Then sith it is not possible for them either to fight or to flée, what other thing can they doo, but (as appointed by Gods ordinance) offer themselues and all they haue about them presentlie vnto vs.
I wilbe suertie for him/ and of my handes requyre him.
Than sayd the LORde vnto Abraha: wherfore doth Sara laughe saynge: shal I of a suertie bere a childe/ now when I am olde?
And Abimelech sende for Isaac & sayde: se/ she is of a suertie thi wife/ and why saydest thou y^t she was thi sister?
For I thy servaunt became suertie for the lad vnto my father & sayde: yf I bringe him not vnto the agayne.
And she called the name of the LORde that spake vnto her: thou art the God that lokest on me/ for she sayde: I haue of a suertie sene here the backe parties of him that seith me.
And the one went out from me and it is sayde of a suertie that he is torne in peaces of wyld beastes/ and I sawe him not sence.
But the earle would not accept anie offers, except he might haue compounded so as it pleased himselfe, & as was thought in no wise to stand with the king honour, and suertie of his estate.
Sidenote: Wealth of the people is the glorie of the prince andsuertie of his reigne.
And who so worketh or ministreth iustice in due order, he not onlie safegardeth himself, but also holdeth people in a suertie of restfulnes, of the which insueth peace and plentie.
To conclude, at length all maner of charters of pardon were made void, for that the same séemed to impeach the suertie of the kings person.
Item, the shiriffes and vndershiriffes let to farme their offices and bailiwickes, taking greatsuertie therefore, the which causeth extortions doone by them and by their bailiffes to the people.
The archbishop of Canturburie being chancellor of England, and as then for his suertie lieng within the Tower, called to him the bishop of Winchester, who for some safegard laie then at Haliwell.
The king being now in some better suertie of his estate, did take his progresse into Lancashire the fiue & twentith daie of Iune, there to make merrie with his moother the countesse of Derbie, which then laie at Lathome in the countrie.
Wherevpon the earle of Northumberland, not thinking himselfe insuertie at Berwike, fled with the lord Berdolfe into Scotland, where they were receiued of Dauid lord Fleming.
So that the full confluence of these qualities, with the defects of fauour and amiable proportion, gaue proofe to this rule of physiognomic: Distortum vultum sequitur distorsio morum.
Faithfull ye be that wot I well, & I know well you be wise.
Ye see their youth, of which I reckon the onelie suertie to rest in your concord.
Certes the suertie of your owne bodies, the quiet of your wiues and your daughters, the safegard of your goods: of all which things in times past ye stood euermore in doubt.
The king then returning vnto London, tooke order for the establishing of things touching the suertie of the realme, and his owne estate.
Adrian had made, as is to be supposed, for the more suertie of the Romane subiects against the inuasion of the enimies.
But shortlie after, the emperour Constantine ioined in league with Licinius, and gaue to him his sister in marriage, named Constantia, for more suertie of faithfull friendship to indure betwixt them.
First therfore meaning to prouide for the suertie of his countrie, he concluded a peace with Sithrike king of the Northumbers, vnto whome (as ye haue heard) he gaue one of his sisters named Editha in mariage.
And so was the commotion staied without bloudshed, the armie as it were hauing by couenant obtained to liue licentiouslie, and the capteine suertie to liue without danger to be murthered.
Romane prouince, raised another wall beyond that which the emperor Adrian had made, as is to be supposed, for the more suertie of the Romane subiects against the inuasion of the enimies.
What suertie shall be in this realme to anie person, either for life or goods vnder such a cruell prince, which regardeth not the destruction of his owne bloud, and then lesse the losse of other?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "suertie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.