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Example sentences for "sensibly"

Lexicographically close words:
sensibilis; sensibilities; sensibility; sensible; sensibles; sensibus; sensim; sensing; sensit; sensitised
  1. Now she knew all was over, she felt the folly she had committed, but though sensibly and candidly angry at her own error, its conviction offered nothing but sorrow to succeed it.

  2. Mr Delvile, to whose proud heart social joy could find no avenue, was yet touched most sensibly by the restoration of Cecilia.

  3. It may be different with the rose, but the attraction of this paper drama sensibly declined when Webb had crept into the rubric: a poor cuckoo, flaunting in Skelt's nest.

  4. We forget; there issued a long string of resolutions, which one or two newspapers published, the generality very sensibly finding them of too great length and of too little importance to burden their leaders with them.

  5. They knew this, and agreed sensibly to keep clear of certain subjects on which they could never meet except to disagree.

  6. He had been painting sensibly up to that time, but suddenly went in for the most violent style of impressionism.

  7. This manoeuvre had gone on for some time, and they had sensibly drawn nearer, when the manada began to display some signs of restlessness.

  8. After his death the Southern Court fell into a state of division against itself; and its spirit sensibly declined.

  9. These struggles and dynastic changes did not sensibly affect Japan.

  10. When, in his wisdom, God sees fit to manifest himself sensibly to men, by these mysterious phenomena, he descends into the dwellings of his servants and particular friends.

  11. These things strike me sensibly upon my return to England, after so long an absence.

  12. I own to you that my pride and my tenderness are sensibly wounded.

  13. Men are, as a rule, comfortably and sensibly dressed to suit their business and surroundings, and require no advice on this subject.

  14. Elevation of a locality above the general level of the earth reduces atmospheric pressure, sensibly as well as measurably.

  15. The climate of this State is excessively hot along the immediate coast of the gulf; nor is it very sensibly changed as the interior is reached, in consequence of the extreme flatness of the soil.

  16. But the projectile was advancing, and sensibly nearing it.

  17. About the 15th of August the vapors ejected had sensibly diminished in intensity and thickness.

  18. If they could not prove this loss of the projectile, a moment would arrive when it would be sensibly felt upon themselves and the utensils and instruments they used.

  19. Already the projectile's conical top was sensibly turned toward the lunar disc, presented in such a way as to utilize the whole of the recoil produced by the pressure of the rocket apparatus.

  20. The end of the rope was carefully lashed to it; and, left solely to the rise and fall of the billows, the buoy would not sensibly deviate from the spot.

  21. The projectile sustained a certain shock, which was sensibly felt in the interior.

  22. All must hope that some day America would penetrate the deepest secrets of that mysterious orb; and some even seemed to fear lest its conquest should not sensibly derange the equilibrium of Europe.

  23. I thought, Andrew, that you were able to look sensibly at what comes and goes.

  24. No sooner did he observe her than his objections became sensibly less formidable than they had been.

  25. Prosaic as this description was, and sensibly differing as it did from the one I had furnished, I was sure that the female was no other than Cynthia.

  26. It was already growing dark, and sensibly colder, and worse, it was coming on to rain.

  27. He is sensibly fearful of some miscarriage of justice, the more particularly as one of their number that you brought before him hath turned out on an examination to be anything but what he was represented.

  28. For our persecutor was such a poltroon at heart that although we were secured and quite at his mercy, he no sooner observed that we scorned him, than the torrent of his eloquence grew sensibly less.

  29. The difficulty of explaining his presence became sensibly greater as he pictured himself attempting to make it clear to Crawley.

  30. This misfortune was, in a great measure, owing to the cold, which we now began most sensibly to feel.

  31. How much the temperature of the air varies here, I myself could sensibly perceive, only in riding from Santa Cruz up to Laguna; and you may ascend till the cold becomes intolerable.

  32. We felt its effects as sensibly on shore.

  33. I mean so sensibly and delicately, so wisely and affectionately.

  34. The individual divisions should also be carefully inspected by the eye; they should be sensibly equal.

  35. A good joint may be recognised by its freedom from lumps of glass, its regularity of curve, and by a sensibly circular line at H, where the two tubes are united.

  36. Rules were not made for nothing, in a sensibly constructed universe.

  37. Raoul was deeply and sensibly moved by these sweet and melancholy tones; and as he could not, at the moment, find a word to say, the young girl again came to his assistance.

  38. And this had put Madame Desagneaux in quite a temper; for, as she sensibly enough remarked, a person had no business to offer to nurse the sick when the slightest exertion exhausted her.

  39. And the confusion now attained its apogee; for each gave an opinion sensibly differing from that of his colleagues, so that a general uproar arose and one could no longer hear oneself speak.

  40. As the Blessed Virgin seemed to have chosen her solely to work the happiness of others, and she herself had not been cured, it was very sensibly decided to take her to the baths of Cauterets, which were so near at hand.

  41. She seemed able to converse sensibly on any subject that was under discussion, as well as to talk the most delicious nonsense, on occasion.

  42. In the eleven chapters of which the contents consist there is more sound practical advice, sensibly put, on points of every-day interest to girls, than we have ever before seen put into the same number of pages.

  43. The state of literature, in a general sense, had become sensibly deteriorated in the empire.

  44. The good effects, however, were not very sensibly manifested in the next century.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sensibly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.