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Example sentences for "shopkeepers"

Lexicographically close words:
shoots; shop; shopgirl; shopgirls; shopkeeper; shopkeeping; shoplifter; shoplifters; shopman; shopmates
  1. These the astute duke immediately rented out to shopkeepers at an annual rental of more than ten millions.

  2. Many of our shopkeepers are proud of having their names and callings over their shops, glittering in golden letters; and Dudley has many artists well qualified to gratify the taste.

  3. Mr. Horace Swiss had expressed himself very much alarmed lest the present plan of reform should throw the elective franchise into the hands of shopkeepers and attorneys.

  4. The shopkeepers and proprietors of coffee-houses, restaurants, etc.

  5. The shopkeepers formed the backbone of King George's adherents; the Tory gentry, the clergy, and those holding office under the proprietor made the rest.

  6. The shopkeepers were gathered at their doors, but their chattering was hushed as the dreaded committee passed.

  7. It may be of interest to psychologists that shopkeepers without wives, and shopkeepers without husbands, generally elected to remain in the town.

  8. Which prodigious sum would be wholly saved, and many thousands of our miserable shopkeepers and manufacturers comfortably supported.

  9. I could wish our shopkeepers would immediately think on this proposal, addressing it to all persons of quality and others; but first be sure to get somebody who can write sense, to put it into form.

  10. But all street-walkers, and shopkeepers bear an equal share in this hourly vexation.

  11. But the greatest difficulty lay in these perpetual differences between the shopkeepers and workmen they employed.

  12. I do not here pretend to digest perfectly the method by which these principal shopkeepers shall proceed in such a proposal; but my meaning is clear enough, and cannot reasonably be objected against.

  13. A very decent farmer," he says, "only last week stood up in the shop and said it was 'a shame the shopkeepers were not made to reduce the tenpence muslin goods to sixpence!

  14. The shopkeepers are obliged by law to give them a certain sum, and on the occasion of a marriage or any other festivity, the giver sends a fee to the "king," on the understanding that he keeps his lieges from bothering the guests.

  15. And these big, prosperous-looking men, who are so richly dressed, are only the shopkeepers and the lower class of merchants.

  16. Shopkeepers and merchants who had made very much money mixed freely with the nobles.

  17. We have few cities to corrupt, and very little attempt at the education which makes shopkeepers and anarchists of honest men.

  18. They call themselves farmers and shopkeepers from the frontier, but there is little of the Thetian in their faces to my mind.

  19. But, greatly to his vexation, I would not hear of his compelling the shopkeepers with whom my butler had daily dealings in buying necessaries for me to provision my camp at their own charge.

  20. This company consisted of the merchants, professional men, and officials of Adelaide; but a rival company was immediately started, consisting of shopkeepers and tradesmen, together with the farmers of the country districts.

  21. The shopkeepers in Perth became rich, and the farmer squatters of the surrounding districts found a ready market for their produce.

  22. The common people followed us in crowds, and appeared very friendly, but the prices asked by the shopkeepers were exorbitant.

  23. Shopkeepers flocked in laden with fans, metal work, lacquered porcelain and crape, with which we occupied the interval till an answer should be received from the authorities at Nagoya.

  24. Now that the daimios whose wants had been supplied by the merchants and shopkeepers had left for their country homes, the population would naturally decrease.

  25. In like manner, in old times, farmers and shopkeepers were wont to convert their superfluous rupees into ornaments of fantastic design for themselves, their wives, and their children.

  26. The shopkeepers and the citizens are extremely sorry for losing their safety, and curse the mutineers from morning to evening.

  27. The population is composed solely of fishermen, their families, and the shopkeepers who supply their necessities.

  28. The shopkeepers of Dresden, the "communal guard," not only did not fight, but in many instances favored the proceedings of the troops against the insurgents.

  29. This was absurd enough from a set of shopkeepers and smugglers; but being deucedly tired, I soon grew accustomed to their noise, which seemed to have no end, and fell fast asleep.

  30. Upon the representation of the shopkeepers that their business was greatly hindered, the Mayor and magistrates, on the 10th of May, issued a notice forbidding the holding of the meetings.

  31. These Italians--shopkeepers by day and robbers by night.

  32. That was a sure sign, Simon knew from his Paris student days, that the shopkeepers expected trouble.

  33. The hand shaped the sign of the cross in the air as the shopkeepers fell to their knees.

  34. The shops of the tradesmen who had supplied the Commune, or whom their rival shopkeepers accused, were given over to pillage; the soldiers smashed their furniture and carried off the objects of value.

  35. The National Guards arrived from all sides and unscrewed the pieces, and the shopkeepers of the Rue des Tournelles commenced unpaving the street.

  36. The shopkeepers generally close their shops at sunset, and only in a very few places are there people who buy and sell or go about to do shopping by lamplight.

  37. The most of the shopkeepers do not have proper weights of iron or brass, but use ordinary cobblestones and pebbles.

  38. But for Ulas one must have the wherewithal--the shopkeepers need wares, and the traders, money.

  39. As autumn approached Leicester marched back his forces to the Hague, and was greatly disgusted and astonished to be called to account by what he pleased to name an assembly of shopkeepers and artisans.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shopkeepers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.