Occasionally white women had abjured their religion, and in other cases the red squaws threatened sure death to the adopted captives should they try to return, even at the French governor’s orders.
The people of New York were not anxious to send the Indians on the war-path, nor to furnish white soldiers to guard their squaws and pappooses while they were away from their villages.
The fire was put out by the Indians, their blankets hastily rolled up, and the squaws and children sent to hide themselves in the tangled reeds and brushwood of a swamp, while the war-men turned against the enemy.
I made two of their squaws prisoners, but all the rest of the people in the lodges we killed.
The white men being at war with the Seminoles, the war-men of the latter were obliged to band themselves together to fight, leaving their squaws and children to travel as well as they could to a place of safety.
The Indians were great gamblers, the squaws especially.
One morning shortly after, I was working in the clearing around my cabin, when I saw a line of squaws which I think was a block long, coming over the trail which led from Shakopee to Hopkins.
Said he had been away from his tepee for days and his squaws wanted him.
I saw only three squaws and three half breed boys, instead of the large number of Indians I expected.
So a little train of wagons in which to carry our camping outfit, our provisions and the few squaws and children, was made up.
That their hunting and fishing grounds were gone, the buffalo disappearing and there was no food for the squaws and papooses.
During the winter, six months before, a band of one hundred Sioux braves, their squaws and papooses camped six miles west of our home.
The squaws used to come to the house asking for food, which mother always gave them.
I had to pass a small cranberry bog and could see squaws at work picking berries.
Mrs. Stevens never could punish her for it made the squawsso angry.
One spring we had a cellar full of vegetables that we could not use, so father invited all the squaws who lived near us to come and get some.
We found about twenty-five squaws dancing around in a circle and making a fearful noise in their high squealing voices.
I saw somesquaws the day after a battle, mourning.
One of the squaws saw what I had and became very angry.
The Indians had two tom-toms, and the squaws beat on them while the Indians, all painted hideously, jumped stiff legged, cut themselves until they were covered with blood and sweat and yowled their hideous war whoop.
There was a fleet rush, a swift pattering of something pursued running round the rear of our lodge, with a shrieking mob of men and squaws after it.
The savory smell of roasting meat whiffed into my tent and I heard the shrill laughter of the squaws preparing the hunters' feast.
The squaws were very near; and the angular figure of Diable's wife hung on the rear of the group.
Indians dashed to the river, while bedraggled squaws and naked children rushed from wigwams and stood in clamorous groups between the lodges and the water.
Some of thesquaws and half-breed women were heaping bark on the fire.
Inside the cart circle, men were shouting last orders to women, squaws scolding half-naked urchins, that scampered in the way, and the whole encampment setting up a din that might have scared any buffalo herd into endless flight.
Get you gone to the squaws at the tents, old men, The cart-lines safely encircle the camp!
There's a difference between squaws and white ladies," persisted the jolly father, all unconscious that he was emphasizing a difference which many of the traders were spelling out in hard years of experience.
Squaws were taking what was left of the evening meal and slave-women were putting things to rights for the night.
Indians, squaws and children were rushing in the direction of the trail to the Mandanes.
Twenty men, thirty squaws and the slaves," said he under his breath.
Could she possibly have ventured a few yards down the main road to an encampment of Indians, whose squaws after Indian custom made much of the white baby?
The squaws ran to and fro, as is their custom when excited, each vying with the other in heaping invectives upon the culprit.
So saying, he turned his horse's head and started for the Indian camp, near the fort, where the braves had left their squaws and children.
The old chiefs passed backwards and forwards among the assembled groups with the appearance of the most lively agitation, while the squaws rushed to and fro in great excitement, evidently prepared for some fearful scene.
He led me off towards the Fort and, to my great astonishment, saw my wife sitting among some squaws crying.
We drew out a little cold horse-meat, and the squaws made signs to us that the men had gone out after deer, and that we could have some by waiting till they came in.
All had their squaws with them, and I was really surprised at the number of little fat, buffalo-fed boys that were tumbling about the camp, all apparently of the same age, about three or four years old.
They had piles of seeds, of three different kinds, spread out upon pieces of buffalo robe; and the squaws had just gathered about a bushel of the root of a thistle, (circium Virginianum.
Continuing the next day down the river, we discovered three squaws in a little bottom, and surrounded them before they could make their escape.
The master of the lodge spread out a robe for me to sit upon, and the squaws set before us a large wooden dish of buffalo meat.
It was covered with high reeds and rushes, and large patches of ground had been turned up by the squaws in digging for roots, as if a farmer had been preparing the land for grain.
This is the plant which we had seen the squaws gathering on the Rio de los Americanos.
I won't have it; I didn't bargain to lug a lot of squawsaround on this trip.
Three of the older squaws went to work with bone scrapers to tan the hide.
They chop over a little land, an acre or two to a family; their squaws plant a little corn and a few beans, and this is the extent of their agriculture.
The soldiers buried the Indians that had been killed, carried the wounded ones into the wigwams, and left them there for the squaws to doctor up.
The warriors do not stop to touch the game after it is dead, as the skinning and packing of the meat is the work of the squaws who follow in the wake of the hunters.
Then thesquaws sing, and the warriors move around to the right and the squaws to the left, each keeping time to the drums.
Bright ribbons and red grass, looking like streamers on a ship, fluttered from the lodge-poles, and gaudily dressed squaws and warriors walked about, or sat on the green sod under the trees.
All the village came running and shouting, and the squaws gathered around the dead buffalo, jostling and elbowing each other as they tore off the meat.
A few Santee women gathered about my squaws and chatted with them, anxious to learn the news from down the river.
Hurrying to the spot, overjoyed with the anticipations of a feast, he observed that the squaws were gone; but, at the same time, thought it was not improbable they had escaped during their absence.
To effect this, the squaws sallied out of their lodges to seize upon sundry of the younger and plumper of the pack, to fill the kettles for the approaching feast.
They dance in two circles, the squaws in the outside one; the men leaping up and down as usual, and the squaws simply swaying their bodies and waving their handkerchiefs in a lackadaisical manner.
In addition to their finest deerskin chemises and strings of beads, the squaws wear large puffs of yellowhammers' down over their eyes.
His house shall become a hooting place for owls, and Seneca squaws shall gather the harvest of his fields.
With another profound bow the interpreter retired, while the squaws brought an abundance of cooked meat and parched corn, which they set before the famished white men.
Beyond the circle were gathered the younger men and such squaws as were free from culinary duties.
A number of squaws had accompanied this war party, and they could see these busily engaged securing and concealing what weapons they could find at the very beginning of the debauch.
The moment the hated English uniform was seen by the inmates of the many lodges, they swarmed about the ambassadors by hundreds, the men with scowling brows, the squaws and children snatching up sticks, stones, and clubs as they ran.
Then began a series of orgies, in which the old squaws were the most demonstrative and hideous.
It was affirmed that they had become so debauched by strong drink that their squaws could not nourish their few children, and that they had availed themselves of an adoption of those taken from their enemies.
While the scalp-locks were displayed and counted, the well-guarded prisoners were exultingly escorted by their captors, the squaws gathering around them with taunts and petty tormentings.
Saying this, he left the room to fetch a further supply of the soothing weed, and at the same moment two squaws appeared, bearing smoking dishes of whitefish and venison.
Only, lad, come near and have your knife handy when the row is at the loudest, and see that ye don't let the squaws cut out our livers when we're tied up.
The squaws lived there--especially the cooking squaws--and a few favoured dogs.
Come into the hall, friends, an' the squaws will prepare something for you to eat while we have a smoke and a talk together.
Round this the forty warriors were seated, eating their supper, while a number of squaws were sitting in the entrances to their tents variously engaged.
Suddenly one of the warriors observed that the squaws were stealthily approaching the spirit keg, and rushed towards them with a howl of fury, followed by his comrades, who drove the women away and recommenced drinking.
We afterwards learned that the Cedar Indians had gone to the Muddy, and stolen two squaws from the band that lived on that creek.
After a friendly smoke, they furnished us a good and substantial supper of broiled and boiled goat's flesh and corn meal mush, the squaws grinding the meal in the old-fashioned way, between two stones.
While there I saw one of the squaws making a Navajo blanket.
The sachems and their squaws have vanished, and on the hill-slope where once their lodges stood a town has sprung up.
Then he turned away and went out to his tepee, where one of his squaws bound his jaw in a wet cloth.
The squaws and babies and growing children are actually starving, for the government has kept them on short allowance lately.
Here and there were the smoke-browned tepees of the Indians, before which sat the squaws and papooses, and the old men and women.
Next time it will be something worse than quirts with which we fight, and dead men, instead of squaws with sore legs, will be the result.
At sight of us in their campin'-place they halted, and the squaws and the children rode up to get a look at us.
While we fed hot biscuits to the head men the squawspitched camp.
I shouted, then ran forward, straddling papooses and shouldering squaws out of my way.
Fort Pitt, Battleford and Prince Albert must shortly capitulate to them, and then the squaws would receive the white women of those places as their private prisoners to do with as their sweet wills suggested.
Crowfoot, head chief of the Blackfoot nation, was protesting his loyalty to the Lieutenant-Governor, and his squaws would one day stone him to death as a judgment.
Each of these holes was the property of some one of the squawsor of the children of the camp.
It seems to be the ambition of the Seminole squaws to gather about their necks as many strings of beads as can be hung there and as they can carry.
The squaws wore their hair thickly plastered with pitch, and a broad band of the same across their noses and cheeks.
The squaws seemed to get more electricity than the buck Indians, 'cause Pa squeezed harder, and the way they danced and cut up didoes would make you think they had been drinking.
I tell him that I desire to see what the squaws will buy.
Numbers of Indian squaws from Mendota walk the streets in groups.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "squaws" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.