They are horrid things, for they are never happy but when they are swilling ale.
Just such a commission as you love next best toswilling old Saxon ale.
TALES OF OUR COAST [Illustration: You and I used to watch the Tide come swilling in.
The human body is not a dirty barrel needing swilling out with a hose-pipe.
Swilling the system out with liquid does not in any way accelerate or aid the process, but, on the contrary, retards and impedes it.
She says she saw two of the boys working on log hauling, sitting around in the shade of the church wall, after doing their work, swilling whisky out of the neck of a bottle, and guessed it wasn't decent.
You boys get mighty close to the wind swilling prohibited liquor.
A deistical prater, fit to sit in the chimney-corner of a pot-house, and make blasphemous comments on the one greasy newspaper fingered by beer-swilling tinkers.
But, I perfectly remember that I sat swilling tea until my whole nervous system, if I had had any in those days, must have gone by the board.
It need not be said in future that an Englishman only knows how to make soup in his stomach, by swilling down a large quantity of ale or porter, to quench the thirst occasioned by the meat he eats.
It is esteemed a piece of wit to make a man drunk, for which someswilling insipid client or congiary is a frequent and constant adjutant.
Well, they brought themselves to that state by swilling beer and spirits-and-water.
Henderson's increasingly glassy-eyed protege took out enough time from popping "uppers" and swilling Coors to assure us to the contrary.
In spring she would have first monitored the radio to find out which park had the finest cherry blossoms, then gone somewhere else to avoid the sake-swilling crowds.
Mr. Frazer suggests, as a magical motive, that the farmers thought by swilling and guzzling just before they proceeded to sow the fields that they thereby imparted additional vigour to the seed.
So far nothing is noted about swilling for the good of the crops; that is not 'an excuse for the glass.
There was no swillingat counters, there was no forced teetotalism, there was no drunkenness; merely domestic liberty for rational enjoyment.
The stalls had a very slight slope from head to tail, and there was no drain of any kind, and no water-tap for the adulteration of the milk or the 'swilling down' of the building.
Putrefaction is easily attained byswilling with cold water.
Both had cost much money, with impermeable bricked floors, water-taps for swilling down, and drains within the building for carrying away the valuable dung and urine.
It's out of whiskey we got the first day, owing to the swilling of Ned Mulloon, who was drunk as a baste when we left town.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swilling" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bibulous; drunken; drunkenness; lapping; potation; pulling; sottish; symposium; tasting