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Example sentences for "sixth century"

  • It was, indeed, at one with the better Greek thought of the time (sixth century B.

  • From the devotion paid him by Hammurabi, and much later by Nebuchadrezzar II (sixth century B.

  • The departure from Huehue Tlapallan seems to have taken place in the fifth or sixth century.

  • This book is bound in ivory covers, carved, as it would seem, in the Ravennese style in the fifth or sixth century.

  • This mighty man of strength fell into disgrace for refusing to receive the doctrines of Zoroaster, and died by the hand of one of his brothers named Scheghad (sixth century B.

  • It was probably part of a cemetery basilica of the fifth or sixth century, just outside the ancient wall of Tragurium.

  • By the date of the Black Figure vases (sixth century B.

  • But in these two passages Homer seems to have in his mind a corslet of but two guala, back-plate and breast-plate fastened at the sides, like the eighth to sixth century corslet.

  • He cannot be made to fit into the eighth or seventh or sixth century; it is useless to look for him at the Court of Croesus!

  • Rigid fans or hand-screens, introduced from China, end of sixth century A.

  • Robert Forrer in his Reallexikon figures two which were obtained from the cemetery of Akhmin, the Greek Panopolis, presumably belonging to the fourth-sixth century.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sixth century" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    absolute predestination; being sent; but will; caught napping; common cold; desert country; dramatic music; green satin; guide address; her country; her husband; here have; peregrine falcon; perfect model; replace them; saying good; sixth century; sixth chapter; sixth dynasty; sixth part; sixth year; strong decoction; tobacco smoke; truth will; will meet; your pocket