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Example sentences for "scrimp"

Lexicographically close words:
scribit; scribo; scrim; scrimmage; scrimmages; scrimped; scrimping; scrip; scripsi; scripsit
  1. We are all willing to lessen expenses at home, but we are not to scrimp and pinch ourselves all to pieces.

  2. Van Tenner, "the beggar said that I wasn't to scrimp myself.

  3. Under-stand, now: You are not to scrimp and scrooge at all.

  4. It was as yet scrimp daylight, naebody was stirring.

  5. It was scrimp and toil through long years for a' the Rulesons.

  6. I'll ne'er scrimp the childer, God bless them!

  7. He had on a bob-tail Confederate coat, which looked as if it had been cut out of a scrimp pattern.

  8. Instead of a scrimp pattern of one day's rations, he ordered two days' rations to be issued, being extra for one day.

  9. But when she started into the building again, Miss Scrimp screamed to her: "Come out of that, you reckless girl!

  10. Mary Pease had seen it, and both Miss Scrimp and Ruth Fielding knew that the fire started in that particular room.

  11. Miss Scrimp prided herself upon having great presence of mind in an emergency like this.

  12. But when the lady was half way up the first flight of stairs the flames suddenly burst through the doorframe, and Miss Scrimp stopped.

  13. She tried for an hour yesterday to coax electricity into the bulb over her table, and then went to Miss Scrimp and asked for a candle.

  14. The two latter were abed, but awake and wondering why Ruth had not returned, and what Miss Scrimp had meant by coming to the door and telling them to leave the light burning.

  15. Mercy waved a white hand to them from her window as they crossed the campus; but Ruth allowed Helen to run ahead while she halted in the lower corridor and asked Miss Scrimp if the French teacher was in her room.

  16. A sentinel had been left in the corridor, and the word was whispered that all was silent in the house; Miss Scrimp was known to be a heavy sleeper, and the French teacher was certainly absent from her room.

  17. Well, she said she hadn't gone far before she met Mr. Scrimp leading her little boy home.

  18. Perhaps it is your fault that poor Scrimp is nothing but skin and grief.

  19. They scrimp and save--for a theatre ticket!

  20. Mrs. Scrimp was a woman of theories also, and her pet one accorded well with the aforementioned characteristic.

  21. It is quite possible that Mrs. Scrimp had no intention of being cruel, but merely made the not uncommon mistake of supposing that what is good for one person is of course good for everybody else.

  22. Mrs. Scrimp was exasperated into a return to old tactics.

  23. Why you have made good use of your time," Mrs. Scrimp said, now entirely mollified.

  24. You will have to be very careful not to overfeed that child, or you will have her down sick," remarked Mrs. Scrimp with asperity, addressing Violet.

  25. There had been a time when Mrs. Scrimp tried to prevent and punish such daring words, but she had given it up long since, and contented herself with sighing sadly over the "depravity of that irrepressible child.

  26. Mrs. Scrimp and Gracie were already seated at the table and had began their meal.

  27. Lulu tossed her head with a scornful smile which said more plainly than words that she did not care what Mrs. Scrimp might do or say in regard to the matter, ran into the hall, and returned almost instantly with hat and sacque.

  28. Mrs. Scrimp rose and took an abrupt and indignant leave, her bill having been already settled.

  29. Where you would, perhaps, fare a great deal worse," returned Mrs. Scrimp wrathfully.

  30. Mrs. Scrimp as severe a look as her sweet, gentle countenance was capable of expressing.

  31. He had written to both Mr. Fox and Mrs. Scrimp directing his gifts to be delivered into the children's own hands without any examination, and never to be taken from them.

  32. Of course I cannot tell mother this, and I really believe she thinks I scrimp and pinch and overdo out of mere stinginess.

  33. Then it came out that Martha went down every morning to look after the soap-fat, and to scrimp in the house-keeping, and see that there was no food wasted.

  34. Lulu's face flushed and her eyes shone, Mrs. Scrimp had been always ready to blame, never to praise, but with Mamma Vi it was just the other way.

  35. Mrs. Scrimp was so different; she had never cared whether Lulu's attire was tasteful and becoming or quite the reverse, but always roused the child's indignation by telling her it was all sufficient if she were only neat and clean.

  36. I don't believe he would, but Ann told me once she knew Mrs. Scrimp would be glad enough to take him if he'd give her the chance.

  37. Mrs. Scrimp never burns the least little bit of paper, papa," said Max.

  38. The pieces pass from the batch-roller B, through scrimp rails S and over the bowl under tension, touching the surface from which they gather the starch paste.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "scrimp" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    abstemious; ascetic; austere; begrudge; dwarfed; exiguous; frugal; grudge; husband; impoverished; jejune; lean; limited; manage; meager; mean; miserly; narrow; niggardly; paltry; parsimonious; pinch; poor; puny; save; scamp; scant; scanty; scrape; scrawny; screw; scrimp; skimp; skimpy; slender; slight; slim; small; spare; sparing; sparse; starvation; starve; stingy; stint; stinted; straitened; stunted; subsistence; thin; watery