The Earthquake as Viewed by Scientists" is a valuable addition to the seismology of the world--a science that is too little known, but which possesses tremendous interest for everyone.
Microseismic investigation and its wide extension over the earth have raised seismology another step during the last twenty years, so that it may be said that really exact seismic research began with it.
Omori, professor of seismology at the university of Tokyo.
It will be most convenient to treat of Seismology first in order.
The present volume differs from a text-book of seismology in giving brief, though detailed, accounts of individual earthquakes rather than a discussion of the phenomena and distribution of earthquakes in general.
Half a century ago, seismology was in its infancy.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "seismology" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.