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Example sentences for "staunchness"

Lexicographically close words:
staunch; staunched; staunchest; staunching; staunchly; stava; stave; staved; staves; staving
  1. His right flank at Gamara Mayor was too distant to be supported by the main body of his army, yet the safe retreat of the latter in the event of defeat depended on the staunchness of this isolated wing.

  2. She stood for the reserve and staunchness of the bracing North.

  3. Possibly the account of Moskovite panic and German staunchness which Herberstein sets forth in his commentary is not altogether uncoloured by national prejudice.

  4. He did not know if he had well played his part, but he had not wanted Montgomery to think his staunchness to his employer must be reckoned on; he would sooner the fellow thought him something of a fool.

  5. He knew the young fellow's staunchness as he knew Barbara's, and, because his need was great, had not hesitated to use him and the girl.

  6. But of Protestant converts, too, I do not think the staunchness has at all sufficiently been estimated.

  7. The lodestone which will attract this grace is staunchness in the Covenant.

  8. They are by their very acts, their sufferings and exertions, and above all by the superb staunchness of their faith, laying a magnificent foundation for the spiritual edifice their hands are destined to raise in their native land.

  9. Being reassured in respect of the staunchness of the hull, I returned to the fire and proceeded to equip myself for a prolonged watch on deck.

  10. There can be little question that the spirit of the infantry depends greatly on the staunchness of the artillery.

  11. As the staunchness and the strength of the Snark went glimmering, Charmian and I pinned our faith more and more to the Snark's wonderful bow.

  12. For know, gentle reader, the staunchness of the Snark.

  13. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "staunchness" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    adherence; allegiance; attachment; authenticity; bibliolatry; bigotry; bond; bravery; certainty; commitment; concentration; constancy; dedication; devotion; dogmatism; faith; fealty; fidelity; grit; hardness; homage; inflexibility; invincibility; loyalty; nerve; reliability; resolution; rigidity; security; solidity; soundness; stability; stamina; strictness; sturdiness; substantiality; temper; tenacity; tie; troth; validity