Wallace knew weill the Inglissmen wald fle; For thi he preyst in the thikkest to be, Hewand full fast on quhat sege that he socht; Agaynys hys dynt fyn steyll awailyeit nocht.
The sege be than was to the Sanchar set; Sic tithingis com, quhilk maid tharin a let.
To Stirlyng past, or thai likit to bid, To erll Malcome a sege thai laid that tid; And thocht to kep the commaund off thar king: 1125 Bot gud Wallace wrocht for ane othir thing.
To York thai went, thir wermen off renoun; A sege thai set rycht sadly to the toun.
The haill consaill thus demyt thaim amang, The toun tosege thaim thocht it was to lang; 910 And nocht a payn to wyn it be no slycht.
To sege the houss than Wallace coud nocht bid; Throu out the land in awfull feyr thai ryd.
Lydgate reduces the two tigers to one; see his chapter 'Of a tame Tigre dwelling in Thebes'; in part 3 of his Sege of Thebes.
In that cytee was the firste sege of the Kyng of Mancy: for it is a faire cytee, and plenteeyous of alle godes.
And the sege of his seconde wif is also another sege, more lowere than his firste wif: and it is also of jaspere, bordured with gold, as that other is.
And at the left syde of the emperoures sege, is the sege of his firste wif, o degree lowere than the emperour: and it is of jaspere, bordured with gold and preciouse stones.
In this cytee is the Sege of the grete Cane in a fulle gret palays, and the most passynge fair in alle the world: of the whiche the walles ben in circuyt more than 2 myle: and within the walles, it is alle fulle of other palays.
This palays, where his sege is, is bothe gret and passynge fair.
And the segeof the thridde wif is also more lowe, be a degree, than the seconde wif.
In Gernade at the sege eek hadde he be Of Algezir, and riden in Belmarye.
And alle we, that been in this array, And maken al this lamentacioun, 935 We losten alle our housbondes at that toun, Whyl that the sege ther-aboute lay.
Swich wondring was ther on this hors of bras 305 That, sin the grete sege of Troye was, Ther-as men wondreden on an hors also, Ne was ther swich a wondring as was tho.
The windlass wheel differs from the wheel of a carriage and from the one which is turned by water power, for it lacks the buckets of a water-wheel and it lacks the nave of a carriage wheel.
In truth, in all the works of agriculture, as in the other arts, implements are used which are made from metals, or which could not be made without the use of metals; for this reason the metals are of the greatest necessity to man.
Appendix) where many of the tables given by Agricola may be found.
This book itself indicates the length and breadth of the subject, and the number and importance of the sciences of which at least some little knowledge is necessary to miners.
And, as they said, many other things may be classed as good if it is in one's power to use them either well or ill.
There are two different machines for operating, by means of horses, the above described bellows.
Lead ore may be assayed by this method: crush half an uncia of pure lead-stone and the same quantity of the chrysocolla which they call borax, mix them together, place them in a crucible, and put a glowing coal in the middle of it.
This third cord is measured by the instrument with the index, to determine its relation to the perpendicular; and the length of this cord shows the depth of the shaft.
Conrad, whose nickname in former years was 'pauper,' suddenly became rich from the silver mines of Mount Jura, known as the Firstum.
But if all such inclined shafts are seventy-six fathoms deep, in order that the last one may reach the bottom of the tunnel, a depth of seven fathoms and two feet remains to be sunk.
And as for the sege of Kaleys, we here no mor ther of, blyssed be God, ho have you in His kepying.
Kyng certeyn lettres and juste tytyngs that sege is comyng to Caleys.
And there is sege leyde abowte, and dyvers squyers of the Erle of Northumbrelands, and gadered them to geder, a v.
The sege shall, as men say, come to Caleys and to Guynes, for moche puple come overe the water of Somme, and grete navies on the see.
Sir Robert of Ocle and Conyrs leyth the sege on our syde, and thei it is that have do this acte.
And after Eastern the kyng leide a sege to Lovers, and wan it: and afterward he leide a sege and wanne Pount Large.
And after Eastrene he leide sege to Chirburgh, and contynued it unto Michelmas, at whiche tyme bothe towne and castel of Chirburgh was yolden to hym.
Sidenote: The kyng of Scottes leyde sege to the castell of Rokysburgh, and shamfully brak up the sege and wenten away.
Sidenote: The sege of Melau and of manye mo citees, townes and castell.
Also the same yere therle of Sarum was slayne at the sege of Orliaunce: but yet was the sege holden by other lordes and contynued, but not long after.
Also the same yere, about Alhalowen tide, the kyng leide a sege to Falowes, and contynued it to the xx day of Decembre: and than thei of the towne desired to trete with the kyng.
By my trowthe, the rewardyng of syche folkys as hathe ben with me dwryng the sege hathe putt me in gret danger for the monye.
Whedyr it be so or nowt, hys byllys of hys owne hand wyll not lye, for he mad hys byllys clere or then thesege com abowt us.
He hath a book of my syster Annys of the Sege of Thebes; when he hathe doon with it, he promysyd to delyver it yow.
God amend defowts; but this I warant yow, with out that it be Mathew, whyche ye sent woord by John Thressher that ye wold have to awayt on yow, ther is no man that was hyryd for the tyme of thys sege that wyll axe yow a peny.
And certes, thou thy-self, that are plaunted in me, chacedest out of the sege of my corage al coveitise of mortal thinges; ne sacrilege hadde no leve to han a place in me biforn thyne eyen.
And the sydes of the sege of his throne ben of emeraudes, and bordured with gold fulle nobely, and dubbed with other precious stones and grete perles.
Of the gentylman that bare the segeborde on hys necke.
In 1513 he printed The Sege and Dystrucyon of Troye, of which several copies (some of them on vellum) are still in existence.
The Scottis men, that distroyand war In Ingland, herd soyne tell tithyng Of this gret sege the departing.
Bot Northir men wald no-thing swa, That dred thar friendis for till tyne, And mast part of thar gudis syne Throu Scottis mennys cruelte; Thai wald he leit the sege be 850 And raid for till reskew the land.
And quhen he that place fundyn had, He gert his menyhe busk ilkane, Quhen sex woukis of the segewes gane.
For it wes his entencioune Till put him in-to aventure, 528 Or at that sege on him forfure.
And quhen thai of his warnysoun Saw the sege set thair stithly, Thai mystrowit hym of tratory, For that he spokin had with the King.
Bot this gud Erll nocht-for-thi The sege tuk full apertly: And presyt the folk that thar-in was 316 Swa that nocht ane the yhet durst pas.
Thai tursit thair harnas halely, 360 And left the segeall oppinly, And furth with all his folk can fair, As he wald do thar-to no mair.
Schir Edward, fra the sege wes tane, A weill lang tyme about it lay, Fra the Lenteryne, that is to say, Quhill forrouth the Saint Johnnis mes.
The tothir part on to Awnwyk 10 Is went, and thar ane sege set thai; And quhill at thir assegis lay At the castellis, I spak of ar, Apert assaltis maid thai thar: And mony fair gud chevelry 15 Eschevyt wes full douchtely.
E has-- sturdely A sege set; and besyly Assaylit, etc.
The castell wele wes stuffit then Of-new with vittale and with men; Thar-till thai set ane segein hy.
And certys þou þi self þat art plaunted in me chacedest oute 452 þe sege of my corage al couetise of mortal þinges.
And thai, that at the sege lay, Or it was passyt the fyft day, Had made thaim syndry apparall, To gang eft sonys till assaill.
And the Englischemen fled for unnethe they had any use of armes, for the kyng had hem al almost lost att the sege of Barwick.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sege" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.