They had no written law of their own, but to secure themselves they had to enforce order upon their schismatic subjects; and they were able to enforce it because, as military experts, they had no equals in that age.
Under the later Abbasides, when the glories of the Caliphate were waning, there were bitter dissensions between Sunnis and Shiahs (the main orthodox and schismatic sects of Islam) which culminated in fierce rioting at Baghdad in 1258.
The then Caliph was foolish enough to appeal for assistance against the schismatic seditionists to his Mongol neighbours.
The civil magistrates were also to punish all profaners of the Sabbath, all contemners of the ministry, all disturbers of public worship, and to proceed "against schismatic or obstinately corrupt churches.
Consequently, though there was some opposition to the Court's calling of synods and a resultant general restlessness, there was none when the Court confined its supervision and commands to individually schismatic churches or to unruly members.
Yet recently the Journal Officiel has officially registered four or five schismatic associations, formed by already interdicted priests.
It also tried the experiment of a national schismatic Church and failed.
A schismatic is one who creates a schism, or division in the church, on points of faith, discipline, practice, etc.
One who is vivacious or lively; one who evinces great activity or peculiar characteristics of mind or temper; as, a ruling spirit; a schismatic spirit.
Ay, to bring popish medals in till their very library from that schismatic woman in the north, the Duchess of Gordon.
Then I shall look upon you as a schismatic and a foe to our Church," exclaimed Mr Lerew, rising.
This guilt is thine, Jeanne, and to thee I say that thy King is a schismatic and a heretic.
Deceive not thyself, for he is truly the schismatic who has made himself an apostate from the communion of the unity of the Church.
She was a schismatic under Henry VIII, and under Edward VI she appeared a zealous Protestant and so intimate with the famous Reformer Bucer that when he died she petitioned Cranmer to obtain a pension for his widow.
Under Henry VIII he was a schismatic and a firm believer in transubstantiation and in the wisdom of invoking saints; when Edward came to the throne he turned quasi-Calvinist.
No record of a schismatic body such as reveals itself in our texts is preserved in the early catalogues of Jewish heresies, nor have references to it been discovered in rabbinical sources.
In the context of the covenant formula, in contrast to Jewish orthodoxy no less than to Christianity, the neighbor is not the fellow man, nor even the fellow Jew, but the fellow member of the schismatic church.
Well, his luggage now lay there packed, he was going off and he would write that book, he would be the great schismatic who was awaited!
Was it Leo III, who by crowning Charlemagne boldly consummated the rupture with the schismatic East and conveyed the Empire to the West by the all-powerful will of God and His Church, which thenceforth disposed of the crowns of monarchs?
See unity might be preserved by all, lest the other Apostles should support their respective Sees; in order that he might be at once a schismatic and a sinner, who against that one See (singularem) placed a second.
So they departed, taking with them those men whom they found in the house, and who acknowledged themselves to be Catholics, and the schismatic also who passed for the house-holder.
Three Catholics and oneschismatic were seized and thrown into prison.
We said but little on disputed points of faith, for he was rather a schismatic than a heretic, but to move his will to act required a longer talk.
All the schismatic sects in Russia preach community of possessions.
The preacher turned to her: "It is to you, Joan, that I speak, and I tell you that your King is schismatic and a heretic!
Legates were despatched to Constantinople; the memorial of the schismaticpatriarchs was condemned; and union was resumed with the Holy See.
Ortiz at Rome was cherishing the belief that England would rise against the King for his contumacy and schismatic disobedience.
Louis had been excommunicated, Maximilian had obstinately countenanced a schismatic council and wished to arrogate to himself the Pope's temporal power.
He had read Maximilian grave lectures on his conduct in countenancing the schismatic conciliabulum assembled by Louis at Pisa.