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Example sentences for "sleighing"

Lexicographically close words:
sleeved; sleeveless; sleeves; sleigh; sleighbells; sleighride; sleighs; sleight; sleighte; sleights
  1. The sleighing rarely passes without many such accidents occurring, merely through want of caution.

  2. The loss of the miniatures had taken a good deal of the fun out of Ben, and when the young folks stopping at the Wadsworth mansion went out sleighing again, and for some fun skating, he begged to be excused.

  3. I don't believe sleighing will seem too fast after the riding we have been doing in the auto," answered the brother.

  4. There had been another fall of snow, and now sleighing was even better than before.

  5. Well, as we are going out sleighing this afternoon, why don't you drive to Coburntown and drop into his shop and explain matters?

  6. Then they came out on the Lamont road, where the sleighing was almost perfect.

  7. You couldn't hire Uncle Dunston to go sleighing to-day.

  8. They were told that the road was in excellent condition, and this proved to be a fact, so that the sleighing was thoroughly enjoyed.

  9. I used to enjoy sleighing when I was a young man!

  10. Here the sleighing became poor, there being but few farmhouses in that vicinity.

  11. The sleighing party had still three miles to go when suddenly Laura uttered a cry.

  12. Used to a life in the open air, and to riding and driving, the sleighing in and around Crumville proved to be a constant delight to Belle and Cora.

  13. Almost every day, after the sleighing became good, she enjoyed a drive with Graeme or her father, or with Mr Snow in his big sleigh after the "bonny greys.

  14. They went out, or some one came in, or there was a lecture or concert, or when the sleighing became good a drive by moonlight.

  15. But although there were dinner parties and sleighing parties, nightly dances, and the promise of a fine theatrical season, with the officers of the army as actors, no one remembered her.

  16. Her friends appeared to have forgotten her, and the dancing and feasting and sleighing went on without her presence.

  17. For Medway had asked her to go sleighing with him on the following day, and she expected that ride to atone for many small insults and offenses.

  18. The sleighing was superb, and our little nags carried us merrily along, at the usual travelling rate of one Swedish mile (nearly seven English) per hour.

  19. The sleighing was superb, the snow pure as ivory, hard as marble, and beautifully crisp and smooth.

  20. Sleighing is much more generally enjoyed by night than by day, for what reason I could never discover, unless it be, that no gentlemen are to be found disengaged from business in the mornings.

  21. On the 13th, snow was ten inches deep, the weather cold, and sleighing good.

  22. Monday cold, and indifferent sleighing in the streets.

  23. The rain, snow, and hail which had fallen gave good sleighing a part of that day.

  24. And we went on sleighing down hill and up hill till dusk, and every time we drew our sleighs up to the hilltop, we talked about the lamp with the children of the town.

  25. But time hung heavily in the sitting-room, and as we couldn't hit upon anything else, we resolved to go in a body to the sleighing hill.

  26. Towards the end of the winter, the sleighing being a little better on the portages, we drove to Ostersund, the nearest house east of us.

  27. In vain did Mrs. Rolleston represent that they were out sleighing and skating together most days without his objecting.

  28. Her thoughts became more lively as she speculated why Bertie and Cecil were absent from the sleighing party.

  29. She had elicited many lively descriptions of Bluebell's life in Canada, and the children were never weary of sleighing and toboggining stories.

  30. This young lady was to be one of the sleighing party next day, and, as far as she could admit such a humiliating fact, was trying to convey to him, that she was as yet unappropriated for any particular sleigh.

  31. We have fine sleighing now, and the moon rises only a little after eight on New-Year's evening; why not invite them for the evening.

  32. He was perfectly brilliant in a description of New-York as seen under the sun of a clear, frosty New-Year's morning, with snow enough to make the sleighing good.

  33. Because now that the thaw has spoiled the sleighing Reivers will have time for deviltry.

  34. A thaw which would spoil the sleighing and ice-roads for the time being was long over-due.

  35. The logs which had lain in the woods for want of sleighing now were accessible.

  36. Sleighing was good that year, till the middle of March.

  37. It is late this year; I've seen it deep enough for sleighing the second week in November; and from this till March the ground will be hidden, generally under a blanket four feet thick.

  38. The last sleighing week saw the departure of the Armytage family.

  39. Elizabeth Eliza was inclined to turn back, but Hiram said they would find the sleighing better farther up among the hills.

  40. No time to stop; there's good sleighing on the old road.

  41. Well, it isn't much of a drive in such sleighing as this is.

  42. There had been several light and fleecy falls of snow since the arrival of the "city cousins" at the farmhouse, but they had been only about enough to keep the sleighing in good order.

  43. Eight miles of excellent sleighing does not last long before fast horses, and there was to be no such thing as being late.

  44. The sleighing was good over the country roads, and the number of teams hitched along the sides of the lower streets testified to the general hunger for news as well as for trade.

  45. They're having good sleighing in New London," said Vine.

  46. The sociability of all these arriving sleighing parties was tremendous, and they seemed to be all of one mind concerning the events of the day.

  47. He wanted me to join that sleighing party.

  48. Poor Cornelia's illness was very short, the chill taken at the sleighing party had been fatal to her at the beginning of the complaint, and she expired on the third day, with hardly any interval of consciousness.

  49. Then gradually she took courage to reply, and I found that she had come in attendance on her stepdaughter Cornelia, who was extremely devoted to these sleighing parties.

  50. My Lord repeated his lady's invitation to a dinner, which was to be followed up by sleighing on hills formed of ice.

  51. And there's fine sleighing here, Bedelia," she said.

  52. Olga had never been more affable towards him than to-day, and when he dared to speak of the sleighing privileges, she smiled.

  53. That was the sleighing privilege, and now--shall we glide together over the mirror-like surface of life, as we do over the ice?

  54. And now once more may I claim my sleighing rights?

  55. The sleighing leaving them they remained at Bloomfield, Ontario county, New York, until spring, and did not reach here until May 9th.

  56. We have quite a depth of snow on the ground, have had fine sleighing since the 10th of November.

  57. Katrina's mind was on the anticipated joys of the evening, and she performed her task mechanically, thinking all the time of Johann and longing for the arrival of the sleighing party.

  58. Joyfully donning her wraps, she hastened away to join the sleighing party, leaving the thirteenth pudding to its fate.

  59. But we’ll get some of the other young folks for the sled ride and the sleighing parties.

  60. And Mr. Parsons insisted that you could not see Winsted properly unless you had some Harding girls along, and as the first snow of the season had just fallen, he organized a sleighing party, with Nan and Miss Hale as chaperons.

  61. Nan's gone off sleighing with Roberta, and you're only enduring my society until Dorothy King finishes her Lab, and you can go off walking with her.

  62. The proposed sleighing party was carried out.

  63. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sleighing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.