Being of very ancient date, the Strawberry is found widely diffused throughout most parts of the world.
The wild woodland Strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is the progenitor of our highly cultivated and delicious fruit.
In Germany, stewed strawberries, and strawberry jam are taken at dinner with roasted meats, or with chicken.
From the French, fraise, signifying the Strawberry [541] leaves borne on the family shield, is derived in Scotland the name of the Frazers.
Properly, our familiar Strawberry plant is a native of cold climates, and so hardy that it bears fruit freely in Lapland.
She contrived to throw poisoned darts at the owner of Strawberry that started little Mr. Marmaduke to fidgeting in his seat, and he came to the rescue with all the town-talk at his command.
He put out his own hand with an awkward, shy movement, picked a strawberryfrom her fingers, and thrust it in his mouth.
You must bring them both some day to my little castle at Strawberry Hill.
Thus, for the second time, the weapon of the renowned master of Strawberry was knocked from his hand at a single stroke of his strange adversary.
Then the mystery of their coming was clear to me, and the superior gentleman at the Castle Inn had been the fashionable dabbler in arts and letters and architecture of Strawberry Hill, of whom I remembered having heard Dr.
In the open spaces under the sky were clouds of bluets, wild violets, and white strawberry flowers clustering beside the star moss all a-shimmer with new green.
It proved that this was the strawberry section of Southern Texas, and these were the strawberrygrowers that supplied the early berries to our Northern market.
Within the two weeks this million and a half of strawberry plants were set.
It was estimated that fully a third of a crop was realized that year, and it is safe to predict that one-half the readers of this little sketch will partake of the fruits of these Red Cross relief strawberry fields this very springtime.
Franz Vogt yoked the two dun cows, the strawberry remaining in her stall.
He patted the strawberry cow, who was in calf; and she turned her head towards him as she lay in her stall comfortably chewing the cud.
The young peasant glanced into the cow-house, where the strawberry seemed scarcely able to sustain her heavy burden, though she was not due to calve for another fortnight.
It's very hot among the strawberry beds, and I'm a little tired: and I haven't seen Val for days.
She linked her other arm in Val's and dragged her brothers out of the dangerous proximity of the strawberry beds.
Coffee and sweets were served after dinner; and after a better supper than usual came strawberry and lemon ice (alias granitta) and limejuice toddy, without alcohol.
Always tipping the girl a half sovereign which made my daily strawberry bill come up to three sovereigns ($15).
During the summer at his country residence at Strawberry Hill in the Northern Liberties he remain incapacitated for any further sea or other services useful to the country, or beneficial to mankind in general.
The strawberry tree, a genus of evergreen shrubs, of the Heath family.
The strawberry finch, a small Indian song bird (Estrelda amandava), commonly caged and kept for fighting.
Some one was bowed down among the strawberry beds, busy there; yet the place seemed half deserted and very, very quiet.
I knocked again so that I might be heard even in the strawberry bed.
And now I can associate her memory with the peacefulest of cottages, the easiest of veranda chairs, a bay-window full of books and sunshine, and a strawberry bed alive with berries and blossoms and butterflies and bees.
But, so far from doing them an injury, the fleecy mantle protected them from the open exposure to cold under which the strawberry will sometimes perish.
He thought it would be just the right work for him to go into the woods and fields, and along the wild strawberry brakes, and to drag a flock of hares with him, and between whiles to lie and sleep and warm himself on the sunny hillsides.
To preserveStrawberry Plants from the Heat of the Sun, &c.
A few miles below Strawberry we pass Georgetown Junction (where the road from Georgetown enters the main road), and ten miles brings us to Kyburgs, 4000 feet elevation, the canyon narrowing as we descend.
His jealousies poisoned the very strawberry shortcake on which Mrs. Donnan's heart prided itself.
But he said that Sir Toady could not be expected to act, seeing that he had already "sucked up" to the maker of the strawberry shortcake, not to mention the maple-sugar toffee.
Afternoon of the Day when the first Strawberry was Half-ripe.
A note in his handwriting states that the tools required for the binding were used exclusively for Lord Spencer, and that a view of Strawberry Hill will be found on its edges.
Meantime, during the convulsive state of political affairs, he interested himself continually in the improvement of Strawberry Hill.
The works which she left at Strawberry are scattered; and if still traceable, are probably in many instances scarcely valued.
Here the very spirit of Horace seemed to those who visited Strawberry before its fall to breathe in every corner.
There was a rival building, Mr. Bateman's Monastery, at Old Windsor, which is said to have had more uniformity of design than Strawberry Hill.
It was singular, at the sale of the effects at Strawberry Hill, to see this chest, with the MSS.
The gallery, which all who recollect the sale at Strawberry Hill must remember with peculiar interest, sounded well on paper.
We now despise the poor, over-ornate miniature Gothic style of Strawberry Hill; we do not consider with what infinite pains the structure was enlarged into its final and well-known form.
Dinner at Strawberry Hill was usually served up in the small parlour in winter, the large dining-room being reserved for large parties.
Frutilla is the name given to a diminutive and highly flavored strawberry that grows both wild and in the domestic state.
Miss Serena ran a strawberry emery bag through and through with her embroidery needle.
She wrote me that she burned her hand trying thestrawberry preserves.
They drank coffee and creme de menthe, and Anne-Marie had strawberry ice and cakes.
Wrapworth has not been seen without Edna Murrell,' said Lucilla, flinging the stem of her laststrawberry at her brother, 'and Miss Charlecote is a woman of schools.
And open house it was, with a dinner-table ever expanding for chance guests, strawberryor syllabub feasts half the summer, and Christmas feasts extending wide on either side of the twelve days.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strawberry" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: berry; color; fruit; orange; pigment