In other cases an exemplary cause may be constituted by the substitution of similars that do not imply participation.
Such a substitution of similars is true in one sense; red paint is a substitute for blood as colour: Magic requires that it shall also be a substitute in other ways; and, therefore, it is so.
In 1857 there were upwards of two hundred practitioners in the kingdom, with thirty-three institutions in which the law of similars was used as a basis of practice.
In general, the law of similarsis supposed to hold in the doctrine of signatures--like cures like.
Here the doctrine of similars seems once more to have been in play.
This occurs particularly when people are led astray by the substitution of similars and by the repetition of such a substitution.
I certainly would not have substituted E for A at the beginning, but the repeated substitution of similars has led me to this complete incommensurability.
The solution is that where rules fail recourse must be had fromsimilars to similars, otherwise not.
Footnote AC: Recourse is had at times from similars to similars.
Any element which is fastened upon by fire is cut by the sharpness of the triangles, until at length, coalescing with the fire, it is at rest; for similars are not affected by similars.
There is another feature that the believer in the law of similars should find no insuperable difficulty in accepting as a criterion of the validity of a proving, namely: the similarity of the drug symptoms to certain disease symptoms.
The various recurrences of a sensation must be recognised as recurrences, and this implies the collection of sensations into classes of similars and the apperception of a common nature in several data.
We habitually group similars together, or compare opposites in our thinking; hence these are the terms between which associative bonds are formed.
Another form of relationship is, however, quite as common as similars in our thinking.
The tendency of our thought thus to group in similars and opposites is clear when we go back to the fundamental law of association.
In other cases, the two forms stood out in quick succession, as if the one had drawn the other after it; in still other cases, the two similars stood out simultaneously, sprang forth as if of their own accord.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "similars" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.