He would haue nothing vpon him, his beard was very long, and with the haire of his head he couered his priuities.
His apparell is a fine painted cloth made of cotton wooll about his middle: his haire is long and bound vp with a little fine cloth about his head: all the rest of his body is naked.
The haire of them is a yard long, the rumpe is aboue a spanne long: they vse to hang them for brauerie upon the heades of their Elephantes: they bee much vsed in Pegu and China: they buie and sell by scores vpon the ground.
The inhabitants are blacke and go naked, but the haire vpon their heades is not so much curled as those of the Mosambique, and they are not ful so blacke.
These people weare no beards: they pull out the haireon their faces with little pinsons made for that purpose.
Him we goe to finde, There's not a haire on's head, but 'tis a Valentine Pro.
Enter the Queene with her haire about her ears, Riuers & Dorset after her.
Marry and did sir: namely, in no time to recouerhaire lost by Nature An.
And I am such a tender asse, if my haire do but tickle me, I must scratch Tita.
My haire doth stand an end to heare her curses Riu.
Art thou some God, some Angell, or some Diuell, That mak'st my blood cold, and my haire to stare?
There is not a white haire on your face, but shold haue his effect of grauity Fal.
If I do not beate thee out of thy Kingdome with a dagger of Lath, and driue all thy Subiects afore thee like a flocke of Wilde-geese, Ile neuer weare haire on my face more.
There's no time for a man to recouer his haire that growes bald by nature Ant.
At the foot of Martinsoll-hill doe issue forth three springs, which are the sources of three rivers; they divide like the parting of the haire on the crowne of the head, and take their courses three severall wayes: viz.
Grind a very little of alkohol, which they use in glazeing of their earthen vessels, in a mortar with the takout, and this turnes the haire to a perfect black.
The juice of ebulus turnes haire black; and being mingled with bull's fatt is Dr.
The best way to dye haire browne is to take alhanna in powder, mix't with fair water as thick as mustard: lay it on the haire, and so tye it up in a napkin for twelve houres time.
This will keep the haire browne for one whole yeares time after it.
When he came to Mexico, hee ware his haire very long, and his beard tyed up in a lace, and reported strange things of the lands, riuers and mountaines that he had passed.
The women goe naked, and weare a great wreath of fethers behind them, and before painted and glued together, and their haire like the men.
They haue but very litle haire in their face, nor on their bodies.
The colour of the hide is of the colour of a great Goat-skin, and the haire is a finger thicke.
Their haire is made vp round with anhaire lace about their head.
The women keepe their hairewell combed and dressed, wearing nothing els vpon their heads.
They haue great tuffes of haire hanging downe their foreheads, and it seemeth that they haue beardes, because of the great store of haire hanging downe at their chinnes and throates.
No man ever saw a gray haire on the head or beard of any Truth, wrinckle, or morphew on its face: The bed of Truth is green all the yeare long.
A good dinner; and then to have my haire cut against winter close to my head, and then to church again.
And till my browner haire be mixt with gray Without a blush, Ile tread the sportive way, My Muse direct; A Poet youth may be, But age doth dote without Philosophie.
O wall, full often hast thou heard my mones, For parting my faire Piramus, and me My cherry lips haue often kist thy stones; Thy stones with Lime and Haire knit vp in thee Pyra.
Some of your French Crownes haue no haire at all, and then you will play bare-fac'd.
To Amarantha, that she would Dishevell her Haire 29 Sonnet 31 Ode.
So ran her blood; such was its hue; So through her vayle her bright haire flew, And yet its glory did appeare But thinne, because her eyes were neere.
Neuerthelesse for this time you must sende them as you may get them: if you coulde finde the meanes that the haire might bee clipped off them, they woulde not take so much roome in the shippes as they doe.
If you send 100 of them tawed with the haire on, they will bee solde, or else not.
Her hairesurmounts Apollos pride, In it such bewty raignes.
If there be any that seeke by long haire to helpe or to hide an ill featured face, it is in them allowable so to do, because euery man may decently reforme by arte, the faultes and imperfections that nature hath wrought in them.
Before that was thought more decent both for old men and young to be all shauen and to weare long haire either rounded or square.
Now againe at this time, the young Gentlemen of the Court haue taken vp the long haire trayling on their shoulders, and thinke it more decent: for what respect I would be glad to know.
He call'd her beauty limetwigs, her haire net; 195 She feares her drugs ill laid, her haire loose set.
Haire for company, that it would be worth holding on to?
Is it for that Haire has been called to keep the watch on deck,--and if so, who is to replace him?
Not but old Mr. Haire said she was far more beautiful than ever.
And then old Mr. Haire said, 'Even if she should not like it, when she knows all the pleasure it has given us, she will forgive it.
I 'll be shot if it would surprise me to see it," muttered Haire to himself.
Haire and Fossbrooke laughed heartily at the poor doctor's indifference to party, and tried to explain to him something of the struggle between rival factions, but his mind was full of home events, and had no place for more.
Read it,--read it aloud, Haire and my son will like to hear its contents also.
What is the meaning of stationing old Haireat the bedside?
I warrant you should not see one set of her neckercher peruerted or turned awrie, not a piece of a haire displast.
O if haire breeches had then beene in fashion, what a fine world had it beene for Taylers, and so it was a fine world for Tailers neuerthelesse, for hee that could make a garment sleightest and thinnest, carried it awaie.
Masons paid nothing for haire to mix their lime, nor giouers to stuffe their balls with, for then they had it for nothing, it dropt off mens heads and beardes faster than anie Barber could shaue it.
Dismissing her haire from his fingers, and pinnioning her elbowes therwithal, she strugled, she wrested, but al was in vain.
One amongst the rest thinking to be more conceited than his fellowes, seeing the Duke haue a dog hee loued well, which sate by him on the tarras, conuerted all his oration to him, and not a haire of his taile but he kembd out with comparisons.
My ioints trembled & quakt with attending them, my haire stood vpright, & my hart was turned wholly to fire.
Astond he stood, and up hishaire did hove, And with that suddein horror could no member move.
When hee saw this surprize he stormed, tore his haire off, and curst, and exclaimed at the Cowardize of Bland that had betrayed and lost all their designe.
Sir," he says, "I come not nor intend to hurt a haire of your Honors head.
Enter Ofelia playing on a Lute, and herhaire downe singing.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "haire" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.