Rake not into the bowels of unwelcome truth, to save a halfpenny.
Philip flushed and his frank eyes betrayed that this, though not entirely new news, was not unwelcome to hear.
She meant to shut out the unwelcome guests of fear and doubt from her heart, let love alone have sway.
Ever since she had been awake Ruth, had been haunted by that unwelcomebit of memory illumination which had come the night before.
In peaceful times and in an ordinary state of affairs, it may be admitted that the tax-gatherer is an unwelcome visitant.
Robin now secured Friar Tuck to celebrate Allan's marriage and laid clever plans to rescue Ellen from an unwelcome bridegroom.
Not satisfied at being placed under the care of Duke Namus of Bavaria, Angelica escapes from his guardianship, only to be pursued by the unwelcome attentions of Rinaldo and Ferrau.
I rose in a sitting posture, and sent a swift arrow to each of my unwelcome visitors.
Soon after this, one morning at dawn, we were aroused by the sound of the unwelcome warwhoop.
She felt herself bound to obey her father in this small matter; but the idea of this mystery and secrecy was very unwelcome to her.
The image of Madelon Frehlter rose before his mental vision, reproachful, menacing; but a thick fog intervened to obscure that unwelcome image.
A very brief account of the virtues of this good archbishop may not be unwelcome to my readers.
How glad I was always to fall asleep; no other way could I get rid of myself and my troubles; they looked in upon me with my first waking in the unwelcome light of the morning, but I had oblivion in my sleep.
Your sweet docile children would have been out of my way, and unwelcome substitutes for the harder labors on which I had set my heart.
It was the froth of college life that gave him a not unwelcome excuse to form caustic generalisations upon a privileged class.
When Lena left that place to go to Bishop Wycliffe's, she doubtless had an honest desire to escape from the unwelcome attentions she had told him of.
A little ashamed, it might be, to have his feeling suspected, Mr. Lindsay instantly granted the request, and politely invited his unwelcome guest to be seated.
She was unaccustomed to concealments; and in ways that she could neither foresee nor prevent, the unwelcome truth would come up, and the sore was not healed.
However unwelcome Leo had found this assumption of the grave duties of mature womanhood, she met the responsibility unflinchingly, and gathered very firmly the reins transferred to her fair hands for guidance.
An extended professional career has hitherto furnished me no parallel for the peculiarly painful exigencies of this occasion; and an awful responsibility scourges me with scorpion lash to a most unwelcome task.
Sooner or later we all learn the wisdom of the unwelcome admonition: "Fortune sells what we believe she gives.
The unwelcome visitors continuing to come, we were rushed to our battery of three guns in an orchard near by; a curtain of sandbags was placed in front to prevent the flash being seen.
They felt somewhat easier when one of their number, detailed to watch the movements of their unwelcome visitor, returned and reported that he had gone back up the river.
They drew lots to decide who should be left behind in charge of the raft, and, much to his disgust, the unwelcome task fell to Glen.
It was well on toward four o'clock before Ernest appeared with his unwelcome guest.
And with this unsatisfactory note, not worn next to my heart, not covered with kisses, but thrust crumpled into my desk like a creditor's unwelcome bill, I flung myself on my horse and rode to Derval Court.
Laughingly my companion pulled me from under the chilly and unwelcome covering.
Every moment I expected my unwelcome visitors would seize me, and in their insane glee practise upon me some savage torture.
And soon after this, let us hope, John Story, with his tobacco and his rude tongue, saw fit to take his leave, and remove his unwelcome presence.
So saying, the unwelcome guest opened the outer door and walked away into the raging storm and darkness,--a less bitter storm it seemed to him now than that created by the violent woman within doors.
Why did he suddenly put his fingers in his ears as if to shut out an unwelcome sound, resuming his work thereafter with double speed?
This unwelcome intelligence reached Edward at the very moment he was sallying from his palace gates to his pleasant pastime.
The sudden return of his co-trustee was extremely unwelcome at this juncture-- indeed so manifestly unwelcome that Mr Armstrong was convinced he had come back not a day too soon.
I thought, on the night of your wedding, that she felt my presence as unwelcome to her.
But, it gradually changed into one more pleasant, yet not entirely free from the unwelcome intrusion of the past.
We have been watching you in order to avoid any unwelcomeinquiries by the police.
Even while he was coming to this somewhat unwelcome decision, the telephone bell rang.
You are an unwelcome guest," Wingate replied coldly, "but sit if you will.
Neither Josephine nor Wingate spoke a word until the door was finally closed after the unwelcome caller and they heard his heavy tread retreating down the hall.