He was the wicteste man at nede That thurte riden on ani stede.
And if hir list to riden oute On pelrinage or other stede, I come, thogh I be noght bede, 1200 And take hire in min arm alofte And sette hire in hire sadel softe, And so forth lede hire be the bridel, For that I wolde noght ben ydel.
Arcennus, which hire fond and kepte, Was thanne glad of that is falle, So that with joie among hem alle Thei riden in at Rome gate.
It fell adai thei riden oute, The king and queene and al the route, 980 To pleien hem upon the stronde, Wher as thei sen toward the londe A Schip sailende of gret array.
And as thei riden in the field, Hire grete beaute he behield, Which was so plesant in his ije, That forto holde in compainie He weddeth hire and hield hire so To ben his wif for everemo.
Thei riden forth unto Micene, Wher lay Climestre thilke qweene, 2040 The which Horestes moder is: And whan sche herde telle of this, The gates weren faste schet, And thei were of here entre let.
And Collatin with him also His leve tok, so that be nyhte With al the haste that thei myhte Thei ridento the Siege ayein.
Arcite is riden anon unto the toun And on the morwe, or it were dayes light, before Ful prively two harneys hath he dight, prepared Bothe suffisaunt and mete to darreyne sufficient The batayl in the feeld betwix hem tweyne.
Ful worthy was he in his lordes werre, And therto hadde he riden (no man ferre) As wel in Cristendom as hethenesse, And ever honoured for his worthinesse.
And with that word we riden forth our weye; And he bigan with right a mery chere His tale anon, and seyde in this manere.
Whan ended was the lyf of seint Cecyle, Er we had riden fully fyve myle, 555 At Boghton under Blee us gan atake A man, that clothed was in clothes blake, And undernethe he hadde a whyt surplys.
Noght was foryeten by the infortune of Marte; The carter over-riden with his carte, Under the wheel ful lowe he lay adoun.
In Gernade at the sege eek hadde he be Of Algezir, and riden in Belmarye.
This form is clearly an imitation of the form a-hunteth in the old phrase gon a-hunteth or riden an honteth, used by Robert of Gloucester (Specimens of English, ed.
And on a day he seighe him biside, Sexti leuedis on hors ride, Gentil and jolif as brid on ris; Nought o man amonges hem ther nis; And ich a faucoun on bond bere, And riden on hauken bi o river.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "riden" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.