A small ring; a small circle; specifically, a fairy ring.
A circular spot; a sharge in the form of a small circle.
Greek form indicated by these peculiar indentations or drillings inclosed in a small circle.
It assumes too much to say that every time a small circle appears on an ancient object it represented the sun, and the same observation can be made with regard to symbols of the other elements.
It has a small circle and a dot in the center, around which circle the arms of the Swastika are interlaced.
A small circle is marked on the ground to the right of the first player in each file, and just within the starting line.
These may be marked simply as a cross for a footmark, or a small circle or square.
In the center of each half is marked a small circle or base for the captain.
Upon the opposite bank of the creek, and occupying the corresponding terrace, are other works, consisting of a small circle and a number of small mounds.
About one third of a mile south of the principal work, is a truncated pyramid, and a small circle, Fig.
About one hundred rods above this work, on the opposite side of the creek, is a small circle, two hundred feet in diameter, enclosing a mound.
Upon the highest part of the ground enclosed in this work, is a small circle, one hundred feet in diameter, within which are two small mounds.
Meanwhile there was at first (and still exists) a feeling of intense indignation in all parts of the country that so much suffering should have been thrown upon the whole people by the misbehaviour of a small circle of men in New York.
It has twelve trefoil-headed lights radiating from a small circle, and curiously crossing a larger circle some distance from the smaller.
So that good, great, universal, religious art may be incomprehensible to a small circle of spoilt people, but certainly not to any large number of plain men.
Fasten the cotton on to the first purl and work the 2nd round: 1 small circle, consisting of 6 double divided by 1 purl.
The head itself is decorated with the usual crown of radiating lines, a small circle with a central pit represents the eye, and below this is a well-defined mouth with a double row of teeth.
Near the center of each is a small circle, which gives the figure a close resemblance to a variety of perforated stone implements, one specimen of which has been found near Osceola, Ark.
These circles divide the surface into five parts--a small circle at the center surrounded by four zones of unequal width.
A circular spot; a sharge in the form of a small circle.
Sometimes it is easier to begin sewing the braid on at the very center of the top of the crown, or a few rows may be sewed to a small circle of crinoline before attaching to the top of the crown.
Cut and join a small circle of brace wire--about three inches in diameter--for the crown top.
If sufficient material is allowed at the top the extra amount may be drawn up over a small circle of wire to make the crown top, but an extra piece cut for this purpose is more satisfactory.
Press the palm of extended right hand slightly against right ear, and move the hand in small circle parallel to and close to the ear.
With G forefinger draw a small circle on forehead, then sign Prisoner.
The Deaf mode is the figure-sign, then, without changing position of arm or hand, give the hand a twisting jerk from the wrist, which swings it in a small circle.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "small circle" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.