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Example sentences for "smock"

Lexicographically close words:
smoake; smoaked; smoakie; smoaking; smoaky; smocke; smocked; smocks; smoke; smoked
  1. In the neighbourhood of the theatre, in that narrow street now known as Smock Alley, there stood in those days a kind of coffee-house, rather of the better sort.

  2. The theatre of Smock Alley (or, as it was then called, Orange Street) was not quite what theatres are nowadays.

  3. The roughness of the time found its way into {83} the theatre in Smock Lane, which was the scene of frequent political riots.

  4. He, then, passing by, saw her stoop flushed and sparkling from above him; the sun caught her shining hair; a loose white smock revealed so much of her neck as to picture him the snowy rest.

  5. If one were to change the dark blue smock and the peculiar peaked hat of the country folk of Normandy for the less distinctive clothes of the English peasant, in a very large number of cases the Frenchmen would pass as English.

  6. The brown holland smock upon which she had been at work fell to the ground.

  7. She continued to smooth out the little smock with minute care, while Mrs. Lorimer watched her anxiously.

  8. Nelly standing at her lodgings' door in Drury-lane in her smock sleeves and bodice, looking upon one: she seemed a mighty pretty creature.

  9. Beside the smaller port-lock's inner door a figure had appeared, clad in the neat yellow smock of a servitor of Ku Sui.

  10. It was clad in the trim yellow smock of a coolie of Ku Sui.

  11. Olga brought her own smock and skirt, dressed Fyokla, and then both went softly into the inner room, trying not to make a noise with the door.

  12. Motka in a long smock was standing barefooted in the full sunshine; the sun was blazing down right on her head, but she did not notice that, and seemed as though turned to stone.

  13. Then Granny proceeded to whip Motka, and in this Motka's smock was torn again.

  14. He carried a long red smock over his shoulder, a short piece of thick cord in his hand, and to his wide leather belt was suspended a pair of shears.

  15. Hauer raised the edge of her red smock and kissed it passionately.

  16. One who looks like a labouring man has a white smock and a white hat, patched trowsers, and highlows covered with gravel—one has a blue coat.

  17. One was an elderly man, dressed in a smock frock, and with a hairy cap on his head.

  18. Warten fished out a pipe and tobacco from under his blue smock and sat looking at the rings of smoke that wound up to the ceiling.

  19. They put out the flames, pulled the smock over his head and poured water on his back, where his underclothes were smouldering.

  20. And he stood with his smock in his hands, looking at the huge holes and rents.

  21. Father had taken off his blue smock and turned up his shirt-sleeves and now went to see to his birds.

  22. He had dirtied his hands and face, and smudged his smock with stains of mud.

  23. Thou shalt not put on a smock or a gown in that chest if thou goest naked!

  24. With the dawn she rose, put on her coarse smock and black skirt, made herself a tortilla, then went forth and swept the streets.

  25. She waved her hand and pointed downward to the wall; then, throwing on the long coarse gray smock that was her only garment, crept from the room and down the stair.

  26. Over her coarse smock and gown she wore a black cotton reboso.

  27. Thou good-for-nothing, thou art wringing that smock in pieces!

  28. Let me put on a petticoat and a muffler, and I'll so chambermaid it, and be so diligent with the clean smock and the chamber-pot.

  29. Out before them all leapt a fanatic figure, a figure in a brown smock and green hood, a figure that tossed its arms and foamed at the mouth.

  30. Behind him were John Ball, Jack Straw, and the rebel leaders, and with them Merlin, the grey friar, in a brown smock and a green hood and leggings of leather.

  31. A man in a brown smock came cautiously from behind the trunk of an oak, and stood looking towards the White Lodge, shading his eyes with his hand.

  32. I will shoot the smock off the stake before you will.

  33. Fulk went across in the boat that afternoon and set up an old smock he had found in the stable, on a stake thrust into the bank.

  34. The guide, a bearded fellow in a brown smock and rough woollen stockings and cow-hide shoes, tramped along with his staff over his shoulder.

  35. He saw the arrow strike the smock and jerk it off the stake as though a hand had snatched it away.

  36. Come," said I, "take your smock between your teeth and then I shall see no more.

  37. I felt that all was lost, all the more as having to use both her hands she could not hold her smock and conceal two swelling spheres more seductive than the apples of the Hesperides.

  38. She quickly set to work with powder and powder-puff in hand, but her smock was short and loose at the top, and I repented, rather too late, that I had not given her time to dress.

  39. I, as I put my head through the smock frock.

  40. He was dressed in a clean smock frock, neatly worked up the front, leather gaiters, and stout shoes; a bundle and a stick were in his hand.

  41. Then there is a charming shop presided over by a pretty girl with the inevitable smock and braided hair, where tea is served in order to entice you to buy carved and painted trifles.

  42. Some of the sleeves have wide ends cut off at the mid-forearm, showing the tight sleeve of a shirt or smock below.

  43. An old Lincolnshire peasant wearing his smock frock and leathern gaiters might pass unnoted in a peasant crowd of centuries ago.

  44. Towards the end of the 19th century both drawers and smock or "chemise" were commonly exchanged for a more convenient "combination garment.

  45. I order you to put on that smock at once, and sit down and get your supper in it.

  46. No power on earth shall induce me to wear a smock frock," said Jack, infusing all the scorn he could muster into the objectionable name of the still more objectionable thing.

  47. You ought both to be ashamed of yourselves, and all about a stupid smock frock.

  48. Put it on and let's see," said the shepherd, taking the smock from Fairy and handing it to Jack.

  49. To provide with, or clothe in, a smock or a smock frock.

  50. Any kind of outer garment made of linen or cotton, as a night dress, or a smock frock.

  51. A small vane or sail, used to keep the large sails of a smock windmill always in the direction of the wind.

  52. It was Kenny in a painter's smock intent upon a palette, vividly, whimsically, delightfully Kenny.

  53. She spent unwearied hours in Ann's studio, masquerading in a sculptor's smock and staring at clay and marble with eyes of unbelief.

  54. Dublin having more theatres than could prove profitable, the old theatre in Smock Alley was pulled down; but a new one was erected, which was opened in December 1735, with "Love for Love.

  55. The Theatre Royal in Aungier Street had its real opponent in this house, opened by licence of the Lord Mayor, in the more central position, in Smock Alley.

  56. One night in July 1743, his robe for Cato was not forthcoming from the Smock Alley wardrobe, and Sheridan refused to play without it.

  57. Do cast them whither, and ’pon thy smock do wipe thy hand.

  58. Asplit at throat, the smock doth show a busom like to a sheen o’ fleecy cloud aveiling o’er the sun’s first flush.

  59. All of the sparing hours today our Leta did sniff her up the hill; nay, since the dawning she hath spread her smock and smirked.

  60. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smock" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    apron; bunch; petticoat; shift; undergarments