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Example sentences for "venire"

Lexicographically close words:
venientes; veniet; venin; venio; venir; venis; venison; venisse; venit; veniunt
  1. I hope for the present we may have peace: Caesar is rather sorry for his madness, and Pompey Page 68 Capuam venire voluit et adiuvare dilectum; in quo parum prolixe respondent Campani coloni.

  2. In proverbio: so venire in proverbium, in proverbii usum venire, proverbii locum obtinere, proverbii loco dici are all used.

  3. He wanted a jury of twelve cowmen, no less; and, knowing every man in the venire either by sight or reputation, he laid himself out to get it.

  4. Only the special venire of jurymen took their time in the matter and the sweating bailiff had to pass them in through the side door in order to get them seated inside the railing.

  5. Il Conte Guiccioli visitò Lord Byron, essendolo conosciuto in Venezia, e nella speranza che la di lui compagnia potesse distrarmi ed essermi di qualche giovamento nello stato in cui mi trovavo egli lo invitò di venire a visitarmi.

  6. Francis Costard is not yet well at ease, for his venire facias between Will.

  7. When the venire facias is made out, I will try and get it sent you, and I shall have Paston's advice.

  8. Nothing can be done till after Michaelmas about the venire facias for the jury of Sybton.

  9. Marriott eked out his precious peremptory challenges for three days; venire after venire was issued, and Bentley was happy, for all this meant fees.

  10. By night the venire was exhausted and Glassford ordered a special venire.

  11. The protest, however, was promptly overruled, and the first ten men of the special venire took their seats in the jury box.

  12. When the nineteenth venire was issued on September 19th, four men, Messrs.

  13. Venire facias was then awarded a die Sancti Helarii in xv.

  14. If the venire is exhausted without obtaining the number required to fill the panel, the magistrate shall fill the panel with talesmen in the manner provided for criminal cases in the court of common pleas.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "venire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.