Let us look at the narrative somewhat closely, and may God help us to see in it Christ as the refuge of the lost, and the thankfulness to Him which must possess the soul whom He has saved.
It suggests thankfulness for such health as we have.
I wish I were a dog," said Carmichael, with much solemnity, and afterwards was filled with thankfulness that the baggage behind gave way at that moment, and that an exasperated porter was able to express his mind freely.
When a companion in misfortune spoke of the greater leniency of Pitscowrie, Jean expressed her thankfulness that she was of Drumtochty.
A vague sense of rest and thankfulness pervaded the Glen, as if one had come home from a long journey in safety, bringing his possessions with him.
The sacrament of Baptism inspires us with thankfulnesstowards Nature, the sacrament of bread and wine with thankfulness towards man.
Therefore good works must follow faith, as an expression of thankfulness to God.
It was a bit of heaven that came down to me in the purple twilight of that May evening, and I lifted my face to the opal skies above me with a prayer of thankfulness for the love that was mine once more.
The unutterable thankfulness that filled my soul was matched in intensity only by the horror that fills it even now when I think of a white woman in Indian slave-bonds.
And then with prayers of thankfulnessfor our deliverance, we went to sleep.
Three people did, however: Cuthbert with a bounding heart, Mabel with thankfulness that the house was really in exhibition order, and Jean with blank amazement.
He was full of thankfulnessthat he had been allowed to go on this journey.
We have just breakfasted on board our Mackinaw, and so far on our way have had cause for thankfulness that God so overruled events, even though some attendant circumstances were unpleasant.
When all were safely out, and it was known that no one was seriously injured, exclamations of joy and thankfulness were uttered.
The import of all the notices is such as to make my heart swell with thankfulness to Him, who takes note both of suffering, and work, and motives.
But my surprise at receiving a favour which I had not deserved was so great, that I knew not which way to begin to testify my thankfulness for it.
Schemseddin, not knowing how to express his thankfulness to the sultan for this favour, thought it his duty to fall down before him a second time, and the floods of tears he shed gave sufficient testimony of his gratitude.
Out ofthankfulness to God for his mercies, I gave great alms for the entertainment of several mosques, and for the subsistence of the poor, and employed myself wholly in enjoying my kindred and friends, making good cheer with them.
Now heaven has opened to me, and so jubilant is my heart that I can feel it throbbing as I write, and with a thankfulness unspeakable I worship at my hero's feet.
My soul is on its knees in thankfulness all the time.
With a feeling of devout thankfulness in my heart for my escape, I remained where I was, clinging to the ladder long after the sea had passed and disappeared through the scuppers.
It would have been difficult to estimate the thankfulness I felt on reaching the open air once more.
Under cover of the darkness sleep soon came to me; my last waking thoughts being divided between thankfulness for my escape and a steady purpose to reach Meudon before the Vicomte, so that I might make good my tale in his absence.
They surveyed him with a dumb and sort of canine thankfulness when he moved among them.
Captain Candage's first thankfulness had shown a radiant gloss.
A spirit of greater thankfulness is often engendered by suffering itself; it is one of the "sweet uses of adversity," and mitigates it immensely.
As for me, though the toilsome earning of my daily bread were to be my lot again to-morrow, I should rejoice with unspeakable thankfulness that we had not to answer for what I consider so grievous a sin against humanity.
In silence, she following, we crossed the two mile space, and I drew a deep breath of thankfulness when we at last stepped beneath the black trees of my "island.
The reason of her plainly boundless thankfulness that Armour had run away from the School of Art did not come to the surface until I was just going.
She was even unaware of the disposition he had made of his ironical fortune, a reflection which brought her thankfulness that there was something she did not know.
Her letters accompanying the special copies were almost immediately replied to, generally in terms of enthusiastic and fervent thankfulness for the book, and before midsummer her mail contained letters from all classes of English society.
But when the effect of the book began to be evident it met with an opposition fiercer and more personal than the great wave of affectionate thankfulness which greeted it at first.
On the morning of the 16th I struck the tents, which had stood for six months less eleven days, and turned my back on the Depot in grateful thankfulness for our release from a spot where my feelings and patience had been so severely tried.
It is impossible for me to record all this without a feeling of more than thankfulness to the Almighty Power that guided us.
One thought--that there was now no barrier between him and his sweet and beautiful Nell, unless indeed, she herself had created one, filled him with a joy and thankfulness beyond the power of words to express.
Kenneth listened with intense, sorrowful interest to her description of that last scene, and seemed to feel no surprise when she told of the joy and thankfulness with which she had parted from her heart's best treasure.
A prayer streamed up from his heart and lips; this was evident as he cast his eyes full of inward thankfulness toward heaven, and lifted his clasped hands to God.
The parents go forward with bowed heads, and wipe the tears of wonder and thankfulness from their eyes, so often as they look upon their blind benefactress.
As he spoke a deep sense of responsibility fell on him and then he felt a warm glow of thankfulness that the boy trusted him and was confiding in him.
He felt an intense relief and thankfulness that Rosanne was not in danger and he wanted to get her safely out of Paris.
It was several days ago that he had found the note in the cake at the seed shopman's supper, and he had known only thankfulness since.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thankfulness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.