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Example sentences for "seruaunt"

Lexicographically close words:
serteyn; sertim; seruant; seruantes; seruants; seruaunte; seruauntes; seruaunts; serue; serued
  1. Evphimia the Kyng of Corinth's daughter fell in love with Acharisto, the seruaunt of her father, and besides others which required hir in mariage, she disdayned Philon the King of Peloponesus, that loued hir very feruently.

  2. Whiche her seruaunt being retourned, hee truely tolde her, howe the Bastarde Gentleman was in loue with a Ladie of Almaine, and howe the brute was that he made great sute vnto her for mariage, because shee was very ritche.

  3. The seruaunt did assure him that he would cause him to see the thing wherof he had tolde him.

  4. The seruaunt with this commaundment did departe, and Massinissa lyke a Chylde beaten with the rodde, wept and cried.

  5. There the seruaunt began to play the Vpholster, and to make 2 little beds of mosse, whose spindle and wheele were of wood, so well pollished and trimmed, as if he had bin a carpenter wel expert in that Science.

  6. The one dysdayned that the seruaunt should be his head, and the other was offended, that his soueraygne Lord should assay to take that from him, which his duty commaunded him to keepe.

  7. But sith that the graces of GOD, and the gyftes of Kynges ought neuer to bee reiected, by acceptynge thys Benefite wyth humble thankes for the clemencye of your royall Maiestye, I rest the Seruaunt and slaue of you and yours.

  8. My words and works, shall both in one agree, To pleasure hir, whose Seruaunt would I bee.

  9. Whose fayth hadst thou not wickedly abusde No stresse of payne for thee had bene refusde, Who was to thee a trusty seruaunt sure, And for thy sake all daungers would endure.

  10. Shall I be of opinion that a houshold seruaunt oughte to sollicite, nay rather suborne the Daughter of his Lorde without punyshment, or that a vyle and abiect person dare to mount vpon a Prynces Bed?

  11. Thou shalt this night make a paire of Bellowes for thy seruaunt wherwith she may kindle the fire.

  12. Euphimia the Kyng of Corinth’s daughter fell in love with Acharisto, the seruaunt of her father, and besides others which required hir in mariage, she disdayned Philon the King of Peloponesvs, that loued hir very feruently.

  13. Uppon whiche occasion, he thought him selfe moste happy that he had mette with such companie, because he and his seruaunt rode together alone.

  14. Pedro de Maluenda seruaunt to Iames Velasques, who was chiefe Stewarde to Naruaez, fledde to the Shippes with all the stuffe that he coulde gette, without any lette of Cortes.

  15. Th' emperour, moued with pite, gaue an annuite to fynde hym and a seruaunt to wayte vpon him.

  16. A gentleman there was dwellynge nygh Kyngston upon Tamys, and rydynge in the contrey with his seruaunt which was not the quyckest felowe, but rode alway sadly[80] by his maysters side and uttered uery fewe wordys.

  17. PAGE ¶ Of hym that rode out of London, and had his seruaunt folowynge hym on foote.

  18. Of the seruaunt that rymyd with hys mayster.

  19. Vpon a daye the sayde Piso made a dyner, and sente a seruaunt to desire Clodius the Consull to come and dyne with him.

  20. Of hym that rode out of London and had his seruaunt folowynge on foote.

  21. A wyfe there was, which had apoynted her prentys to com to her bed in the nyght, which seruaunt had long woed her to haue his plesure; which acordyng to the apoyntement cam to her bed syde in the night, her husbande lyenge by her.

  22. The seruaunt aunswered: Sir, your horse hath gyuen me suche a stroke vpon my thygh, that I can go no faster.

  23. Thys seconde seruaunt heryng * * 8 lines of the original are wanting.

  24. There was a manne on a tyme that rode v myle out of London, and had his seruaunt folowyng after hym on fote, the whiche came so nere, that the horse strake hym a great stroke vpon the thye.

  25. My lordes after my most affectuouse recommendacion, This present berer my lord of Yorkes seruaunt is arryved nowe to me with letteres bothe to me and to the kinges highnes.

  26. That done, and this merry myracle madly made, I sent them with my seruaunt to the next Iusticer, where they preached on the Pyllery for want of a Pulpet, and were well whypped, and none dyd bewayle them.

  27. Troll with is he that no man shall know the seruaunt from y^{e} Maister.

  28. There maye you vse youre horse after your own diet, for no seruaunt of the house shall once lay handes vnto it to help you.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seruaunt" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.