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Example sentences for "sledge"

Lexicographically close words:
sleaing; sleave; sleazy; sled; sledding; sledged; sledgehammer; sledges; sledging; sleds
  1. But the musical "Sledge Drive" seems to have gained most applause; a pianoforte arrangement was afterwards printed, the effect being heightened by the accompaniment of five differently toned harness-bells.

  2. After this: The Sledge Drive, with the sledge-bells and all the other instruments.

  3. After the Sledge Drive: The horses are heard rattling their harness.

  4. In anger Papik struck the offending member, and drawing his sledge after him proceeded toward his tent.

  5. Papik finally drew his single sledge load of walrus toward his tent.

  6. Two more walrus were lumberingly drawn to the ice; the first sledge load and two hunters started shoreward; soon the second sledge was loaded.

  7. Now and then he lost his footing on the uneven ice; his heart leaped for fear, but he held grimly to the sledge and the lithe, lean but strong dog-bodies carried him to safety.

  8. I woke at the bottom of the mountain, three of my dogs were crushed, my sledge was broken .

  9. Sitting on his sledge by Annadoah, Ootah dimly heard their voices echoing into silence; he experienced terrible pains again in his limbs and the fever in his head.

  10. As he was hitching the dogs to the loaded sledge he suddenly gave a start.

  11. The chief was angered, but he only replied, 'Then take my friend's sledge and make ready.

  12. I have a sledge at home used by my father, not more than six inches wide, and at least eight feet long.

  13. The chief knew well just how to throw himself upon the sledge; he knew the difficult art of keeping his sledge under him as he slid down the steep race track; he was able to guide his sledge with the greatest skill.

  14. They constantly fell down, for they slipped on the hard surface; their eyes were bloodshot and starting from the sockets, the breast collar choked them, the sledge had suddenly become a great weight on them.

  15. The sledge drew up in front of a cottage.

  16. He had stood up in the sledge almost all the way, longing to jump out and run faster than the horses, which were going at a gallop.

  17. Stefan instantly struck the ice-spear into the ice with his full strength, so that the sledge shook.

  18. It was as if monsters were reeling in a mad giant dance, overtaking the sledge from behind, running now in front, now at the sides, and pelting it with handfuls of snow.

  19. When I think of that, I want to jump out of the sledge and go back into the storm; but I expect you would not let me, would you?

  20. The sledge had high runners and a light wicker body; it was well supplied with straw and covered with homespun rugs.

  21. He ordered the sledge to be brought round.

  22. The lightened sledge sped forward rapidly, and Stefan was only just in time to throw himself on to it beside Jozef; the dogs needed no rein or guiding.

  23. He could not tell why he longed to stand up in the sledge and shout like a peasant with all his might--shout into that deaf, voiceless, boundless space which fascinated by its immensity as a precipice does.

  24. Stefan shook the snow off him, turned the sledge and put the dogs in readiness, rousing them by his voice and by blows of the ice-spear.

  25. There in the frosty night a beautiful sledge was in waiting, hung with baskets and sacks overflowing with toys and sweets.

  26. The sledge quickly received its second load from the raft.

  27. The sledge was loaded with the new boat, and everything else we could pack into it, and we turned our steps homeward, finding the greatest difficulty, however, in getting our vehicle through the woods.

  28. In time we reached the sledge in Calabash Wood; the ass was unloaded, everything placed on the sledge, and our patient beast began calmly and readily to drag the burden he had hitherto borne on his back.

  29. We conveyed the mighty hams to the beach, each on a sledge of plaited boughs and twigs, and drawn by one of the dogs.

  30. It was, in fact, high time to move homeward, and we thought it best not to encumber ourselves with the sledge and the greater part of its load, but to leave it until the next day.

  31. In order to shape my sledge with ends properly turned up in front, I had chosen wood which had been part of the bow of the vessel, and was curved in the necessary way for my purpose.

  32. The remainder of the journey up the Tananah was uneventful, but so long that the new year was well begun ere the sledge party left it and turned up the Gheesah branch, which flows in from the east.

  33. Then with cheers and frantic yelpings of dogs, the sledge brigade dashed on toward the welcoming lights.

  34. Over these the sledge pulled heavily, in spite of its lightened load, because one of the ice shoes, with which its runners were shod, had broken and could not be repaired until camp was made.

  35. As there seemed nothing better to be done, this plan was carried out, though dividing the provisions made each portion look woefully small, and by noon the sledge was again on its way southward.

  36. Thus it happened that one bright day in early March the music of sledge bells and the cracking of a dog driver's whip attracted the inmates of the Battle Harbour Hospital to doors and windows to witness an arrival.

  37. Yim ran beside his straining dogs, encouraging the laggards with whip and voice; White led the way and broke the trail, while Cabot brought up the rear and helped the sledge over difficult places.

  38. First the missionary was obliged to make a visit to his station, and, on his return, the snow was not in condition for a long sledge journey.

  39. In his broken English Yim gave the lads to understand that it would be advisable to camp where they were, in order to prepare their meat for transportation, and also to mend their broken sledge shoe.

  40. White, in great excitement, at the same time seizing his rifle from the sledge and hastily removing it from its sealskin case.

  41. When the time for starting arrived, the entire population of the new settlement turned out to see them off and help get their heavily laden sledge up the steep ascent from the beach.

  42. Furious winds had piled it into drifts, with intervening spaces of bare ground, over which sledge travel would be impossible.

  43. In another minute sledge and dogs were concealed in a bit of a gully, with Cabot to watch them, while Yim and White, lying flat behind the crest of a low ridge, were eagerly noting the course of the approaching animals.

  44. Graham Aspland, house surgeon of the Battle Harbour Hospital, who makes a heroic sledge journey to the far north every winter, arrived on his annual errand of mercy.

  45. A sledge with a fine team of dogs had also been placed at their disposal, and an intelligent young Eskimo, who could speak some English, was ready to guide them on their southward journey.

  46. On the sledge journeys the dogs were harnessed in a fan-shaped group to the traces, and were never run tandem.

  47. The sledge party was commanded by Lieutenant Lockwood, and the following particulars are supplied by Sergeant Brainerd, who accompanied Lieutenant Lockwood on the expedition.

  48. After this smith Ilmarinen In his sledge again dashed forward, And the sledge drove rattling onward, Head bowed down in great depression, 290 Back he journeyed to his country, Till he reached the well-known regions.

  49. But the maiden gave him answer, And the well-shod maiden answered: 120 "In thy sledge may Tuoni seek thee, Manalainen journey with thee.

  50. In each sledge there was a combined provision and observation book, bearing the same number as the sledge.

  51. We come up the old sledge road from the place where the Fram used to lie.

  52. He was not here to-day, but I could see that he was engaged in planing down the sledge cases and making them lighter.

  53. Long and fatiguing sledge journeys show a very different state of things.

  54. One sledge after another drove up to the site and discharged its load.

  55. We came across some crevasses, and Hanssen's sledge was nearly in one; but it was held up, and he came out of it without serious consequences.

  56. Hanssen picked himself up again just as the last sledge was passing and jumped on.

  57. While this process is going on with the greatest enjoyment, the driver has got clear of the sledge and begins to distentangle the traces, which have wound themselves round planks and posts and whatever else maybe lying handy.

  58. It is another matter on sledge journeys: there we all know from experience that alcohol must be banished -- not because a drink of spirits can do any harm, but on account of the weight and space.

  59. It consists in taking the first opportunity, when the sledge stops, of going in among the dogs, taking out the defiant one, and laying into him with the handle.

  60. A sledge journey of the kind we had before us is a serious undertaking, and the work has to be done seriously.

  61. We were astonished to find this low temperature while summer ought still to have lasted, especially when I remembered the moderate temperatures Shackleton had observed on his southern sledge journey.

  62. Here all the provisions for the sledge journey were packed.

  63. It will appear later that we had our hands more than full of the preparations for the sledge journey, not only during the long sea voyage, but also during the still longer Antarctic winter.

  64. He stood still for a moment and looked round, then turned the sledge over, with the runners in the air.

  65. When he had heard this, Makar went out into the yard and put an axe into the sledge under the straw.

  66. He expected she would come out when she heard the sledge bells but she did not.

  67. I walked behind the sledge and he whispers to me, 'What are you thinking about?

  68. He said that a traveller had come to his father's house and hired his sledge to drive him to a village thirty miles off for two roubles.

  69. I stooped over the sledge as if to arrange the straw, and the axe seemed to jump into my hand of itself.

  70. Ulrich kept beside the sledge to push it.

  71. As soon as she perceived us, though it was in the middle of the night, she stopped her sledge and ours to make inquiries concerning the condition of the Duke.

  72. As he had often taken me before, I accepted his offer, and the sledge was at once brought.

  73. Jack saw the old hunter watching the sledge dogs with a puzzled frown wrinkling his brow.

  74. But the youth stopped long enough to obtain a sledge hammer and other tools that he knew they should need.

  75. The Marquis Adelardi entered the sledge awaiting him at the gate of the fortress, but gave no orders to his coachman, uncertain where he should go.

  76. Then he stopped, and hurriedly said to the young guide: "I think we should let the heaviest sledge go first: we will follow, if we can.

  77. To slacken their course an instant would have submerged them in the river, but the sledge flew rather than ran on the ice, and the hand that guided it was firm.

  78. Clement's sledge was waiting at the door.

  79. As soon as you are safe, the sledge shall return for your friend.

  80. The sledge can only hold you and the guide.

  81. The order was instantly given, and the sledge that contained Fleurange and her companion passed rapidly on.

  82. With this light equipage Clement went like the wind, sometimes preceding the other sledge as a guide, and then returning to accompany it and watch over its safety.

  83. Who knew whether the sledge would succeed in reaching them again?

  84. Not far off could be heard the slow cracking of the ice beneath the heavy weight of the sledge at the edge of the first opening.

  85. It was in this sledge Fleurange and her companion were stowed away.

  86. The sledge drove twice round the square, and Kay fastened his own little sledge to it, so that when it went away, he followed with it.

  87. In front of the procession ran the Harlequin, dressed in clothes made of all kinds of colored patches artfully sewn together, with a black face, and bells on his head like a sledge horse.

  88. Then he called out loudly, but nobody heard him, while the snow beat upon him, and the sledge flew onwards.

  89. All at once they sprang on one side, the great sledge stopped, and the person who had driven it rose up.

  90. He spoke of the bright winter nights, when the sledge bells are ringing, and the boys run with burning torches across the smooth ice, which is so transparent that they can see the fishes dart forward beneath their feet.

  91. But while they were all amusing themselves, and Kay with them, a great sledge came by; it was painted white, and in it sat some one wrapped in a rough white fur, and wearing a white cap.

  92. Soon after Kay made his appearance in large thick gloves, and with his sledge at his back.

  93. This primitive sledge was really a travail consisting of one piece.

  94. An improvement upon the travail was the sledge made of the forked limb of a tree (Fig.

  95. Anchoring in the Bay of St. Nicholas, he took a sledge for Moscow, where he delivered his letters safely to the King.

  96. The mother of two Eskimos led the way with a staff in her hand, my sledge following with the dogs and one of the children, guided by one of the wives with a child on her back.

  97. And now preparations for the great sledge journey were complete.

  98. Now Nansen planned the great sledge journey, which has been called "the most daring ever undertaken.

  99. Each sledge was complete in itself; each had its cooking utensils, its four men, its dogs and provisions for fifty or sixty days.

  100. His request to keep myself tight to the sledge was not unnecessary; at one moment the sledge jumped over a big tussock, the next it went down into a pit.

  101. After a native sledge came that of Commander Ross, followed by more Eskimos.

  102. The party consisted of Shackleton, Adams, Marshall, and Wild, each leading a pony which dragged a sledge with food for ninety-one days.

  103. Hopefully they dragged their kayaks over the snow, the sledge runners fastened on to their feet, and so made their way southwards down Franz Josef Land.

  104. Nordenskiold's account of a short drive in a reindeer sledge is amusing.

  105. Thence I beheld a sight which my pen refuseth to describe--the sledge which was carrying away the mangled remains of those dear friends which so short a time before we had looked upon alive!

  106. About an hour afterward notice was given to us by one of the servants that the sledge which carried the prisoners was in sight.

  107. As he drove a black crowd of crows followed the sledge and perched on it, tearing greedily at the meat.

  108. On the third day after my arrival in Moscow I saw a man driving a sledge laden with, I think, horseflesh, mostly bones, probably dead sledge horses.

  109. She would trample the snow hard and flat, put her sledge on it, pile boughs and make a canopy of blanket overhead and behind.

  110. Then the sledge came bumping at her heels and she perceived she was going down hill.

  111. She screamed with anger at them and twitched her sledge away.

  112. The idea of a sledge grew upon her, and she planned to nail a rope along the edge and make a kind of harness for herself.

  113. But even as she wept she turned her sledge about to follow the edge of the wood.

  114. She made no account of its depredations there, but set herself to make a sledge and get her supplies together.

  115. She pulled her rude old sledge alongside his bunk, and kissed him, and showed him how to shift and drop himself upon the plank.

  116. Louis Napoleon stayed in the hut as a matter of course, and reposed with snores and choking upon Marjorie's sledge and within a yard of her.

  117. Marjorie's team was the heavier, her driver more skillful, and her sledge the lighter, and she led in that wild chase from start to finish, but ever and again Trafford made wild spurts that brought him almost level.

  118. She tossed her provisions down and ran up the broad windings of her pine-tree trail to Trafford, with the unloaded sledge bumping behind her.

  119. The sledge behind her struggled to hold her back, and the snow balled under her snowshoes.

  120. Why shouldn't we make another sledge from the other bunk and start down--" "To Hammond?

  121. She would unload and pile her stuff here, and bring him down on the sledge closer to the wood.

  122. The sledge was empty, for Volodya was already in the hall, untying his hood with red and chilly fingers.

  123. The sledge stopped at a big strange-looking house, like a soup-ladle turned upside down.

  124. A minute later she was sitting in a sledge by her master's feet and heard him, shrinking with cold and anxiety, mutter to himself: "We shall be disgraced!

  125. All of a sudden a sledge stopped at the door, with three white horses in a cloud of steam.

  126. At another time seven of my dogs ran a mile in four minutes, drawing a heavy sledge full of men.

  127. In all the Arctic expeditions which have been sent out at various times, a good supply of sledge dogs has been one of the greatest desiderata, as without them it would be absolutely impossible to proceed far.

  128. When the sledge is stopped they are all taught to lie down, by throwing the whip gently over their backs, and they will remain in this position even for hours, until their master returns to them.

  129. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sledge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    barge; boat; bus; cart; coach; ferry; float; hammer; haul; mallet; raft; ship; sled; truck; wagon