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Example sentences for "symbolized"

Lexicographically close words:
symbolist; symbolistic; symbolists; symbolization; symbolize; symbolizes; symbolizing; symbology; symbols; symle
  1. Humanity is symbolized by the pilgrim who needs comforting.

  2. All are called onward by the trumpet of the Spirit of Adventure, to found new families and new nations, symbolized by the vision of heraldic shields.

  3. The abundance of the Seasons is symbolized in the fruit-bearing figures that form the pilasters of the cornices of the arches, and by the fat ears of corn depending from the Ionic capitals of the columns.

  4. His craft was in things which symbolized some form of this lunar worship, and which people bought to put in their houses.

  5. And it was what this broken vase symbolized that explains, or does something to explain, the unmeasured recognition of the action.

  6. This system of infidelity is well symbolized by a noisome, grevious ulcer, which is loathsome to the sight, offensive to the smell, corrupting to the body, and productive of awful pain.

  7. John appeared symbolized after the sanctuary of the temple.

  8. They have ever since been the chief supporters and defenders of Protestantism, and they are doubtless the two kingdoms symbolized by the two horns of the beast.

  9. In their younger days the Protestant organizations (symbolized by the daughters) were of much better character than the mother church from whom they descended.

  10. False doctrines are usually symbolized by something different from objects in nature.

  11. Thus, the heavenly world, as opened up before John, appeared symbolized after the sanctuary of the temple in which stood the golden altar, or altar of incense.

  12. IX-14] Apparently the earth symbolized as a frog (see this vol.

  13. Other symbolic attributes establish Huitzilopochtli as the general national god of this warlike people, and symbolized his personal presence.

  14. This force may, however, be symbolized in another form, and give rise to a birth-myth of exactly the same kind.

  15. Thus it is that among the earliest nations of which we possess any knowledge, the life-giving and vivifying principle of nature has been always symbolized by the human organs of generation.

  16. Her poetry was symbolized by the fleur-de-lis with its penetrating perfume.

  17. The little poems of Anyte of Tegea and Moero of Byzantium, the last two of the Terrestrial Nine, are often symbolized by the lilies for their purity and delicacy.

  18. This is the practical and personal benefit arising from the realization of the Principle which is symbolized under the two-fold metaphor of the Shepherd and the Stone.

  19. On the obverse are symbolized peace and plenty, the reward of goodness, with St. Paul removing the venomous scourge of the plague by fire; and on the reverse are seen pestilence and fire, the punishment of the wicked.

  20. The abdication of James is symbolized by the broken oak, and the accession of William by the orange tree and rising sun.

  21. The evangelistic animals are well known:-- Saint Matthew, who expatiates on the subject of the Incarnation and sets forth the human genealogy of the Messiah, is symbolized by a man.

  22. Christ's Resurrection is, to yet other writers, symbolized by the Phoenix and the cock, and His wrath and power by the rhinoceros and the buffalo.

  23. The idea of justice, to which that of mercy answers as its inevitable echo, was symbolized in the serene solemnity of this expanse lighted up by the glow of a kindly season and mild atmosphere.

  24. At Chartres the Vices and Virtues were not symbolized by more or less chimerical creatures, but by human faces.

  25. They symbolized the loving tenderness of orisons; they became more trusting, more playful, more daring in the sight of God.

  26. The iconography of the Virgin is less puzzling; She may be symbolized by any chaste and gentle creature.

  27. Even then we should be left to wonder why he placed all the wounds in a single line; for that church has no transept, no arms at the end of which the holes in the hands may be symbolized by doors, which is the usual course.

  28. They gave to fire the first place, as the most noble of all, and symbolized it by the flint.

  29. Throughout the ages, this force, or creative agency has been symbolized in various ways, many of which have been noted in the foregoing pages.

  30. This God was Light and Life, both of which proceeded from the sun, or more properly speaking were symbolized by the sun.

  31. The tree and serpent, according to Ferguson, are symbolized in all religious systems which the world has ever known.

  32. As the tower typified the Deity worshipped by those who claimed superiority for the male, so the pyramids symbolized the creative agency and peculiar qualities of the female, or of the dual Deity which was worshipped as female.

  33. Passion, symbolized by fire, is declared by various writers to have been the first idol, but later research has proved the falsity of this assumption.

  34. According to the testimony of Barlow, this is the subject "most frequently symbolized on early Christian sepulchral tablets and monuments.

  35. The male principle, symbolized by a serpent, has become "the one only and true God.

  36. The mission of Christ was that of a Regenerator of mankind, an office which had been symbolized by the powers of the sun.

  37. The going down into the water symbolized the burial of the dead past.

  38. What His baptism meant to Him is symbolized by the account of a vision which He saw, and a Voice which designated Him as Son of GOD.

  39. The French masters of the Renaissance had never invented more strangely twining monsters than these that symbolized the evil passions.

  40. And yet, should they succeed, as God grant they may, who can doubt that what will give strength and effect to their decisions will be the possibility of force, exerted in a righteous cause, symbolized by the flag?

  41. On later occasions she had the same sort of hallucinations in connection with another child and on sight of a brutish kind of man who symbolized to the subconscious mind the sex-urge, of which she was afraid.

  42. The girl who was tired of seeing her work, and the man who wanted to avoid seeing his wife chose a way out which physically symbolized their real desire.

  43. Since expression is itself a relief and an outlet for feeling, the denied desire had seized on suggestions of overwork to explain its sense of weariness, and had symbolized its soul-pain by converting it into a physical pain.

  44. In some places, even in French districts, this feeling is strongly symbolized by the practice of the peasantry, on certain festival days, to dress the images of the saints in peasant’s clothing.

  45. Dominating the silhouette of these little villages were the grain elevators, those bright sentinels which symbolized the reason for the towns' founding, and still remain the most typical buildings in the North Dakota picture today.

  46. In the fifth frieze, the Christian virtues of strength, fortitude, sobriety, and obedience are symbolized by bulls and horses.

  47. In one may be seen human figures clinging to palm-branches, by which the Magister who carved it symbolized man clinging to Christ.

  48. It symbolized the times when everything was kept in common by the clan.

  49. The Greek Hestia and Roman Vesta symbolized the sacredness of the hearth.

  50. This social and cosmic meaning is appropriately symbolized by the civil and religious ceremony.

  51. Canossa symbolized the supremacy of the spiritual over the temporal power, and there is a sublime audacity, moral as well as political, in the famous Bull of Boniface VIII.

  52. The need of atonement and reconciliation, thus impressed, symbolized the moral process of reconstructing, of putting away a lower past, and readjusting life to meet an ideal.

  53. As gods of fertility, they were symbolized by the emblems of sex, and great freedom prevailed at their festivals.

  54. He who was the 'light of the world' should often accomplish works which symbolized so well that higher work which He came into the world to accomplish.

  55. In the incident of the woman using leaven in the ordinary process of bread-making, the spreading, penetrating vital effect of truth is symbolized by the leaven.

  56. Man after man followed to gaze on the company's favorite, and on the fowl which, they knew, tangibly symbolized to him the immense love of the nation for the flower of its manhood in the field.

  57. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "symbolized" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.