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Example sentences for "steady decline"

  • There is thus a steady decline of the value of capital in labour, and a daily increase in the power of labour over capital, and with each step in this direction man becomes more free.

  • If enacted, it will ensure a steady decline in deficits, aiming toward a balanced budget by the end of the decade.

  • Three years of steady decline in the value of our annual defense investment have increased the risk of our most basic security interests, jeopardizing earlier hard-won goals.

  • Whether there was merely a sudden temporary increase in the supply by the opening up of new beds in 1906, or whether there is a steady decline, can only be determined by the production of future years.

  • Even twenty-five years ago inroads were being made upon the natural supply; from that time to the present can be traced a steady decline.

  • The history of the industry is one of steady decline.

  • Sidenote: Steady Decline of Serfdom] In France and in England the serfs had mostly become hired laborers, tenants, or metayers by the sixteenth century.

  • Sidenote: Steady Decline of Ottoman Power during Seventeenth Century] The Ottoman Empire was not in such sore straits as Poland, but its power and prestige were obviously waning.

  • But they had little to fear from Sweden, which, utterly exhausted, was now on a steady decline; and domestic difficulties both in Poland and in Turkey removed any apprehension of attacks from those countries.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "steady decline" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    black ants; bright fire; calling themselves; characteristic feature; falling body; ferric chloride; fine hair; heat required; kinder guess; know little; know what you are; laid paper; narrow pass; only too; physician should; seed sown; soft cloth; sooner gone; steady decline; steady fire; steady hand; steady oven; steady stream; the west; triangle encircled; wife unto