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Example sentences for "moonlight night"

  • The quickest way for a farmer to get rid of Rats is to run a long trail of good oatmeal outside his barn doors, and shoot them on a moonlight night.

  • I have frequently watched them swimming on a moonlight night, but they generally go back to the buildings in the early morning, especially in the winter months.

  • Seems like he can't rest on a moonlight night.

  • I wouldn't want to sleep outdoors on a moonlight night," declared Rosemary decidedly.

  • It was a moonlight night, warm and sweet, and Rosemary knelt down with a little gasp at the loveliness spread before her.

  • It was a hazy, moonlight night, so that the eye could distinguish objects at some distance.

  • The hootings of this unhappy gentleman may generally be heard in the still evenings, when the rooks are all at rest; and I have often listened to them of a moonlight night with a kind of mysterious gratification.

  • He turns not to the left or right, But patient follows to the end-- My shadow on a moonlight night.

  • O wise companion, I commend Your grace in being silent quite; And envy with approval blend-- My shadow on a moonlight night.

  • Nay, naught of mine may him offend; In sooth he is a courteous wight, His constancy needs no amend-- My shadow on a moonlight night.

  • It was a moonlight night, and he had noticed they were pretty drunk, hardly being able to hold on to the horse.

  • I think the report first took its rise, sir, through Robin Frost's going to the pond of a moonlight night, and walking about on its brink.

  • He got a foolish notion into his mind that poor Rachel's spirit might come again, and he'd used to be about the pond pretty near every moonlight night.

  • Oh, there's some old story that if you was to write a wish on a piece of paper and throw it into the well on a moonlight night, whatever you wished would come true," Martha chuckled.

  • Anyway, I think we might all go up Long Lane on a moonlight night, and have a wish--just in case it really is a Wishing Well.

  • We choose a moonlight night, or else smuggle in a couple of night-lights with the cake, and fruit, and chocolates.

  • It was a moonlight night, one of those crisp, bright nights, when it makes a feller feel solemn just to get up high and look down at the beauty of the old, hard Earth.

  • It was a moonlight night, an' we hustled in the direction o' the shots.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moonlight night" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    happy memory; historical point; hunt them; inches apart; liberal quantity; life before; like processes; money orders; moonlight night; muscular effort; north side; ordinary experience; pretty birds; sandy soil; servant shall; sleepless night; submarine fiber; whatever may; when next; whether thou; work force; would mention