He was not a man given to shirking unpleasing experiences to save his own heart a pang, but he was a veritable child in the way that he studied to preserve his eldest son from the like.
Disinclined to action or exertion; averse to labor; idle; shirking work.
On the contrary, many charitable societies make it a serious business to discover and hold to responsibility shirking members of families in which there is great discrepancy in financial condition.
I felt like an idle man, shirking the saddle, when I should be serving my country.
And, God knows, if one had ever a look at our bare bodies, he would see no sign of shirkingon either D'ri or me.
There is noshirking or postponing of this hearing to-day.
You are one of the strong; and in your case there is noshirking the penalty without an imputation that could never be coupled with the name of Meredith.
Well, he was a man who worked hard and fought hard all the days of his life, never shirking his duty or envious of the good luck of others.
He is sure to have been liked by his schoolfellows, for he was a very lively, mischievous boy, constantly inventing some fresh prank, but never shirking the punishment it frequently brought.
It is not by shirkingdifficulties that we can remove them or escape them.
A great number of people are expressing conflicting opinions upon all sorts of things, but there is a quite remarkable shirking of plain issues of debate.
Through their kinship, the cowardice and the shirking became a part of his heritage.
Continually he fancied the horror the veil concealed; continually, out of the past, his cowardice and his shirking arose to confront him.
He did it quietly and thoroughly, neither shirking nor overelaborating the minutest detail.
She had promised Dudley that the calls should be made, and she put on her visiting gown without a thought of shirking the fulfilment of her pledge.
Their wants are few and simple, and they are satisfied with the moderate exertion that suffices to supply them; but they will tolerate no shirking of that in any shape or form, and this alone saves them from disaster.
If there was any shirkingto be done they had always done it together.
Mooktoo seems shirking the work, stopping at the foot of the hill.
Soon after, the hunters appeared, Mooktoo as usual shirking the hard work, and Subhan climbing the heights manfully, as though he intended to catch Bruin.
But I think sometimes that I can't last always; I unconsciously leave off doing things, and wake up to find that I am shirking work.
It was when fixing a day for coming up to town on this account that he mentioned the occurrence of the previous year in a letter to his father:-- 'I have a great object in shirking the oppidan dinner.
Perhaps it is, indeed I think it is, very much a mere cowardly indolent shirking of work.
Bavarian soldiers quarreled with Prussians, accused them (unjustly) of shirking the Somme battlefields and leaving the Bavarians to go to the blood-bath.
Many of the German officers were as demoralized as the men, shirking their posts in the trenches, shamming sickness, and even leading the way to surrender.
Out of those lines of eyes stared the courage of men's souls, not shirking the next ordeal.
There is great danger of shirking our duty to our children, of shifting it over upon others, or neglecting it altogether.
We believe it has a most solemn bearing; and further, we believe we should be guilty of a very culpable shirking of our duty to Christ and to His Church if we failed to point it out.
Unsectarian Christianity consists in shirking the difficulty without meeting it, and trying hard to believe that the passion can survive without its essential basis.
In accusing the clergy and nonconformist ministers of shirking their duty we must remember the enormous difficulty of their task.
It did not betray him into shirking responsibilities.
But if I ever find you slacking or shirking again, I am going to go to the colonel immediately and ask him to 'break' you back to the ranks.
I never saw you until that day when the captain caught me shirking and told off two men to prod me back into camp.
Since the shirking of this obligation means a serious menace to the community, the unwillingness of a large majority of women to accept the obligation is a factor of the utmost importance in the situation.
We do not think they know they are shirking a fundamental duty of citizenship.
It is not even true of the politician who wishes to get full enjoyment out of life without shirking its duties.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shirking" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: dodging; elusive; evasion; evasive; idleness; malingering; shifty; slippery; truancy; truant