The quick eye of the mother now caught sight of blood--around the swimmer the water was tinged with it--her piercing shriek rent the air.
Leon at first kept wading about in a place that was not beyond his depth, but, by little and little, he took short swims, as he wished to practise, and become a good swimmer like Guapo.
The breast of each swimmer had struck against it, the shock raising them into a half-erect attitude, from which they had no need to return to the horizontal.
Several fathoms of small line should be and often are attached to the buoy, so that if it is let go in time the swimmer may catch it, and be saved without the necessity of lowering a boat.
Ary one of 'em would be bound to drown but for the boats smart and handy--barring belike a swimmerlike your young lady!
The best swimmer a long way I've known--Peter Burtenshaw by name--I helped bring to after drowning.
Off went the swimmer in the highest spirits, and landed with some difficulty, so much had the south-west wind freshened; and the machine started up the beach at a brisk canter to rejoin its many unused companions on their higher level.
She would give a bath's length at the Paddington Baths to the next strongest swimmer in the Ladies' Club, and come in triumphant in a race of ten lengths.
Well, in observing a stretch of water, for the position or approach of a hostile battleship, it might be necessary for the swimmer to go up several times.
But the head of a swimmer rising from the boat could not be observed at any very great distance.
Yet the swimmer could make out the hull or masts of a hostile vessel some miles away.
Every season Mr. Temple offers a silver cup to the best swimmer at Temple Camp.
He wants to be a swimmer now; he's not thinking about being a scout.
Little was hauled up to the quarter, and Barry himself let down the boarding ladder and went over the side to assist the half-drowned swimmer on board.
No swimmer can become expert if he dives or swims under water with closed eyes,” remarked Fred, starting to paddle back to land.
Elizabeth was a splendid swimmer and nothing on or in water could daunt her, so Billy was soon towing her along after his launch.
One of our many Cockney sailors was a fine swimmer and diver.
As the first swimmer reached the heaving side of the rescuing ship he was caught by willing hands and hauled on board.
Nearer, nearer, and now all fear was gone, for the bold swimmer still showed an unfailing strength and energy.
The baron revived, and again looked hopefully at the water, where the brave swimmer so gallantly breasted the waves.
They tell us the currents of the Mississippi are treacherous, and that they often clutch a swimmer as if they had many hands.
Mr. Armstrong was leaning forward, and surveying the swimmer closely, as though he, too, had detected certain familiar features in connection with the party.
I fought like a swimmer struggling for life, and, becoming helpless, was pushed and carried along.
Out of that human sea of swirling white faces and staring eyes, in which I had struggled as a swimmer for life, I remember feeling a sense of security and rest.
We swung our arms to fight it and maintain circulation, as a swimmer in water.
Franklin had been an expert swimmer from his childhood, and was very fond of displaying his feats of activity in the water.
I know by experience, that it is a great comfort to a swimmer who has a considerable distance to go, to turn himself sometimes on his back, and to vary in other respects the means of procuring a progressive motion.
This fine swimmer is making for his burrow in the bank.
He is also a good swimmerand climber, not only of trees but of rain-pipes and rough walls, especially where these are creeper-clad.
That might do very well, but you're too good a swimmer to drown easily, and you'd catch on to my boat and upset me.
I went down because I never was a strong swimmer in the beginning, and then I didn't go in for training.
To catch systematically at another swimmer is to weaken yourself and perhaps go down,--as I did, though not for the same reason.
They had never seen the stroke that consists of turning the left leg from the knee downwards into a screw-propeller, so that the swimmer travels forward, not in a series of impulses, but at a uniform rate of progress.
And as to a swimmer the wavelet that slaps his face and fills his mouth with salt is of more importance than all the immensities below, so we kept to the level of the trifles of life.
Stood a minute to brace herself for what she had to do, and went into the storm as a swimmer breasts the breakers.
With a spread of her two palms like a swimmer cleaving the water, Kate parted her veil of hair and looked out at the girl.
Verhoeff kept himself close until the swimmer joined them, and then, recking nothing of his peril, followed the party as they stole silently back to their lines.
With me he plunged to his waist into the sea, with no less calmness than a man might wade a brook, and caught the swimmer as he was on the point of sinking.
The swimmerlaughed and made a salutation, and so departed.
Remarkable gallantry was displayed by many, and one young officer who was a fine swimmer is mentioned as swimming about and helping the struggling men to places on the rafts and collapsible boats.
There was a Maori up on Walker's Ridge who was a very fine swimmer and diver; he could stay under water longer than any man I ever saw.
And he, he was the strongestswimmer that I ever knowed, but who could live in the like o' that?
He was the strongest swimmer that I ever knowed, the strongest and the fearlessest!
But Reddy Fox is a poor swimmer and must depend upon his wits.
All the time he chuckled to himself, for you know Billy Mink is a famous fisherman, and he knew that Reddy Fox is a poor swimmer and does not like the water.
As every swimmer knows, it is not the easiest thing in the world to get into a light boat from the water, even when one has no clothes on and is not numbed to the very marrow with cold.
The water was still fairly deep, but the stakes were so numerous that even a non-swimmer could be in no danger.
Illustration: ONE LEG OUT OF WATER] When becoming proficient in this movement, the swimmer can practise raising the other leg.
The forward swimmer throws out his arms at a right angle with the body, even with the shoulders, and spreads his legs until his feet are about twelve inches apart.
As soon as the swimmer has obtained his balance, he pushes the water away from his body with the right hand and uses the left hand in the opposite manner, or, as it were, pulls the water toward the body with the left hand.
The swimmer can stand still for an indefinite period.
The head of each swimmershould be tilted well backward.
Many a daring swimmer has been clutched and dragged down to death simply because he did not know the safest way to approach a drowning person.
As the head of the forward swimmer disappears below the surface, the head of the other should appear.
If the performer be an expertswimmer he can, by using this arm movement, dispense with the leg movements.
There is no position more comfortable to a swimmer than floating; it is the position of rest, and no bed is so soft as the ocean.
These movements must be done slowly and gracefully, each swimmer allowing the other time to inflate the lungs before the next pullover is made.
The swimmer gets into the sack, taking firm hold of the loosened ends of the doubled rope and that part of the sack close to it.
The quicker the swimmer gets to the surface the less time is wasted in getting into his stroke.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swimmer" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.