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Example sentences for "sooner gone"

  • His Majesty was no sooner gone, but he gave immediate order to the Secretaries of State, to draw up his pardon, which was done with so good speed, that he had it in his hands the next day.

  • He was to sooner gone than I locked my door, and sat down to the tragedy; which I read to the end with vast pleasure, not a little amazed at conduct of the managers who had rejected it.

  • She was no sooner gone than I was summoned by the bell to my lady's chamber, where I found her sitting squat on her hands on the floor, in the manner of puss when she listens to the outcries of her pursuers.

  • They were no sooner gone than an inquisitive whisper of "Who is he?

  • They were no sooner gone, than Julia drew the nurse into a room apart and asked her eagerly if her father had said nothing.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sooner gone" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    authentic history; best understood; cannot explain; duty towards; gallant soldier; general assault; half past; hard porcelain; kneeling down; long been; mail matter; moving from; notice the; often find; pass judgment; saved others; sent messengers; son fils; sooner arrived; sooner done; sooner gone; sooner had; sooner heard; story telling; talking nonsense; your hand