In some places it is dried at leisure with wood alone, orstrawe alone, in other with wood and strawe togither, but of all the strawe dried, is the most excellent.
And vndoubted, that hay and strawe that will find one beest in the house wyll finde two beestes in the close, and better they shall lyke.
That I am not a woman myselfe for your sake, I would haue you my selfe, and a strawe for yond Gill, And mocke much of you though it were against my will.
Then a strawefor hir, and a strawe for hir againe, She shall not be my wife, woulde she neuer so faine, No and though she would be at ten thousand pounde cost.
And if the rest of her clothes in colde weather be not sufficient to kepe her warme, then she takethstrawe or haye to performe the matter.
Tone giueth his corne in a darth, to horse, sheepe, and hog euery daie; The tother giue cattle warme barth, and feede them with strawe and with haie.
Donnes du fain as cheuaulx, Gyue heye to the hors, Et les estraines bien; And strawethem well; Mais quils soient abuures.
Then a strawe for hir, and a strawe for hir againe, She shall not be my wife, woulde she never so faine, No and though she would be at ten thousand pounde cost.
Robert Knolles and also aldermen and othere citezeins of London with hym: and there they metten with Jake Strawe ledere of the uprysers.
Tak Partrichys rostyd and checonys and qualys rostyd and larkys ywol and demembre the other and mak a god cawdel and dresse the flesch in a dysch and strawe powder of galentyn therupon.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "strawe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.