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Example sentences for "textbook"

Lexicographically close words:
tevil; tew; tewin; text; texta; textbooks; texte; textile; textiles; texts
  1. The textbook of legal medicine, pathology and toxicology by Gonzalez, Vance, Halpern and Umberger does not give a scheme like I have shown to you today, but describes similar criteria.

  2. It was, if not a textbook in either of our universities, concerning which I am not confident, the basis of the system therein taught, and of the books which have had most influence in this country.

  3. It was quickly translated into several languages, and became the textbook of protestantism on the subject.

  4. A handbook for teachers and a textbook for normal school and college students.

  5. A textbook written by an expert craftsman and experienced teacher.

  6. A textbook on the science and art of wood-turning.

  7. It is a clear, practical and suggestive book on wood-turning, and a valuable textbook for students' use.

  8. A students' textbook consisting of 80 plates classified into groups according to principle and arranged according to difficulty of solution.

  9. No textbook can do away with the value of proper classroom work.

  10. A textbook for artists and amateurs, Governments and teachers and printers.

  11. Stamper's= Textbook on the Teaching of Arithmetic 1.

  12. The textbook on Military Geology,[61] prepared in coöperation by a dozen or more geologists for use in the courses of the Student Army Training Corps, is an admirable text on several phases of applied geology.

  13. There is no textbook of applied geology which covers certain phases of the work in a more effective and modern way.

  14. Another advantage in the restriction of data is the opportunity thus afforded for spending more time in the study of original reports rather than of the short textbook summaries.

  15. He didn't study it, but before his trip to Mexico he would sit down with the textbook and look at it.

  16. I have a Spanish textbook of the Spanish language and I had intended to study even while I was still in Russia, but I never did.

  17. But he had a book, a textbook on typing which he would review when he was at home.

  18. Percy's Reliques of ancient English poetry, in 1765 opened a storehouse of the fine old English ballads, which speedily became popular through the patronage of Scott, who made them his textbook for a variety of subjects.

  19. Celsus, who lived in the reign of Tiberius, was the author of a work on medicine which is used as a textbook even in the present advanced state of medical science.

  20. In quitting this branch of our subject it might be remarked that considerable changes must be made in our textbook descriptions of nervous diseases in the light of the contributions to the neurology of the present war.

  21. Frequent reviews of the rules and definitions are essential to the attainment of a thorough knowledge of any textbook and the most rapid advancement in it.

  22. I didn't know that attention had been called to it in Thurber's textbook until Levis told me.

  23. I saw this article alluded to humorously long ago in Thurber's textbook and I looked it up.

  24. Anyway, a biology teacher conducting the right sort of a course, will see that the textbook is only an incidental, if used at all.

  25. The laboratory method has been such an emancipation from the textbook slavery that there is some tendency to elevate it to an end in itself, whereas it must serve only as a very valuable means to an end.

  26. The first stage is characterized by the textbook method, occasionally supplemented by illustrative experiment, performed by the teacher.

  27. Read these and glance over the section in the textbook to refresh the memory.

  28. A Textbook for the Engineering Laboratory and a Collection of the Results of Experiment.

  29. Experience with his classes has proved to him the reasonableness of the modern demand that a textbook shall be definite and stimulating.

  30. North's translation of Plutarch's Lives, published when Shakespeare was fifteen years old, became his textbook of ancient history and furnished him the raw material for plays like Julius Caesar and Antony and Cleopatra.

  31. It is capable of two main uses: either by way of lively illustration at the close of a lesson, or by way of inference-drawing, before the textbook is read, at the beginning of the lesson.

  32. Although I had heard about Christian Science before, I had never heard that the reading of the Christian Science textbook had ever effected the healing of anybody.

  33. The study of our textbook was the sole means of my healing.

  34. A friend of mine was taking treatment for physical troubles, and was reading the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures.

  35. The daily study of the Bible and our textbook is bringing more and more into our consciousness the power of God unto salvation.

  36. I had never known of a case of healing, had never read the textbook or heard of the Journal or Sentinel, but I would sometimes see people going into the Christian Science church.

  37. Neither myself nor my daughter have ever received treatments, but the study of the Bible and Science and Health, the Christian Science textbook by Mrs. Eddy, has healed us and keeps us well.

  38. Before I had finished reading the textbook she was well, but never having heard that the reading of Science and Health healed any one, it was several months before I gave God the glory.

  39. Regarded as a textbook of geology, the present work offers some departures from existing examples.

  40. In my school days I studied "Caesar" from a textbook which is not much in use nowadays and which had very copious notes, prominent among which was a description, with drawings, of a bridge made by the Roman Legions in Gaul.

  41. Reading of this many years ago, I have often been puzzled as to why the presence of the hole should have this steadying effect, the explanation given in the old scientific textbook from which I learnt it being obviously very unsatisfactory.

  42. It may also be used as an elementary textbook for colleges, and especially in short-course classes.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "textbook" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    book; manual; standard; text; textbook