The kyng, seith he, will nought fro this ground Or he have yolde this toun Harflete.
He seith noght ones 'grant merci,' Bot strauhte him forth to the cit'e, And let this povere Bardus be.
As to that, I have non other place that I wold abide at, and my lady seith how she is avised to ende hir lif here.
Sidenote: 1462] Plese your worshypfull maistership to wette, here is a ship of Hith, wyche seith that John Cole cam from the west cost on Wednysday last past; and he seyth that the fleet of shippis of this londe met with lx.
Also she seith how ye desire to have a stabil with inne my plas; and as to that, afeith, sir, I have none, but that must nedis serve for my wode.
I wol in no wyse,' seith Daungere, 3585 Denye that ye have asked here; It were to greet uncurtesye.
I trowe ye wot wel certeynly, That no man loveth him tenderly That seith him harm, if he wot it, 7615 Al be he never so pore of wit.
But god ne preiseth him no-thing, That seith he hath the world forsake, And hath to worldly glorie him take, 7280 And wol of siche delyces use; Who may that Begger wel excuse?
Thise tyraunts putte hem gladly nat in pres, No wildnesse, ne no busshes for to winne Ther poverte is, as seith Diogenes, 35 Ther as vitaile is eek so skars and thinne That noght but mast or apples is ther-inne.
Of Antecristes men am I, Of whiche that Crist seith openly, 7010 They have abit of holinesse, And liven in such wikkednesse.
Sche wepth, sche sorweth, sche compleigneth, And of sieknesse which sche feigneth Sche seith that Taise sodeinly Be nyhte is ded, "as sche and I Togedre lyhen nyh my lord.
How so his mouth be comely, His word sit evermore awry And seith the worste that he may.
The Schip forth on the wawes wente; The prince hath changed his entente, And seith he wol noght come at Tyr As thanne, bot al his desir Is ferst to seilen unto Tharse.
And sche began the wode rage, And axeth him what devel he thoghte, And bar on hond that him ne roghte What labour that sche toke on honde, And seith that such an Housebonde Was to a wif noght worth a Stre.
The king his tale wol noght hiere, 2780 And seith hou that he hath hire boght, Forthi sche schal departe noght, Til he the brighte dai beholde.
Styward of the Duche of Lancastre by yonde Trent, and Arblastr seith he hath made me his undirstyward.
Watkyn Shipdam seith, for he hath take a compt of his liflode dyvers tymes; and Scrop seith to me if he be maried, and have a sone an eyre, his dowter that is maried schal have of his liflode L.
And there as John Bokkyng seith that John Jenney hath no commaundment of my Lord to pursue hys ryght, it shewyth off reson that seth he ys of hys councell in especiall for that shyre, he ought doo hys ryzt to be savyd and kept of hys dewtee.
Cosyn, for this cause take gode hede to his endentures, for he is glad to schewe zow hem, or whom ze wol a sygne with zow; and he seith to me he is the last in the tayle of his lyflode, the qweche is CCCL.
And yet divers of the seid mysdoeres and ryotous peple onknowyn, contrary to your lawes, dayly kepe the seid maner with force, and lyne [i.
Wherof euery man seith that the confession of the mouthe is allwayes necessarie / and that it is required of euery one of vs.
And he which denieth that a man is defiled by humayn ceremonies / he seith nothing at all.
But understond wel, that thise degrees of signes ben everich of hem considered of 60 minutes, and every minute of 60 secondes, and so forth in-to smale fraccions infinit, as seith Alkabucius.
What seith also the epistels of Ovyde 305 *Of trewe wyves, and of hir labour?
And he seith he is in charitee with all the world, and so he wold all the Lords were.
He shuld sone have remedyed that; but now he seith Skylls is withoute remedy, but he will be payd, &c.
And now he seith matyns of Our Lady and evesong, and herith his Masse devoutly; and Richard shall tell yow more tidings by mouth.
And therfore seith seint Iame in his epistle: that "pacience is a greet vertu of perfeccioun.
For god seith thus by Moyses; 'they shul been wasted with hunger, and the briddes of helle shul devouren hem with bitter deeth, and the galle of the dragon shal been hir drinke, and the venim of the dragon hir morsels.
Of this sinne, as seith the wyse man, folwen manye harmes.
And now hath Sathanas," seith he, "a tayl Brodder than of a carrik is the sayl.
And therfore seith the wyse man, 'if thou wolt venquisse thyn enemy, lerne to suffre.
For truste wel, hir fleshly love was deedly hate; as seith the prophete David: 'who-so that loveth wikkednesse he hateth his soule.
He was so strong that no man mighte him lette; At bothe the worldes endes, seith Trophee, In stede of boundes, he a piler sette.
Beatus est, seith seint Bernard, 9720 Qui scripturas legit, Et verba vertit in opera Fulliche to his power.
For-thi seith Seneca, Paupertas est absque sollicitudine semita = And an hardy man of herte, Among an heep of theves.
A Minoure hath me holly behyght To helen my soule, 550 For he seith that her secte Is sykerest on erthe, And ben kepers of the keye That Chrystendom helpeth, And puriche in poverte The apostles they suweth.
And thanne he syngeth whan he doth so, And som tyme seith wepynge, Cor contritum et humiliatum, Deus, non despicies.
Sevene slepe, as seith the book, Sevene hundred wynter, And lyveden withouten liflode, And at the laste thei woken.
Soothly he that despeireth him is lyk the coward champioun recreant, that seith creant withoute nede.
For failed nevere man mete That myghtful God serveth, As David seithin the Sauter To swiche that ben in wille To serve God goodliche, Ne greveth hym no penaunce: Nihil inpossibile volenti.
Who so hath muche, spende manliche, So seith Tobye; And who so litel weldeth, Rule hym therafter.
Salomon seith also That silver is worst to lovye: Nihil iniquius quam amare pecuniam.
And Sapience seith the same, 4270 I seigh it in the Bible, Piger prae frigore No feeld nolde tilie, And therfore he shal begge and bidde, And no man bete his hunger.
This and that seeth thi soule, And seith it in thin herte; And for thow sholdest ben y-war, I wisse thee the beste.
And in the Sauter also Seith David the prophete, Existimasti inique quod ero tui similis, etc.
And David in the Sauter seith Of swiche that loveth Jhesus: Virga tua et baculus tuus ipsa me consolati sunt.
The Sauter seith the same By swiche that doon ille: 5650 Ecce ipsi peccatores abundantes in saeculo obtinuerunt divitias.
And afterseith Crist to his apostles, that thes thingis he seide bifore to hem in proverbis and mystily.
Your style seith that ye ben foos to shame; Now kythe of your feith the perseveraunce, In which an heep of us arn halte and lame.
And she called the name of the LORde that spake vnto her: thou art the God that lokest on me/ for she sayde: I haue of a suertie sene here the backe parties of him that seith me.
Wherfore she called the well/ the well of the lyuynge that seith me which well is betwene Cades & Bared.
Friso seith that-er nene prestera ner poppa forsta lyde ne mei, men ik seg, hi ne mei nimman lyda as him selva.
And ther-of comth that good gessinge, first of alle thing, forsaketh wrecches: certes, it greveth me to thinke right now the dyverse sentences that the poeple seith of me.
And therfore the texte seith thus: but who travaileth to witen thinges y-knowe?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seith" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.