This supersession was adequately motivated by the supposed transgression of a fundamental Christian law, entailing as consequence the forfeiture of his crown.
Meanwhile important changes had been developing in the gun, the all-important weapon of coast defence, changes due mainly to the gradual supersession of the muzzle-loader by the breech-loader.
The only complete solution of the problem, he was assured, was to be found in the supersession of the governing classes and the complete reconstruction of the social fabric on wholly new foundations.
This points to the supersessionof the burial customs of the indigenous Neolithic race by those of another race which conquered and dominated the indigenes.
The supersessionof all other forms of grisaille ornament by regular quarries.
Supersession of Other Forms of Grisaille by Regular Quarries.
Restrictions of correspondence must be the natural consequence of this diversity of system or absence of system, and the only real remedy lies in the gradual extinction of all post organizations and their supersession by the Imperial Post.
Nevertheless, no one would now seriously propose the deliberate supersession of the existing aristocracy by rich merchants and manufacturers.
It's like the supersession of the small holdings by the latifundia in Italy.
For Sir Robert Brackenbury's supersession during one day, with the delivery of all the keys to Sir James Tyrrel, must inevitably have been known to his subordinates.
In fact, we have to contemplate, not so much a supersession of the railways as a modification and specialization of them in various directions, and the enormous development beside them of competing and supplementary methods.
The supersession of madder by aniline dyes has, indeed, for a time almost ruined the small farmers of Vaucluse.
Nevertheless what took place was not a mere relapse towards barbarism, but on the contrary the supersession of a form of civilization which had done its work by another form less attractive, but more sound and solid.
The philosopher of British Socialism tells us: "Socialism aims at the supersession of democracy, as of every other form of government.
During the five years of the war this supersession of men by women teachers advanced rapidly.
Nor does this august supersession of the private consciousness by the public arise in connection with sports alone.
It is suggested, therefore, that in the supersession of Class A by Class B we have another indication of the dynastic revolution which is supposed to have caused that ruin of the palace which closed the Middle Minoan period.
This was the entire supersession of the linear script, Class A, by another similar but independent form, which has been named Class B.
Continuing the survey of the several national styles, we shall have to witness the final supersession of the older styles of England and France by the later developments of Italy and Flanders.
The reasons that led to its general supersession may be summed up in its costliness, the demand for superior skill in subordinate agents and the liability to errors not easy to trace and correct.
A second important consequence of the severe decline in railroad rates during the seventies, was the permanent supersession of canals and riverways in favor of railroads as means of transportation.
Mr. Angell seems to hold that not only is the national State being superseded, but that the supersession is to be welcomed.
It has misled him, however, into thinking that it presaged a supersession of political by economic control.