Remove the lemon-peel and add the sugar, salt and shalot chopped, and boil for fifteen minutes.
Strain the haricot beans and chop them very fine, add the shalot and yolk of egg and liquor that was strained off, and put the mixture aside for a little while.
Mince the shalot and fry for one minute, but without browning.
Peel and slice the cucumber, place it in an enamelled stewpan with the shalot finely minced, the butter, pepper, salt and water.
Place them together in a stewpan with the shalot finely minced, the pepper, salt and water, and stew gently for half an hour.
Chop the shalot and parsley until very fine, mix well with the other dry ingredients, and then stir in the yolk of egg.
When the vegetables are quite cold, cut them up into ornamental shapes, and arrange them with the tomatoes and shalot very finely minced in a salad bowl, pour over a Mayonnaise sauce or salad sauce No.
Where the flavour of the shalot is disliked it may be omitted, and a small quantity of savoury herbs substituted for it.
If the flavour of garlic and shalot is very much disliked, diminish the quantities.
Add the shalot and seasoning, and simmer gently for 3 hours, taking care that it does not boil fast.
Put the stock into a stewpan, add the ketchup and shalot vinegar, and lay in the pieces of lamb.
The remains of cold beef, rather underdone, may be substituted for the steak, and, when liked, the smallest possible quantity of minced onion or shalot may be added.
Shred some dressed beef under done, with a little fat; season with salt and pepper, and a little shalotor onion.
Season with pepper, salt, a little shalot or garlick; mix them well, and make the whole into small cakes three inches long, and half as wide and thick.
Add some ketchup, a very little shalot chopped, salt, cayenne, and lemon juice, or pickled mushrooms.
Have ready some shalot vinegar boiling hot: mince the meat large, and a good deal of the fat; sprinkle it with salt, and pour the shalot vinegar and the gravy on it.
Serve them up with shalot sauce in a boat, or with good gravy, and lemons cut in quarters.
To do them in the Portuguese way, half fry the chops with sliced shalot or onion, chopped parsley, and two bay leaves.
Then cut it small, and mix with it some shred shalot or garlic, as fine as possible.
When done, put them into a warm dish, rub them with butter, slice a shalot in a spoonful of boiling water, with a little salt and ketchup, and pour it over the chops.
Two ounces of garlic or shalot may be added, but must not be boiled in the vinegar.
Instead of black pepper and allspice, a bruised shalot may be added, with some mace and ginger.
Mix together equal quantities of oil and vinegar, and add to them a shalot and some parsley, very finely chopped; pepper, and salt.
Put the shalot and vinegar into a saucepan; boil until the vinegar has evaporated, but do not let the shalot burn.
Simmer the shalot, capers, and gherkin, in the vinegar until the shalot is quite soft.
Same with Shalot Butter, well rubbing the dish prior to putting the steak on it.
Next a few drops of shalot vinegar, or a very small onion minced as finely as possible.
Have a little shalot and parsley minced fine and mixed; pass it with a little fresh butter.
Have ready pepper, salt, shalot or garlic, and strew upon them.
Strain a pint of oysters from their liquor; put them into the butter; and let them stew with some parsley minced small, a little shalot shred small, and the yolks of three eggs well beaten up with the liquor strained from the oysters.
Wash an anchovy clean; put to it a glass of red wine, some gravy, a shalot cut small, and a little lemon-juice.
A little chopped parsley and onions may be mixed with the butter and eggs, and a little shalot or pounded ham.
If you choose forcemeat balls, have them ready boiled in water, and take out the shalot before you dish up: ten minutes will do them.
Where the flavour of the shalot is disliked, it may be omitted, and a small quantity of savoury herbs substituted for it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shalot" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.