We might catch some whitefishand namaycush," suggested Andy.
Oh, we'll make out fine with th' birds and rabbits we gets, if we can get whitefish and namaycush too.
Some fried whitefish and pork, some generous pieces of camp bread, and several cups of hot tea made a substantial and satisfying meal.
David's baited hook had hardly sunk below the surface of the water when he felt a tug, and an instant later he drew out a whitefish that he was quite sure weighed four pounds at the very least.
Margaret, you must have expected me and read my mind, for I'd rather have fried whitefish for breakfast, the way you cook them, than anything else I can think of!
Davy, get a pan of whitefish ready to fry, whilst I mix some dumplings for th' big kettle.
David and Andy dropped the bag of whitefish by its side, and all, rushing into the tilt, seized their rifles and cartridge bags.
As a matter of fact, Otsego Lake has been stocked with whitefish fry from the Great Lakes, and now the nets of fishermen are always filled with a mixture of whitefish and Otsego bass.
Bean, the New York State fish culturist, declared that the so-called Otsego bass "is merely the common Labrador whitefish which has become dwarfed in size by some peculiarities of its habitat.
This much is clear; but this region is none too well known, and my own information does not suffice me to attempt identification of the many small lakes he crosses till he comes to the large Whitefish l.
There are also whitefish [Coregonus clupeiformis] in vast numbers.
Two of the largest are called Whitefishand Pelican.
For instance, the squaw-man will sell you a whitefish for 10 cents a pound.
Defn: A European whitefish of the genus Coregonus.
American whitefish (Coregonus Labradoricus), found in many lakes in the Northern United States and Canada.
A lake whitefish (Coregonus quadrilateralis), less compressed than the common species.
In dressing these fish for the table, whitefish of considerable size were frequently found in them.
The men spend their time hunting the deer, while the women bring in the game, attend to drying the skins and the household work, and catch whitefish and burbot through the ice of the rivers, which are now frozen hard enough for this purpose.
The species caught are the small Coregonus laurettae, two large whitefish (C.
In these are taken large numbers of all three species of whitefish (Coregonus kenicotti, C.
Dinner--Cream of asparagus soup, skimmed milk Thin slice of roast beef or whitefish Rice or potatoes Tender string beans Fruit Toast Buttermilk 3:30 P.
The whitefish always has held first place among our merchantable fish.
The bays and rivers teemed with maskalunge, bass, salmon, pickerel, and pike, and in the late autumn months the whitefish and herring were very plentiful.
I have heard an octogenarian, whose truthfulness even in a fish story I had no reason to doubt, declare that he had frequently, when a boy, speared fifty or sixty whitefish in one night.
The whitefish of our Great Lakes is also one of the important food-fishes of the world.
Whitefish at fifteen cents, venison at fifteen cents, a boiled dinner at ten cents.
He thought of the ten barrels of whitefish that were ready for shipment, and he watched Captain Williamson's face fall.
Hans hitched the little horse, brought the cart down to the beach, and began throwing whitefish into it.
When the whitefish and sturgeon are gone, the trout will multiply until they are the big catch.
Hans caught up a six-pound whitefish and, seeming to use his knife very little, he cut its head off.
The sun was down and the moon up before they finished, but when they were done they had packed seven barrels--fourteen hundred pounds--of whitefish and three barrels of sturgeon.
He washed his fish in the dam's tiny spillway and, filling the wooden dish with salt, he rolled the split whitefish in dry salt.
He grabbed a six-pound whitefishin each hand and threw the pair far up the beach.
They fished, processed their catch and loaded thirty thousand pounds of whitefish onto the Jackson when she nosed into their pier.
Whitefish and trout both spawn in the fall, from the fifteenth of October until the fifteenth of December.
Captain Williamson took a white sheet and a wallet from an inner pocket, and he read from the sheet, "Twenty-four thousand pounds of whitefishyou gave me.
There must be countless tons of whitefish here at your very door step, and here is where we shall fish!
Aside from that, they had seined tons of whitefish and sturgeon out of the bay in front of Pieter's house.
I am sure, for instance, that there must be a vast number ofwhitefish in this bay, because the food for them is here.
They know nothing about anything except maybe how to stuff themselves with good whitefish that the fishermen bring them!
The pool was thronged with grilse and full-grown salmon, with here and there a school of graceful whitefish or a group of sluggish suckers, whom he ignored.
He saw the great fish rush hither and thither up and down and around the pool, now scattering the whitefish on the bottom, now splashing upon the surface and leaping half his length into the air.
Like all the Great Lakes, Michigan abounds in fish, such as whitefish and trout.
That night the net yielded 3 Whitefishand 3 Trout.
The Indian who has his scaffold hung with Whitefish when winter comes, is accounted rich.
They had had enough excitement for that night, so they gathered up some dry wood, made a fire, and cooked some fine whitefish in thorough Indian style.
The finest whitefish in the world are to be found in Oxford Lake.
They felt quite elated when a large whitefish or lively trout was brought up in the almost invisible net.
Whitefish are taken both spring and fall, chiefly the latter; spring is the season for pickerel; trout are taken at all seasons.
Whitefish are more highly prized than any other kind found in our waters, being decidedly the most delicious in a fresh state, and when packed command a higher price than any other by $1 per bbl.
There was no great amount of excitement in catching the whitefish and securing the spawn for development in the hatchery, but it was a test of endurance, and incidentally the boy learned much about the fishes of the Great Lakes.
The whitefish born are ten times as many as those that mature, but the number that matures is just precisely enough to keep the supply going.
The graylings, namaycushes, and smelts are members of this family, whose final representative among us is the numerous and very valuable section of whitefish and lake herrings of the Great Lakes and Canada generally.
On the other hand the leeches of our lakes are fed on by the whitefish and similar fishes.
There is said to be good fishing for whitefishand cutthroat, lake, brook, Dolly Varden, and bull trout.
North, 6 miles to Yellowstone River for whitefish and native trout.
I was minded to tell him to clean the whitefish for our supper, but reflected in time that he would undoubtedly do it badly, so I spoke to François instead.
While here, Hart changed his mind about the Canadian hunt, and decided he would go to the Whitefish country.
Some were going to the Canadian, up in the Panhandle, others were going west up the McKenzie trail to the Whitefish country and vicinity.
The food of the whitefish in the lake is partly the worms bred from the eggs of a large fly resembling the May-fly of the East.
Wahpoośkow is certainly a wonderful region for fish, particularly the whitefishand its cousin-german, the tullabee.
Hither the Indians come to spear whitefish in their season.
You know the whitefish barrier where you fellows were fishing this evening.
Of course we fished off and on all day, whenever the rain held up a little; and in a deep run, about a hundred yards below the whitefish fence, Sam had the luck to land the big trout of the trip.
Through the whitefish barrier we slipped smoothly and swiftly onward down the racing current.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whitefish" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.