But its unblotted, exquisitely-sensitised spaces are ceaselessly filming indelible records of everything seen and felt and apprehended.
While, at the same time, so have they become sensitised in response to The Within, as ever further to have deepened and quickened his apprehension of an occulted Interior plane.
This first impresses himself, therefore, clearly and strongly defined upon her exquisitely-sensitised tablets of remembrance.
But since his Subconscious emotionalism is an acquired and not an inherent part of his male mentality, it is a medium vastly less sensitised and operative in him than it is in her; of whom it is the very basis of her being.
Success was only obtained by means of specially sensitised plates, for the ordinary photographic rays and ordinary plates were found useless, whilst the process of photographing so small and distant a planet is surrounded with difficulties.
Mr. Slipher, of Flagstaff Observatory, has made many experiments with specially sensitised photographic plates.
It may be obtained under the name of 'Kennett's Sensitised Pellicle.
Let the plate be cleaned, coated, and sensitised in the usual manner; then place it in a bath of distilled water, washing it more or less, as it may be required to be kept for a longer or shorter time.
The plate beingsensitised is washed well first with distilled, then with common water, and placed in a dish half filled with solution of iodide of potassium (3 gr.
In this method the plate has to be sensitised as usual, and washed thoroughly.
Fresh directions accompany each packet of the "Sensitised Pellicle.
Plates thus sensitised received impressions which it was hardly possible to regard as spurious.
A highly polished zinc plate is sensitised with bichromate of potash and gelatine, or by other means, and, when dry, is exposed under the negative.
The impression is received on a sensitised plate which acts as a medium between the two minds.
I used only to be able to get one impression out of the sensitised plate, now I can get any number.
There I found the great organiser peering curiously at a sensitised plate.
Besides zinc, nickel, aluminium, pewter, lead, and tin among the metals influence a sensitised plate.
As fast as the sensitised paper strip is covered with the movements of the dancing spot of light it is passed on over rollers through developing and fixing chemical baths; so that the receiving of messages is purely automatic.
In X-radiography a specially constructed electrically-lit glass tube takes the place of the lamp, and for the wall is substituted a sensitised plate.
In a later edition, however, an endless band of sensitised paper is employed, and the lamp is screened from the mirror by a horizontal mantle in which is cut a helical slit making one complete turn of the cylinder in its length.
Strange as it seems to take photographs with invisible rays, it is still stranger to be able to affect sensitised plates without apparently the presence of any kind of rays.
Even rifle bullets have been arrested in their lightning flight by the sensitised plate.
The colour-screen is placed in the camera in front of the sensitised plate.
The message is sent off by means of a punched tape, and is recorded by means of a telephonic diaphragm and light marking a sensitised paper.
Whatever was the nature of the rays he succeeded in making them penetrate and impress themselves on a sensitised plate enclosed in a metal box.
My own idea was to throw faint images of the several portraits, in succession, upon the same sensitised photographic plate.
When the reflector is interposed, the image is wholly cut off from the sensitised plate, and is thrown upwards against this focusing-screen, g.
We throw the image of each of the eight portraits in turn upon the same part of the sensitised plate for ten seconds.
The sensitised plate will now have had its total exposure of eighty seconds; it is then developed, and the print taken from it is the generalised picture of which I speak.
By careful retouching the marks due to the disturbances can be eradicated, a print upon sensitisedpaper having been first obtained to act as a guide during the process.
Light falls from a lamp D and is reflected by the mirror of the galvanometer on to a graduated aperture J and focussed by means of the aplanatic lens U upon the receiving drum A^2, which carries a sensitised photographic film.
The prepared negative must now be placed in an ordinary printing frame, and a print taken off upon one of the metal sheets in the same way as a print is taken off upon ordinary sensitised paper.
The camera which is used for copying has a single line screen interposed between the lens and sensitised plate, and the effect of this screen is to break the picture up into parallel lines.
As each piece of paper takes somewhere about five minutes to sensitize and hang up to dry, it is evident that the larger the piece of paper sensitised the greater will be the saving in time in this operation.
For, having once become sensitised in the inner and higher regions of the consciousness, we had become sensitised also in the intermediate regions, and were able therefore to hold palpable converse with the denizens of these also.
A photographing lens, and camera containing a sensitised plate; and side view of electro-exposor placed in front of camera.
If, however, the former process be used and well conducted, the plate when sensitised may be kept for four hours at least without injury.
Think how much that glass eye throws already upon the retina of a sensitised film that our living lenses fail to throw upon ours; think of all that escapes the eye but the camera catches.
Then a print is made and a wet plate negative is printed on a sheet of sensitised tinfoil which has been treated with a single-line screen.
In this receiving apparatus the current causes another stylus to pass over a sheet ofsensitised chemical paper such as we have here.
White spots on the photographic print come out as black spots here on the sensitised paper over which this stylus is passing, and vice versa.
For in speaking he had laid an arm round her shoulder; just supporting her with a firm gentle grasp that sent tingling shocks along all her sensitised nerves.
And Roy--with every faculty sensitised to catch ethereal vibrations above and below the human octave--divined that identical thought in his father's silence.
As sensitised collodion does not keep well, it is better not to mix the plain collodion and the iodide and bromide solution until shortly before required for use.
This may be made at one operation; it should be kept two days before being used, but is less reliable if kept for any length of time than the sensitised collodion described below.
The transfer process, in which a gelatine-coated paper is sensitised in a solution of bichromate of potassium and the photographic print made upon it.
During the early experiments in carbon printing it was discovered that a gelatinous film sensitised with certain bichromates could be charged with a coloured pigment, and a picture developed thereon.
A negative, made from the original to be reproduced, is placed in contact with the sensitised film and exposed to light.
If this is now clear to my readers, they will probably at once see what will result when such a plate is used on a sensitised sheet of zinc or copper, and the soluble parts of the film washed away as before suggested.
This gelatine film is, when required for use, sensitised by immersion in a solution of bichromate of potassium, methylated spirits, and water.
The process under consideration, in common with some others, is based upon the fact that gelatine or albumen sensitised with bichromate of ammonium or potassium, becomes insoluble after being acted upon by light.
CYAN'OTYPE, a photograph on paper sensitised by a cyanide; CYAN'URET, a cyanide.
The sensitised tissue may be printed from the original by contact, in the printing frame, instead of producing a negative in the camera by contact upon a dry plate.
So adjust the ordinary sensitised carbon tissue that its edges are about in the centre of the surrounding strips, care being taken that the edges of the tissue nowhere extend beyond them.
Such papers are now conveniently prepared with the albumen,[C] and sensitised as required by floating upon an aqueous solution of one of the bichromates, to which has been added twenty-five per cent.
A day before using the gelatine paper is sensitised by immersing for three minutes in a cold bath of bichromate of potassium (1 to 15).
An Impression= is first obtained either upon sensitised carbon tissue or, preferably, on a thinner paper, coated and sensitised as for photo-lithography.
Reversal of the Plate=, either collodion or gelatine, is another method of securing reversed negatives, and consists simply in inserting the sensitised plate in the dark slide with the uncoated side towards the interior of the camera.
The sensitised paper, where protected by the ink impression, has not been hardened by the action of the light, and readily parts with the ink and colouring matter.
The drawing is photographed, but in front of the sensitised glass, a microscopically ruled screen is placed to break up this tone into dots or lines, really to get the same effect as the wood engraver obtains with his dots and lines.
Therefore, as soon as it was possible to escape from the drudgery, to draw of any size on paper and have that drawing photographed on to a sensitised wood block, of the size it was wanted, in reverse, all artists took to it.
The artist's picture in any medium, of any size, is given to the photographer, who copies and reverses it, prints it on the block of wood which has been sensitised for that purpose.
The gelatine process consists in printing the picture on a sensitised film of gelatine.
Ordinarily I am not specially sensitised to receive impressions of this kind.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sensitised" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.