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Example sentences for "armed warriors"

  • Eustace accordingly was marched a sufficient distance from the debating group, a move which brought him close to the ranks of armed warriors.

  • Behind them were the dense ranks of armed warriors, all craning eagerly forward to watch what was to follow.

  • Do I imagine that I, unarmed and alone, can escape from about two hundred armed warriors, think you?

  • And into this space was defiling a great mass of armed warriors.

  • And beyond all this, thou wilt find great hosts of armed warriors, who have grown angry over their beer and they will certainly kill you.

  • But Louhi hastened out and called in hundreds of armed warriors to avenge her husband's death.

  • Wainamoinen went in unsuspectingly, but no sooner was he inside than he found himself surrounded by crowds of armed warriors.

  • Thus sang a great half circle of armed warriors, mustered on the slope beneath Dingane's place of concealment.

  • And then the two, glancing around noticed that they were encompassed by a considerable force of armed warriors, who had gathered in groups, casually and as if by accident, but in reality with meaning and design.

  • For the place was alive with armed warriors, starting up like ghosts, silently, noiselessly, out of nowhere.

  • Once they had actually inspanned, but before they had trekked half a mile from the kraal they were met by a large force of armed warriors, and deliberately turned back.

  • But behind each of those thus named had stealthily closed up a group of armed warriors.

  • The dense lines of armed warriors sprang to their feet and hurled themselves upon us, spears uplifted.

  • And such, indeed, was the case; for on the last rise, which should bring us within sight of the town, we were surrounded by two large bands of armed warriors.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "armed warriors" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    armed force; armed infantry; armed intervention; armed men; armed party; armed soldiers; armed troops; armed vessel; armed vessels; armed warriors; but when they were; chronic diseases; coming from; her window; how she; important industry; jeune homme; learn the; make arrangements; question whether; room after; slight elevation; stood listening; vacuum cleaner; will endeavor; work till