingle with the harsher notes, while the unpleasant traits just described alter at times and tend to assume a more favourable aspect.

  6. If we look at it in the light of God's presence, we cannot possibly imagine that an advantage is gained when the people of God mingle themselves with the children of this world; or when the truth of God is corrupted by human admixture.

  7. It is a bitter and a painful thing for the child of God to mingle himself with the children of this world.

  8. Instead of the dreaded sword of Esau, Jacob meets his embrace and kiss; instead of strife and conflict, they mingle their tears.

  9. If a man will mingle with the world for the purpose of self-aggrandizement, he must make up his mind to endure the sad consequences.

  10. Sow the ground white with salt, as in the case of asparagus, and then mingle these fertilizers thoroughly with the soil, by forking or plowing it at once, leaving the surface as rough as possible, so that the frost can penetrate deeply.

  11. I read and re-read, till afraid I should get it by rote, and mingle it with common ideas; profane the sacred pledge.

  12. I see mingle in the transports of the evening the frantic little Bartow.

  13. Hope, fear, and prayer, mingle in curious discord on board this seemingly forlorn ship on an angry sea.

  14. Shrieks and moans, for a moment, mingle their painful discord with the murmuring wind, and all is buried in the roar of the elements.

  15. If history did but record the barbarous scenes yet enacted on the banks of this lovely stream, the contrast with its calm surface sweeping gently onward to mingle its waters with the great deep, would be strange indeed.

  16. I must go upon the world, mingle with strange life, make experience my guardian.

  17. My husband is away on the plantation, and I cannot brave the coarse slang of a slave mart; I cannot mingle with those who there congregate.

  18. Long and affectionately did they mingle their tears and kisses.

  19. Occasionally more fashionable equipages mingle in the oft-interrupted procession.

  20. Those who have come in vehicles alight and mingle with the pedestrians; strains of distant dance-music are wafted across the intervening space and are answered by the joyous shouts of the new arrivals.

  21. After the grave employment of half an hour, however, the mind would fain have its share of activity; and, though somewhat impeded by the gross aliments of the body, found means to issue forth and mingle with the banquet.

  22. You have yet to mingle with the world; at least, so I have heard people, who know the world, say that it is necessary for a young man to do before he dreams of marriage.

  23. Mingle this approval with scoffing at the travelers who hail the appearance of a bird or a flying-fish as a great event, who dilate upon fishing, and make transcripts from the log.

  24. Other shades mingle with these, all coming and going as light and position vary.

  25. He shall not mingle the stock of his kindred with the common people of this nation: for I am the Lord who sanctify him.

  26. In the cup wherein she hath mingled, mingle ye double unto her.

  27. Like the herald hope of a fairer clime, The brightest link in the chain of time, The youngest and loveliest child of day, I mingle and soften each glowing ray; Weaving together a tissue bright Of the beams of day and the gems of night.

  28. The words were scarcely spoken, but came like long sighs, to mingle and die away with the night wind moaning outside the window.

  29. The sun was sinking fast, and the odor of the forest growths was beginning to mingle with the tang of the sea.

  30. Thus did the German contrive to mingle statesmanship with folly, and the rigid regularities of a life not to be envied by a horse in a mill, with the feeble frivolities of a child in the nursery.

  31. Sit down by the fireside, your stockings mend, And never mingle spirits with your tea.

  32. The earth and heaven do so mingle here, there is no separating them," said Mildred.

  33. Such was the step accordingly taken;[405] so that the survivors from this fatal battle-field were enabled to mingle with the remaining citizens without dishonor or degradation.

  34. A few Armenians, Chinese, and Parsees, the latter with the curious semi-conical hat peculiar to that sect, mingle in the heterogeneous crowd of a great Indian metropolis.

  35. Whirlpools and a storm-lashed sea mingle in this reach, for the shoal-water is hurled about among the rocks.

  36. In fit proximity, and so near as to mingle its beauty with that of the Imambara, is the Rûmî Darwaza, or Turkish gate.

  37. After the men have worked at the mines a while, they leave there and mingle with their countrymen in the Chinatowns of any large Eastern or Western city.

  38. Here they ate and slept and indulged in long talks, none of them caring to mingle with the rough characters of the colony, with the exception of Tom's friend, whose name was Lucas Tryon.

  39. When we come together to converse, it should be to learn from each other what good we can and ought to do, and so mingle the brightness of one with the dimness of the other.

  40. These words throw some light, by way of illustration at least, upon woman's place in China as respects freedom to mingle with the outside world.

  41. Seasons flower and fade; Golden calm and storm Mingle day by day.

  42. Folk-lore and legend mingle with the myths.

  43. And, nevertheless, these notions are read in the works of scholastics, who inappropriately mingle philosophy or civil doctrine concerning ethics with the Gospel.

  44. He rose, but his thoughts were filled with the deluge and invasion, nor was he able to disengage his attention, or mingle with vacancy and ease in any amusement.

  45. His rival was more favorably treated: his services were forgiven; and Tarik was permitted to mingle with the crowd of slaves.

  46. But Yezid preferred the councils of mercy; and the mourning family was honorably dismissed to mingle their tears with their kindred at Medina.

  47. The following verses (17-22) expand the preceding, and mingle in a very remarkable way plain predictions of persecution to the death and encouragements to front the worst.

  48. An impure alloy of selfish itching for pre-eminence and distinction does not seldom mingle with the fine gold of religious enthusiasm and desire to serve and be near our Lord.

  49. There is nothing more striking in Old Testament than the way in which its heroes and saints mingle in all ordinary duties.

  50. Parliament, when you become a city Councillor, when you mingle with other men in commerce, when you meet other students in the walks of intellect, do you take your Christianity there, or do you leave it behind?

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mingle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    alloy; amalgamate; associate; attend; blend; coalesce; combine; commingle; compose; compound; concoct; conglomerate; emulsify; fuse; hash; integrate; interlace; interlard; intermingle; intermix; intertwine; interweave; jumble; knead; merge; mingle; mix; scramble; shuffle; socialize; stir; unite; work